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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import qualified Control.Monad.Except as MTL
import qualified Control.Monad.State as MTL
import qualified Control.Monad.Free as Free
import Criterion (bench, bgroup, whnf)
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain)
import Control.Monad.Freer (Member, Eff, run, send)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff(..), decomp, qApp, tsingleton)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error (runError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Freer.State (get, put, runState)
import qualified Wtf as TFTF
-- State Benchmarks --
oneGet :: Int -> (Int, Int)
oneGet n = run (runState n get)
oneGetMTL :: Int -> (Int, Int)
oneGetMTL = MTL.runState MTL.get
countDown :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countDown start = run (runState start go)
where go = get >>= (\n -> if n <= 0 then pure n else put (n-1) >> go)
countDownMTL :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countDownMTL = MTL.runState go
where go = MTL.get >>= (\n -> if n <= 0 then pure n else MTL.put (n-1) >> go)
-- Exception + State --
countDownExc :: Int -> Either String (Int,Int)
countDownExc start = run $ runError (runState start go)
where go = get >>= (\n -> if n <= (0 :: Int) then throwError "wat" else put (n-1) >> go)
countDownExcMTL :: Int -> Either String (Int,Int)
countDownExcMTL = MTL.runStateT go
where go = MTL.get >>= (\n -> if n <= (0 :: Int) then MTL.throwError "wat" else MTL.put (n-1) >> go)
-- Freer: Interpreter --
data Http out where
Open :: String -> Http ()
Close :: Http ()
Post :: String -> Http String
Get :: Http String
open' :: Member Http r => String -> Eff r ()
open' = send . Open
close' :: Member Http r => Eff r ()
close' = send Close
post' :: Member Http r => String -> Eff r String
post' = send . Post
get' :: Member Http r => Eff r String
get' = send Get
runHttp :: Eff (Http ': r) w -> Eff r w
runHttp (Val x) = pure x
runHttp (E u q) = case decomp u of
Right (Open _) -> runHttp (qApp q ())
Right Close -> runHttp (qApp q ())
Right (Post d) -> runHttp (qApp q d)
Right Get -> runHttp (qApp q "")
Left u' -> E u' (tsingleton (runHttp . qApp q ))
-- Free: Interpreter --
data FHttpT x
= FOpen String x
| FClose x
| FPost String (String -> x)
| FGet (String -> x)
deriving Functor
type FHttp = Free.Free FHttpT
fopen' :: String -> FHttp ()
fopen' s = Free.liftF $ FOpen s ()
fclose' :: FHttp ()
fclose' = Free.liftF $ FClose ()
fpost' :: String -> FHttp String
fpost' s = Free.liftF $ FPost s id
fget' :: FHttp String
fget' = Free.liftF $ FGet id
runFHttp :: FHttp a -> Maybe a
runFHttp (Free.Pure x) = pure x
runFHttp (Free.Free (FOpen _ n)) = runFHttp n
runFHttp (Free.Free (FClose n)) = runFHttp n
runFHttp (Free.Free (FPost s n)) = pure s >>= runFHttp . n
runFHttp (Free.Free (FGet n)) = pure "" >>= runFHttp . n
-- Benchmark Suite --
prog :: Member Http r => Eff r ()
prog = open' "cats" >> get' >> post' "cats" >> close'
prog' :: FHttp ()
prog' = fopen' "cats" >> fget' >> fpost' "cats" >> fclose'
p :: Member Http r => Int -> Eff r ()
p count = open' "cats" >> replicateM_ count (get' >> post' "cats") >> close'
p' :: Int -> FHttp ()
p' count = fopen' "cats" >> replicateM_ count (fget' >> fpost' "cats") >> fclose'
main :: IO ()
main =
defaultMain [
bgroup "Countdown Bench" [
bench "discount" $ whnf TFTF.countDown 10000
, bench "freer-simple" $ whnf countDown 10000
, bench "mtl" $ whnf countDownMTL 10000