2017-03-01 19:31:42 +03:00

195 lines
6.4 KiB

{-# language BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Vector as V(fromList, empty)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Int
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Clock
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Types
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Encoders
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Decoders
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.DataRows
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Store.Decode
import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Codecs.Decoders
import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.Connection
import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver
import Criterion.Main
-- CREATE TABLE _bytes_100_of_1k(b bytea);
-- CREATE TABLE _bytes_400_of_200(b bytea);
-- CREATE TABLE _bytes_10_of_20k(b bytea);
-- CREATE TABLE _bytes_1_of_200(b bytea);
-- CREATE TABLE _bytes_300_of_100(b bytea);
-- INSERT INTO _bytes_100_of_1k(b)
-- (SELECT repeat('a', 1000)::bytea FROM generate_series(1, 100));
-- INSERT INTO _bytes_400_of_200(b)
-- (SELECT repeat('a', 200)::bytea FROM generate_series(1, 400));
-- INSERT INTO _bytes_10_of_20k(b)
-- (SELECT repeat('a', 20000)::bytea FROM generate_series(1, 10));
-- INSERT INTO _bytes_1_of_200(b) VALUES(repeat('a', 200)::bytea);
-- INSERT INTO _bytes_300_of_100(b)
-- (SELECT repeat('a', 100)::bytea FROM generate_series(1, 300));
main = defaultMain
-- [ bgroup "Requests"
-- [
-- -- env createConnection (\c -> bench "100 of 1k" . nfIO $ requestAction c)
-- bench "parser" $ nf parse bs
-- ]
-- ]
-- benchDataRowDecoder d bs = decodeManyRows d $
-- DataRows (DataChunk 380 bs) Empty
-- where
-- decodeDataRow = do
-- (Header _ len) <- decodeHeader
-- getByteString len
{-# NOINLINE bs #-}
bs :: B.ByteString
bs = unsafePerformIO $ B.readFile "1.txt"
benchLoop :: IO ()
benchLoop = do
ref <- newIORef 0 :: IO (IORef Word)
rbs <- newIORef "" :: IO (IORef BL.ByteString)
!bs <- B.readFile "1.txt"
let str = BL.cycle $ BL.fromStrict bs
writeIORef rbs str
let handler dm = case dm of
DataMessage _ -> modifyIORef' ref (+1)
_ -> pure ()
newChunk preBs = do
b <- readIORef rbs
let (nb, rest) = BL.splitAt 4096 b
writeIORef rbs rest
-- let res = preBs <> (B.copy $ BL.toStrict nb)
let res = preBs <> ( BL.toStrict nb)
res `seq` pure res
tid <- forkIO $ forever $ loopExtractDataRows newChunk handler
threadDelay 1000000
killThread tid
s <- readIORef ref
print $ "Requests: " ++ show s
benchRequests :: IO c -> (c -> IO a) -> IO ()
benchRequests connectAction queryAction = do
rs <- replicateM 8 newThread
threadDelay $ 2 *1000000
traverse (\(_,_, tid) -> killThread tid) rs
s <- sum <$> traverse (\(ref, _, _) -> readIORef ref) rs
latency_total <- sum <$> traverse (\(_, ref, _) -> readIORef ref) rs
print $ "Requests: " ++ show s
print $ "Average latency: " ++ show (latency_total `div` fromIntegral s)
newThread = do
ref_count <- newIORef 0 :: IO (IORef Word)
ref_latency <- newIORef 0 :: IO (IORef Int64)
c <- connectAction
tid <- forkIO $ forever $ do
t1 <- getTime Monotonic
r <- queryAction c
r `seq` pure ()
t2 <- getTime Monotonic
modifyIORef' ref_latency (+ (getDifference t2 t1))
modifyIORef' ref_count (+1)
pure (ref_count, ref_latency, tid)
getDifference (TimeSpec end_s end_ns) (TimeSpec start_s start_ns) =
(end_s - start_s) * 1000000000 + end_ns - start_ns
requestAction c = replicateM_ 100 $ do
sendBatchAndSync c [q]
readNextData c
waitReadyForQuery c
q = Query largeStmt V.empty Binary Binary AlwaysCache
largeStmt = "SELECT * from _bytes_1_of_200"
benchMultiPw :: IO ()
benchMultiPw = benchRequests createConnection $ \c -> do
sendBatchAndSync c [q]
d <- readNextData c
waitReadyForQuery c
q = Query largeStmt V.empty Binary Binary AlwaysCache
largeStmt = "SELECT * from _bytes_300_of_100"
-- largeStmt = "select typname, typnamespace, typowner, typlen, typbyval,"
-- <> "typcategory, typispreferred, typisdefined, typdelim,"
-- <> "typrelid, typelem, typarray from pg_type"
benchLibpq :: IO ()
benchLibpq = benchRequests libpqConnection $ \c -> do
r <- fromJust <$> LibPQ.execPrepared c "" [] LibPQ.Binary
rows <- LibPQ.ntuples r
go r (rows - 1)
libpqConnection = do
conn <- LibPQ.connectdb "host=localhost user=postgres dbname=travis_test"
LibPQ.prepare conn "" "SELECT * from _bytes_300_of_100" Nothing
pure conn
go r (-1) = pure ()
go r n = LibPQ.getvalue r n 0 >> go r (n - 1)
-- Connection
-- | Creates connection with default filter.
createConnection :: IO Connection
createConnection = getConnection <$> connect defaultSettings
getConnection :: Either Error Connection -> Connection
getConnection (Left e) = error $ "Connection error " ++ show e
getConnection (Right c) = c
defaultSettings = defaultConnectionSettings
{ settingsHost = "localhost"
, settingsDatabase = "travis_test"
, settingsUser = "postgres"
, settingsPassword = ""
-- Orphans
instance NFData (AbsConnection a) where
rnf _ = ()
instance NFData Error where
rnf _ = ()
instance (NFData a1, NFData a2, NFData a3, NFData a4, NFData a5, NFData a6, NFData a7, NFData a8, NFData a9, NFData a10, NFData a11, NFData a12) =>
NFData (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12) where
rnf (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12) =
rnf x1 `seq`
rnf x2 `seq`
rnf x3 `seq`
rnf x4 `seq`
rnf x5 `seq`
rnf x6 `seq`
rnf x7 `seq`
rnf x8 `seq`
rnf x9 `seq`
rnf x10 `seq`
rnf x11 `seq`
rnf x12
instance NFData (Decode a) where
rnf !d = ()