Cleanup and document fundep plugin (#155)

I made the code style agree with the rest of the codebase, and I wrote down everything I know about how this works.
This commit is contained in:
Sandy Maguire 2019-07-05 14:14:45 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 83c1c20242
commit f259f8ae78
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 389 additions and 221 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 63b03550f0fe1e13941505a11116fac8e6eef8a871dff51b30d2bca2263b2a75
-- hash: b8d6dd19e90295689617adfecbd3bb83127b112840f4f304d956a4d5b33bf821
name: polysemy-plugin
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ library

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-- The MIT License (MIT)
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Luka Horvat
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Luka Horvat, 2019 Sandy Maguire
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
@ -26,218 +26,106 @@
-- This module is heavily based on 'Control.Effects.Plugin' from the
-- 'simple-effects' package, originally by Luka Horvat.
-- This module was originally based on 'Control.Effects.Plugin' from the
-- 'simple-effects' package, by Luka Horvat.
module Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep (fundepPlugin) where
import Class
import CoAxiom
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bool
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Kind as K
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import FastString (fsLit)
import GHC (TyCon, Name)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (lookupModule, lookupName)
import Module (mkModuleName)
import OccName (mkTcOcc)
import Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Stuff
import Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Unification
import Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Utils
import TcEvidence
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM, tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyCon, tcPluginIO)
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM, tcPluginIO)
import TcRnTypes
import TcSMonad hiding (tcLookupClass)
import TyCoRep (Type (..))
import Type
data LookupState
= Locations
| Things
type family ThingOf (l :: LookupState) (a :: K.Type) :: K.Type where
ThingOf 'Locations _ = (String, String)
ThingOf 'Things a = a
data PolysemyStuff (l :: LookupState) = PolysemyStuff
{ findClass :: ThingOf l Class
, semTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
, ifStuckTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
, indexOfTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
class CanLookup a where
lookupStrategy :: Name -> TcPluginM a
instance CanLookup Class where
lookupStrategy = tcLookupClass
instance CanLookup TyCon where
lookupStrategy = tcLookupTyCon
doLookup :: CanLookup a => ThingOf 'Locations a -> TcPluginM (ThingOf 'Things a)
doLookup (mdname, name) = do
md <- lookupModule (mkModuleName mdname) $ fsLit "polysemy"
nm <- lookupName md $ mkTcOcc name
lookupStrategy nm
lookupEverything :: PolysemyStuff 'Locations -> TcPluginM (PolysemyStuff 'Things)
lookupEverything (PolysemyStuff a b c d) =
PolysemyStuff <$> doLookup a
<*> doLookup b
<*> doLookup c
<*> doLookup d
polysemyStuffLocations :: PolysemyStuff 'Locations
polysemyStuffLocations = PolysemyStuff
{ findClass = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union", "Find")
, semTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal", "Sem")
, ifStuckTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors.Redefined", "IfStuck")
, indexOfTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union", "IndexOf")
fundepPlugin :: TcPlugin
fundepPlugin = TcPlugin
{ tcPluginInit =
(,) <$> tcPluginIO (newIORef S.empty)
<*> lookupEverything polysemyStuffLocations
, tcPluginSolve = solveFundep
, tcPluginStop = const (return ()) }
{ tcPluginInit =
(,) <$> tcPluginIO (newIORef S.empty)
<*> polysemyStuff
, tcPluginSolve = solveFundep
, tcPluginStop = const $ pure ()
allMonadEffectConstraints :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> [Ct] -> [(CtLoc, (Type, Type, Type))]
allMonadEffectConstraints (findClass -> cls) cts =
[ (ctLoc cd, (effName, eff, r))
| cd@CDictCan{cc_class = cls', cc_tyargs = [_, r, eff]} <- cts
, cls == cls'
, let effName = getEffName eff
singleListToJust :: [a] -> Maybe a
singleListToJust [a] = Just a
singleListToJust _ = Nothing
-- | Corresponds to a 'Polysemy.Internal.Union.Find' constraint. For example,
-- given @Member (State s) r@, we would get:
data FindConstraint = FindConstraint
{ fcLoc :: CtLoc
, fcEffectName :: Type -- ^ @State@
, fcEffect :: Type -- ^ @State s@
, fcRow :: Type -- ^ @r@
findMatchingEffectIfSingular :: (Type, Type, Type) -> [(Type, Type, Type)] -> Maybe Type
findMatchingEffectIfSingular (effName, _, mon) ts = singleListToJust
[ eff'
| (effName', eff', mon') <- ts
, eqType effName effName'
, eqType mon mon' ]
-- | Given a list of constraints, filter out the 'FindConstraint's.
getFindConstraints :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> [Ct] -> [FindConstraint]
getFindConstraints (findClass -> cls) cts = do
cd@CDictCan{cc_class = cls', cc_tyargs = [_, r, eff]} <- cts
guard $ cls == cls'
pure $ FindConstraint
{ fcLoc = ctLoc cd
, fcEffectName = getEffName eff
, fcEffect = eff
, fcRow = r
-- | If there's only a single @Member@ in the same @r@ whose effect name
-- matches, return its effect (including tyvars.)
:: FindConstraint
-> [FindConstraint]
-> Maybe Type
findMatchingEffectIfSingular (FindConstraint _ eff_name _ r) ts =
singleListToJust $ do
FindConstraint _ eff_name' eff' r' <- ts
guard $ eqType eff_name eff_name'
guard $ eqType r r'
pure eff'
-- | Given an effect, compute its effect name.
getEffName :: Type -> Type
getEffName t = fst $ splitAppTys t
canUnifyRecursive :: SolveContext -> Type -> Type -> Bool
canUnifyRecursive solve_ctx = go True
-- It's only OK to solve a polymorphic "given" if we're in the context of
-- an interpreter, because it's not really a given!
poly_given_ok :: Bool
poly_given_ok =
case solve_ctx of
InterpreterUse _ -> True
FunctionDef -> False
-- On the first go around, we don't want to unify effects with tyvars, but
-- we _do_ want to unify their arguments, thus 'is_first'.
go :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Bool
go is_first wanted given =
let (w, ws) = splitAppTys wanted
(g, gs) = splitAppTys given
in (&& bool (canUnify poly_given_ok) eqType is_first w g)
. flip all (zip ws gs)
$ \(wt, gt) -> canUnify poly_given_ok wt gt || go False wt gt
canUnify :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Bool
canUnify poly_given_ok wt gt =
or [ isTyVarTy wt
, isTyVarTy gt && poly_given_ok
, eqType wt gt
-- | Like 'Control.Monad.when', but in the context of an 'Alternative'.
:: (Monad m, Alternative z)
=> Bool
-> m a
-> m (z a)
whenA False _ = pure empty
whenA True ma = fmap pure ma
-- | Generate a wanted unification for the effect described by the
-- 'FindConstraint' and the given effect --- if they can be unified in this
-- context.
:: SolveContext
-> CtLoc
-> Type
-> Type
-> TcPluginM (Maybe ( (OrdType, OrdType) -- the types we want to unify
, Ct -- the constraint
mkWanted solve_ctx loc wanted given =
:: FindConstraint
-> SolveContext
-> Type -- ^ The given effect.
-> TcPluginM (Maybe (Unification, Ct))
mkWanted fc solve_ctx given =
whenA (not (mustUnify solve_ctx) || canUnifyRecursive solve_ctx wanted given) $ do
(ev, _) <- unsafeTcPluginTcM
. runTcSDeriveds
$ newWantedEq loc Nominal wanted given
pure ( (OrdType wanted, OrdType given)
$ newWantedEq (fcLoc fc) Nominal wanted given
pure ( Unification (OrdType wanted) (OrdType given)
, CNonCanonical ev
thd :: (a, b, c) -> c
thd (_, _, c) = c
countLength :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [(a, Int)]
countLength eq as =
let grouped = groupBy eq as
in zipWith (curry $ bimap head length) grouped grouped
-- | 'Type's don't have 'Eq' or 'Ord' instances by default, even though there
-- are functions in GHC that implement these operations. This newtype gives us
-- those instances.
newtype OrdType = OrdType
{ getOrdType :: Type
instance Eq OrdType where
(==) = eqType `on` getOrdType
instance Ord OrdType where
compare = nonDetCmpType `on` getOrdType
-- | The context in which we're attempting to solve a constraint.
data SolveContext
= -- | In the context of a function definition.
-- | In the context of running an interpreter. The 'Bool' corresponds to
-- whether we are only trying to solve a single 'Member' constraint right
-- now. If so, we *must* produce a unification wanted.
| InterpreterUse Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
mustUnify :: SolveContext -> Bool
mustUnify FunctionDef = True
mustUnify (InterpreterUse b) = b
wanted = fcEffect fc
@ -246,68 +134,93 @@ mustUnify (InterpreterUse b) = b
getBogusRs :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> [Ct] -> [Type]
getBogusRs stuff wanteds = do
CIrredCan ct _ <- wanteds
case splitAppTys $ ctev_pred ct of
(_, [_, _, a, b]) ->
maybeToList (getRIfSem stuff a) ++ maybeToList (getRIfSem stuff b)
(_, _) -> []
(_, [_, _, a, b]) <- pure . splitAppTys $ ctev_pred ct
maybeToList (extractRowFromSem stuff a)
++ maybeToList (extractRowFromSem stuff b)
-- | Take the @r@ out of @Sem r a@.
getRIfSem :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> Type -> Maybe Type
getRIfSem (semTyCon -> sem) ty =
case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tycon, [r, _]) | tycon == sem -> pure r
_ -> Nothing
extractRowFromSem :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> Type -> Maybe Type
extractRowFromSem (semTyCon -> sem) ty = do
(tycon, [r, _]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
guard $ tycon == sem
pure r
-- | Given a list of bogus @r@s, and the wanted constraints, produce bogus
-- evidence terms that will prevent @IfStuck (IndexOf r _) _ _@ error messsages.
solveBogusError :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> [Type] -> [Ct] -> [(EvTerm, Ct)]
solveBogusError stuff bogus wanteds = do
solveBogusError :: PolysemyStuff 'Things -> [Ct] -> [(EvTerm, Ct)]
solveBogusError stuff wanteds = do
let splitTyConApp_list = maybeToList . splitTyConApp_maybe
let bogus = getBogusRs stuff wanteds
ct@(CIrredCan ce _) <- wanteds
case splitTyConApp_maybe $ ctev_pred ce of
Just (stuck, [_, _, expr, _, _]) | stuck == ifStuckTyCon stuff -> do
case splitTyConApp_maybe expr of
Just (idx, [_, r, _]) | idx == indexOfTyCon stuff -> do
case elem @[] (OrdType r) $ coerce bogus of
True -> pure (error "bogus proof for stuck type family", ct)
False -> []
_ -> []
_ -> []
(stuck, [_, _, expr, _, _]) <- splitTyConApp_list $ ctev_pred ce
guard $ stuck == ifStuckTyCon stuff
(idx, [_, r, _]) <- splitTyConApp_list expr
guard $ idx == indexOfTyCon stuff
guard $ elem @[] (OrdType r) $ coerce bogus
pure (error "bogus proof for stuck type family", ct)
-- | Determine if there is exactly one wanted find for the @r@ in question.
:: [FindConstraint] -- ^ Wanted finds
-> Type -- ^ Effect row
-> Bool
exactlyOneWantedForR wanteds
= fromMaybe False
. flip M.lookup singular_r
. OrdType
singular_r = M.fromList
-- TODO(sandy): Nothing fails if this is just @second (const
-- True)@. Why not? Incomplete test suite, or doing too much
-- work?
. fmap (second (/= 1))
. countLength
$ fmap (OrdType . fcRow) wanteds
:: (IORef (S.Set (OrdType, OrdType)), PolysemyStuff 'Things)
:: ( IORef (S.Set Unification)
, PolysemyStuff 'Things
-> [Ct]
-> [Ct]
-> [Ct]
-> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
solveFundep _ _ _ [] = pure $ TcPluginOk [] []
solveFundep (ref, stuff) giv _ want = do
let bogus = getBogusRs stuff want
solved_bogus = solveBogusError stuff bogus want
solveFundep (ref, stuff) given _ wanted = do
let wanted_finds = getFindConstraints stuff wanted
given_finds = getFindConstraints stuff given
let wantedEffs = allMonadEffectConstraints stuff want
givenEffs = snd <$> allMonadEffectConstraints stuff giv
num_wanteds_by_r = countLength eqType $ fmap (thd . snd) wantedEffs
must_unify r =
let Just num_wanted = find (eqType r . fst) num_wanteds_by_r
in snd num_wanted /= 1
eqs <- forM wanted_finds $ \fc -> do
let r = fcRow fc
case findMatchingEffectIfSingular fc given_finds of
-- We found a real given, therefore we are in the context of a function
-- with an explicit @Member e r@ constraint.
Just eff' -> mkWanted fc FunctionDef eff'
eqs <- forM wantedEffs $ \(loc, e@(_, eff, r)) -> do
case findMatchingEffectIfSingular e givenEffs of
Nothing -> do
case splitAppTys r of
(_, [_, eff', _]) -> mkWanted (InterpreterUse $ must_unify r) loc eff eff'
_ -> pure Nothing
Just eff' -> mkWanted FunctionDef loc eff eff'
-- Otherwise, check to see if @r ~ (e ': r')@. If so, pretend we're
-- trying to solve a given @Member e r@. But this can only happen in the
-- context of an interpreter!
Nothing ->
case splitAppTys r of
(_, [_, eff', _]) ->
mkWanted fc
(InterpreterUse $ exactlyOneWantedForR wanted_finds r)
_ -> pure Nothing
already_emitted <- tcPluginIO $ readIORef ref
let new_wanteds = filter (not . flip S.member already_emitted . fst)
$ catMaybes eqs
-- We only want to emit a unification wanted once, otherwise a type error can
-- force the type checker to loop forever.
already_emitted <- tcPluginIO $ readIORef ref
let (unifications, new_wanteds) = unzipNewWanteds already_emitted $ catMaybes eqs
tcPluginIO $ modifyIORef ref $ S.union $ S.fromList unifications
tcPluginIO $ modifyIORef ref $ S.union $ S.fromList $ fmap fst new_wanteds
pure . TcPluginOk solved_bogus $ fmap snd new_wanteds
pure $ TcPluginOk (solveBogusError stuff wanted) new_wanteds

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
module Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Stuff
( PolysemyStuff (..)
, LookupState (..)
, polysemyStuff
) where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import FastString (fsLit)
import GHC (Name, Class, TyCon, mkModuleName)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (lookupModule, lookupName)
import OccName (mkTcOcc)
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM, tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyCon)
-- | All of the things from "polysemy" that we need access to in the plugin.
-- When @l ~ 'Locations@, each of these is just a pair of strings. When @l
-- ~ 'Things@, it's actually references to the stuff.
data PolysemyStuff (l :: LookupState) = PolysemyStuff
{ findClass :: ThingOf l Class
, semTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
, ifStuckTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
, indexOfTyCon :: ThingOf l TyCon
-- | All of the things we need to lookup.
polysemyStuffLocations :: PolysemyStuff 'Locations
polysemyStuffLocations = PolysemyStuff
{ findClass = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union", "Find")
, semTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal", "Sem")
, ifStuckTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors.Redefined", "IfStuck")
, indexOfTyCon = ("Polysemy.Internal.Union", "IndexOf")
-- | Lookup all of the 'PolysemyStuff'.
polysemyStuff :: TcPluginM (PolysemyStuff 'Things)
polysemyStuff =
let PolysemyStuff a b c d = polysemyStuffLocations
in PolysemyStuff <$> doLookup a
<*> doLookup b
<*> doLookup c
<*> doLookup d
-- | Data kind for 'ThingOf'.
data LookupState
= Locations
| Things
-- | HKD indexed by the 'LookupState'; used by 'PolysemyStuff'.
type family ThingOf (l :: LookupState) (a :: Type) :: Type where
ThingOf 'Locations _ = (String, String)
ThingOf 'Things a = a
-- | Things that can be found in a 'TcPluginM' environment.
class CanLookup a where
lookupStrategy :: Name -> TcPluginM a
instance CanLookup Class where
lookupStrategy = tcLookupClass
instance CanLookup TyCon where
lookupStrategy = tcLookupTyCon
-- | Transform a @'ThingOf' 'Locations@ into a @'ThingOf' 'Things@.
doLookup :: CanLookup a => ThingOf 'Locations a -> TcPluginM (ThingOf 'Things a)
doLookup (mdname, name) = do
md <- lookupModule (mkModuleName mdname) $ fsLit "polysemy"
nm <- lookupName md $ mkTcOcc name
lookupStrategy nm

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Unification where
import Data.Bool
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import TcRnTypes
import Type
-- | The context in which we're attempting to solve a constraint.
data SolveContext
= -- | In the context of a function definition.
-- | In the context of running an interpreter. The 'Bool' corresponds to
-- whether we are only trying to solve a single 'Member' constraint right
-- now. If so, we *must* produce a unification wanted.
| InterpreterUse Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Depending on the context in which we're solving a constraint, we may or
-- may not want to force a unification of effects. For example, when defining
-- user code whose type is @Member (State Int) r => ...@, if we see @get :: Sem
-- r s@, we should unify @s ~ Int@.
mustUnify :: SolveContext -> Bool
mustUnify FunctionDef = True
mustUnify (InterpreterUse b) = b
-- | Determine whether or not two effects are unifiable. This is nuanced.
-- There are several cases:
-- 1. [W] ∀ e1. e1 [G] ∀ e2. e2
-- Always fails, because we never want to unify two effects if effect names
-- are polymorphic.
-- 2. [W] State s [G] State Int
-- Always succeeds. It's safe to take our given as a fundep annotation.
-- 3. [W] State Int [G] State s
-- (when the [G] is a given that comes from a type signature)
-- This should fail, because it means we wrote the type signature @Member
-- (State s) r => ...@, but are trying to use @s@ as an @Int@. Clearly
-- bogus!
-- 4. [W] State Int [G] State s
-- (when the [G] was generated by running an interpreter)
-- Sometimes OK, but only if the [G] is the only thing we're trying to solve
-- right now. Consider the case:
-- runState 5 $ pure @(Sem (State Int ': r)) ()
-- Here we have [G] forall a. Num a => State a and [W] State Int. Clearly
-- the typechecking should flow "backwards" here, out of the row and into
-- the type of 'runState'.
-- What happens if there are multiple [G]s in scope for the same @r@? Then
-- we'd emit multiple unification constraints for the same effect but with
-- different polymorphic variables, which would unify a bunch of effects
-- that shouldn't be!
:: SolveContext
-> Type -- ^ wanted
-> Type -- ^ given
-> Bool
canUnifyRecursive solve_ctx = go True
-- It's only OK to solve a polymorphic "given" if we're in the context of
-- an interpreter, because it's not really a given!
poly_given_ok :: Bool
poly_given_ok =
case solve_ctx of
InterpreterUse _ -> True
FunctionDef -> False
-- On the first go around, we don't want to unify effects with tyvars, but
-- we _do_ want to unify their arguments, thus 'is_first'.
go :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Bool
go is_first wanted given =
let (w, ws) = splitAppTys wanted
(g, gs) = splitAppTys given
in (&& bool (canUnify poly_given_ok) eqType is_first w g)
. flip all (zip ws gs)
$ \(wt, gt) -> canUnify poly_given_ok wt gt || go False wt gt
-- | A non-recursive version of 'canUnifyRecursive'.
canUnify :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Bool
canUnify poly_given_ok wt gt =
or [ isTyVarTy wt
, isTyVarTy gt && poly_given_ok
, eqType wt gt
-- | A wrapper for two types that we want to say have been unified.
data Unification = Unification
{ _unifyLHS :: OrdType
, _unifyRHS :: OrdType
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | 'Type's don't have 'Eq' or 'Ord' instances by default, even though there
-- are functions in GHC that implement these operations. This newtype gives us
-- those instances.
newtype OrdType = OrdType
{ getOrdType :: Type
instance Eq OrdType where
(==) = eqType `on` getOrdType
instance Ord OrdType where
compare = nonDetCmpType `on` getOrdType
-- | Filter out the unifications we've already emitted, and then give back the
-- things we should put into the @S.Set Unification@, and the new constraints
-- we should emit.
:: S.Set Unification
-> [(Unification, Ct)]
-> ([Unification], [Ct])
unzipNewWanteds old = unzip . filter (not . flip S.member old . fst)

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Polysemy.Plugin.Fundep.Utils where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
-- | Returns the head of the list iff there is exactly one element.
singleListToJust :: [a] -> Maybe a
singleListToJust [a] = Just a
singleListToJust _ = Nothing
-- | Like 'Control.Monad.when', but in the context of an 'Alternative'.
:: (Monad m, Alternative z)
=> Bool
-> m a
-> m (z a)
whenA False _ = pure empty
whenA True ma = fmap pure ma
-- | Count the number of times 'a' is present in the list.
countLength :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
countLength as =
let grouped = group as
in zipWith (curry $ bimap head length) grouped grouped