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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PluginSpec where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import GHC.Exts
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Error
import Polysemy.State
import Polysemy.Output
import Test.Hspec
import Unsafe.Coerce
idState :: Member (State s) r => Sem r ()
idState = do
s <- get
put s
intState :: Member (State Int) r => Sem r ()
intState = put 10
numState :: Num a => Member (State a) r => Sem r ()
numState = put 10
strState :: Member (State String) r => Sem r ()
strState = put "hello"
oStrState :: IsString a => Member (State a) r => Sem r ()
oStrState = put "hello"
err :: Member (Error e) r => Sem r Bool
err =
(throw undefined)
(\_ -> pure True)
errState :: Num s => Members '[Error e, State s] r => Sem r Bool
errState = do
lifted :: Monad m => Member (Embed m) r => Sem r ()
lifted = embed $ pure ()
newtype MyString = MyString String
deriving (IsString, Eq, Show)
data Janky = forall s. Janky (forall i. Sem '[State s] ())
jankyState :: Janky
jankyState = Janky $ put True
unsafeUnjank :: Janky -> Sem '[State Bool] ()
unsafeUnjank (Janky sem) = unsafeCoerce sem
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "State effect" $ do
describe "get/put" $ do
it "should work in simple cases" $ do
flipShouldBe (True, ()) . run $ runState True idState
it "should, when polymorphic, eliminate the first matching effect" $ do
flipShouldBe (False, (True, ())) . run $ runState False $ runState True idState
it "should, when polymorphic, not eliminate unmatching effects" $ do
flipShouldBe (True, Right @Int ()) . run $ runState True $ runError idState
describe "numbers" $ do
it "should interpret against concrete Int" $ do
flipShouldBe (10, ()) . run $ runState 0 intState
describe "polymorphic Num constraint" $ do
it "should interpret against Int" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Int, ()) . run $ runState 0 numState
it "should interpret against Float" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Float, ()) . run $ runState 0 numState
it "should interpret against Double" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Double, ()) . run $ runState 0 numState
it "should interpret against Integer" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Integer, ()) . run $ runState 0 numState
describe "strings" $ do
it "concrete interpret against concrete String" $ do
flipShouldBe ("hello", ()) . run $ runState "nothing" strState
describe "polymorphic IsString constraint" $ do
it "should interpret against String" $ do
flipShouldBe ("hello" :: String, ()) . run $ runState "nothing" oStrState
it "should interpret against MyString" $ do
flipShouldBe ("hello" :: MyString, ()) . run $ runState "nothing" oStrState
describe "existential state" $ do
it "JankyState should compile" $ do
flipShouldBe (True, ()) . run $ runState False $ unsafeUnjank jankyState
describe "Error effect" $ do
it "should interpret against Int" $ do
flipShouldBe (Right @Int True) . run $ runError err
it "should interpret against Bool" $ do
flipShouldBe (Right @Bool True) . run $ runError err
describe "State/Error effect" $ do
it "should interpret against Int/String" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Int, Right @String True) . run $ runState 0 $ runError errState
it "should interpret against Float/Bool" $ do
flipShouldBe (10 :: Float, Right @Bool True) . run $ runState 0 $ runError errState
describe "Error/State effect" $ do
it "should interpret against String/Int" $ do
flipShouldBe (Right @String (10 :: Int, True)) . run $ runError $ runState 0 errState
it "should interpret against Bool/Float" $ do
flipShouldBe (Right @Bool (10 :: Float, True)) . run $ runError $ runState 0 errState
describe "Output effect" $ do
it "should unify recursively with tyvars" $ do
flipShouldBe 11 . sum . fst . run . runOutputMonoid id $ do
output [1]
output $ replicate 2 5
describe "Embed effect" $ do
it "should interpret against IO" $ do
res <- runM lifted
res `shouldBe` ()
it "should interpret against Identity" $ do
let res = runM lifted
res `shouldBe` Identity ()
flipShouldBe :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Expectation
flipShouldBe = flip shouldBe