Type utilities are designed to work in combination with line-height utilities so as to result in more sensible numbers wherever possible. These also exist as [variables](/primer/support/typography/#typography-variables) that you can use in components or custom CSS.
Font sizes are smaller on mobile and scale up at the `md` [breakpoint](/styleguide/css/styles/core/support/breakpoints) to be larger on desktop.
| Scale | Font size: mobile | Font size: desktop | 1.25 line height | 1.5 line height |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 00 | 40px | 48px | 60 | 72 |
| 0 | 32px | 40px | 50 | 60 |
| 1 | 26px | 32px | 40 | 48 |
| 2 | 22px | 24px | 30 | 36 |
| 3 | 18px | 20px | 25 | 30 |
| 4 | 16px | 16px | 20 | 24 |
| 5 | 14px | 14px | 17.5 | 21 |
| 6 | 12px | 12px | 15 | 18 |
## Heading utilities
Use `.h1`–`.h6` to change an elements font size and weight to match our heading styles.
<pclass="h1">Pizza 1</p>
<pclass="h2">Pizza 2</p>
<pclass="h3">Pizza 3</p>
<pclass="h4">Pizza 4</p>
<pclass="h5">Pizza 5</p>
<pclass="h6">Pizza 6</p>
These are particularly useful for changing the visual appearance while keeping the markup semantically correct. Be sure you keep the hierarchy appropriate for the page.
<h2class="h1">Looks like a heading 1, semantically a heading 2</h2>
## Type scale utilities
Use `.f1`–`.f6` to change an elements font size while keeping inline with our type scale.
Lighter font-weight utilities are available in a limited range. Lighter font-weights reduce the legibility of text, particularly at small font sizes, so the scale only goes down to `f3` at 20px. The larger sizes`f0` and `f00` allow for lighter and larger type that is in keeping with our marketing styles.
<h1class="f00-light">Potato chips</h1>
<h1class="f0-light">Potato chips</h1>
<h1class="f1-light">Potato chips</h1>
<h1class="f2-light">Potato chips</h1>
<h1class="f3-light">Potato chips</h1>
## Line height styles
Change the line height density with these utilities.