KingoftheHomeless 7bda143878
polysemy-plugin: Reject ununifiable effect candidates early (#221)
* polysemy-plugin: Reject ununifiable effect candidates early

* Bump version, update changelog, expand tests
2019-09-04 17:11:01 +02:00

63 lines
1.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin #-}
module MultipleVarsSpec where
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.State
import Test.Hspec
data TaggedState k s m a where
TaggedGet :: forall k s m. TaggedState k s m s
TaggedPut :: forall k s m. s -> TaggedState k s m ()
makeSem ''TaggedState
runTaggedState :: forall k s r a
. s
-> Sem (TaggedState k s ': r) a
-> Sem r (s, a)
runTaggedState s =
(runState s .)
$ reinterpret
$ \case
TaggedGet -> get
TaggedPut s -> put s
test :: Members '[
TaggedState Char Int
, TaggedState Bool Int
] r
=> Sem r ()
test = do
taggedPut @Bool 10
taggedPut @Char (-10)
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Using multiple, but ununifiable instances\
\ of the same effect" $ do
it "should get disambiguated and compile, \
\and actions should target the right effects." $ do
res1 =
. runTaggedState @Char 0
. runTaggedState @Bool 7
$ test
res2 =
. runTaggedState @Bool 0
. runTaggedState @Char 7
$ test
res3 =
. runTaggedState @Bool 0
. runTaggedState @Char 7
$ do
taggedPut @Bool 10
taggedPut @Char (-10)
res1 `shouldBe` (-10, (10, ()))
res2 `shouldBe` (10, (-10, ()))
res3 `shouldBe` (10, (-10, ()))