2017-01-29 03:48:14 +03:00
module Driver where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad
2017-01-29 04:22:55 +03:00
import Data.Either
2017-01-29 03:48:14 +03:00
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.Connection
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Types
import Connection
2017-01-29 04:22:55 +03:00
testDriver :: TestTree
testDriver = testGroup "Driver"
[ testCase "Single batch" testBatch
, testCase "Two batches" testTwoBatches
, testCase "Empty query" testEmptyQuery
, testCase "Query without result" testQueryWithoutResult
, testCase "Invalid queries" testInvalidBatch
2017-01-29 03:48:14 +03:00
makeQuery1 :: B.ByteString -> Query
makeQuery1 n = Query "SELECT $1" [Oid 23] [n] Text Text
makeQuery2 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Query
makeQuery2 n1 n2 = Query "SELECT $1 + $2" [Oid 23, Oid 23] [n1, n2] Text Text
2017-01-29 04:22:55 +03:00
fromRight :: Either e a -> a
2017-01-29 03:48:14 +03:00
fromRight (Right v) = v
fromRight _ = error "fromRight"
2017-01-29 04:22:55 +03:00
2017-01-29 03:48:14 +03:00
testBatch :: IO ()
testBatch = withConnection $ \c -> do
let a = "5"
b = "3"
sendBatchAndSync c [makeQuery1 a, makeQuery1 b]
readReadyForQuery c
r1 <- readNextData c
r2 <- readNextData c
DataMessage [[a]] @=? fromRight r1
DataMessage [[b]] @=? fromRight r2
testTwoBatches :: IO ()
testTwoBatches = withConnection $ \c -> do
let a = 7
b = 2
sendBatchAndFlush c [ makeQuery1 (BS.pack (show a))
, makeQuery1 (BS.pack (show b))]
r1 <- fromMessage . fromRight <$> readNextData c
r2 <- fromMessage . fromRight <$> readNextData c
sendBatchAndSync c [makeQuery2 r1 r2]
r <- readNextData c
readReadyForQuery c
DataMessage [[BS.pack (show $ a + b)]] @=? fromRight r
fromMessage (DataMessage [[v]]) = v
fromMessage _ = error "from message"
2017-01-29 04:22:55 +03:00
testEmptyQuery :: IO ()
testEmptyQuery = assertQueryNoData $
Query "" [] [] Text Text
testQueryWithoutResult :: IO ()
testQueryWithoutResult = assertQueryNoData $
Query "SET client_encoding TO UTF8" [] [] Text Text
-- helper
assertQueryNoData :: Query -> IO ()
assertQueryNoData q = withConnection $ \c -> do
sendBatchAndSync c [q]
r <- fromRight <$> readNextData c
readReadyForQuery c
DataMessage [] @=? r
-- | Asserts that all the received data rows are in form (Right _)
checkRightResult :: Connection -> Int -> Assertion
checkRightResult conn 0 = pure ()
checkRightResult conn n = readNextData conn >>=
either (const $ assertFailure "Result is invalid")
(const $ checkRightResult conn (n - 1))
-- | Asserts that (Left _) as result exists in the received data rows.
checkInvalidResult :: Connection -> Int -> Assertion
checkInvalidResult conn 0 = assertFailure "Result is right"
checkInvalidResult conn n = readNextData conn >>=
either (const $ pure ())
(const $ checkInvalidResult conn (n -1))
testInvalidBatch :: IO ()
testInvalidBatch = do
let rightQuery = makeQuery1 "5"
q1 = Query "SEL $1" [Oid 23] ["5"] Text Text
q2 = Query "SELECT $1" [Oid 23] ["a"] Text Text
q3 = Query "SELECT $1" [Oid 23] [] Text Text
q4 = Query "SELECT $1" [] ["5"] Text Text
assertInvalidBatch "Parse error" [q1]
assertInvalidBatch "Invalid param" [ q2]
assertInvalidBatch "Missed param" [ q3]
assertInvalidBatch "Missed oid of param" [ q4]
assertInvalidBatch "Parse error" [rightQuery, q1]
assertInvalidBatch "Invalid param" [rightQuery, q2]
assertInvalidBatch "Missed param" [rightQuery, q3]
assertInvalidBatch "Missed oid of param" [rightQuery, q4]
assertInvalidBatch desc qs = withConnection $ \c -> do
sendBatchAndSync c qs
readReadyForQuery c
checkInvalidResult c $ length qs