Prevent errorToIOFinal from mixing errors up (#444)

This commit is contained in:
Xy Ren 2022-01-19 19:34:00 +08:00 committed by KingoftheHomeless
parent dd65cc3bae
commit 8450bff3d8
4 changed files with 57 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
`resourceToIOFinal` instead.
- Removed `runFixpoint` and `runFixpointM` from `Polysemy.Fixpoint`. Use
`fixpointToFinal` instead.
- Changed semantics of `errorToIOFinal` so that it no longer catches errors
from other handlers of the same type.
### Other Changes

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@ -25,14 +25,16 @@ module Polysemy.Error
, errorToIOFinal
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as E
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Unique (Unique, hashUnique, newUnique)
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Final
import Polysemy.Internal
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
data Error e m a where
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ makeSem ''Error
hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a
hush (Right a) = Just a
hush (Left _) = Nothing
hush (Left _) = Nothing
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ fromEither
:: Member (Error e) r
=> Either e a
-> Sem r a
fromEither (Left e) = throw e
fromEither (Left e) = throw e
fromEither (Right a) = pure a
{-# INLINABLE fromEither #-}
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ fromExceptionVia
fromExceptionVia f m = do
r <- embed $ X.try m
case r of
Left e -> throw $ f e
Left e -> throw $ f e
Right a -> pure a
{-# INLINABLE fromExceptionVia #-}
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ fromExceptionSemVia f m = do
s <- getInitialStateS
pure $ (fmap . fmap) Right m' `X.catch` \e -> (pure (Left e <$ s))
case r of
Left e -> throw $ f e
Left e -> throw $ f e
Right a -> pure a
{-# INLINABLE fromExceptionSemVia #-}
@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ tryJust f m = do
Right v -> return (Right v)
Left e -> case f e of
Nothing -> throw e
Just b -> return $ Left b
Just b -> return $ Left b
{-# INLINABLE tryJust #-}
@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ catchJust ef m bf = catch m handler
handler e = case ef e of
Nothing -> throw e
Just b -> bf b
Just b -> bf b
{-# INLINABLE catchJust #-}
@ -242,14 +244,24 @@ mapError f = interpretH $ \case
{-# INLINE mapError #-}
newtype WrappedExc e = WrappedExc { unwrapExc :: e }
deriving (Typeable)
data WrappedExc = WrappedExc !Unique Any
instance Typeable e => Show (WrappedExc e) where
show = mappend "WrappedExc: " . show . typeRep
instance Show WrappedExc where
show (WrappedExc uid _) =
"errorToIOFinal: Escaped opaque exception. Unique hash is: " <>
show (hashUnique uid) <> "This should only happen if the computation that " <>
"threw the exception was somehow invoked outside of the argument of 'errorToIOFinal'; " <>
"for example, if you 'async' an exceptional computation inside of the argument " <>
"provided to 'errorToIOFinal', and then 'await' on it *outside* of the argument " <>
"provided to 'errorToIOFinal'. If that or any similar shenanigans seems unlikely, " <>
"please open an issue on the GitHub repository."
instance (Typeable e) => X.Exception (WrappedExc e)
instance X.Exception WrappedExc
catchWithUid :: forall e a. Unique -> IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
catchWithUid uid m h = X.catch m $ \exc@(WrappedExc uid' e) ->
if uid == uid' then h (unsafeCoerce e) else X.throwIO exc
{-# INLINE catchWithUid #-}
-- | Run an 'Error' effect as an 'IO' 'X.Exception' through final 'IO'. This
@ -261,35 +273,31 @@ instance (Typeable e) => X.Exception (WrappedExc e)
-- @since
:: ( Typeable e
, Member (Final IO) r
:: forall e r a
. ( Member (Final IO) r
=> Sem (Error e ': r) a
-> Sem r (Either e a)
errorToIOFinal sem = withStrategicToFinal @IO $ do
m' <- runS (runErrorAsExcFinal sem)
m' <- bindS (`runErrorAsExcFinal` sem)
s <- getInitialStateS
pure $
((<$ s) . Left . unwrapExc)
(fmap Right)
<$> X.try m'
pure $ do
uid <- newUnique
catchWithUid @e uid (fmap Right <$> m' (uid <$ s)) (pure . (<$ s) . Left)
{-# INLINE errorToIOFinal #-}
:: forall e r a
. ( Typeable e
, Member (Final IO) r
. ( Member (Final IO) r
=> Sem (Error e ': r) a
=> Unique
-> Sem (Error e ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runErrorAsExcFinal = interpretFinal $ \case
Throw e -> pure $ X.throwIO $ WrappedExc e
runErrorAsExcFinal uid = interpretFinal $ \case
Throw e -> pure $ X.throwIO $ WrappedExc uid (unsafeCoerce e)
Catch m h -> do
m' <- runS m
h' <- bindS h
s <- getInitialStateS
pure $ X.catch m' $ \(se :: WrappedExc e) ->
h' (unwrapExc se <$ s)
pure $ catchWithUid uid m' $ \e -> h' (e <$ s)
{-# INLINE runErrorAsExcFinal #-}

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@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ packages:
- dump-core- # used when the dump-core flag is toggled
- monadLib-3.10 # used by the dump-core library when the dump-core flag is toggled

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module ErrorSpec where
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Async
import Polysemy.Error
import Polysemy.Resource
import Test.Hspec
@ -35,4 +36,21 @@ spec = parallel $ do
pure ()
) $ pure $ error "this exception shouldn't happen"
a `shouldBe` (Left $ MyExc "hello")
describe "errorToIOFinal" $ do
it "should catch errors only for the interpreted Error" $ do
res1 <- runFinal $ errorToIOFinal @() $ errorToIOFinal @() $ do
raise $ throw () `catch` \() -> return ()
res1 `shouldBe` Right (Right ())
res2 <- runFinal $ errorToIOFinal @() $ errorToIOFinal @() $ do
raise (throw ()) `catch` \() -> return ()
res2 `shouldBe` Left ()
it "should propagate errors thrown in 'async'" $ do
res1 <- runFinal $ errorToIOFinal @() $ asyncToIOFinal $ do
a <- async $ throw ()
await a
res1 `shouldBe` (Left () :: Either () (Maybe ()))
res2 <- runFinal $ errorToIOFinal @() $ asyncToIOFinal $ do
a <- async $ throw ()
await a `catch` \() -> return $ Just ()
res2 `shouldBe` Right (Just ())