Adjust the display of an element with `.d-block`, `.d-none`, `.d-inline`, `.d-inline-block`, `.d-table`, `.d-table-cell` utilities.
```html live
<divclass="d-inline border">
<divclass="d-inline-block border">
<spanclass="d-block border">.d-block</span>
<divclass="d-table border">
<divclass="d-table-cell border">
<divclass="d-table-cell border">
### The HTML `hidden` attribute
As of [Primer v10.10.0](, `primer-base` includes a rule that sets `display: none !important` for any element with the [`hidden` attribute][hidden]. You can safely use the `hidden` attribute with display utilities, but we suggest:
1. Use the `hidden` attribute (and corresponding JavaScript property) if you're going to programmatically show and hide content.
1. Use `d-none` and/or its responsive variants (`d-sm-block`, `d-lg-none`) to conditionally show content at different screen sizes.
Rather than toggling the `d-none` class in JavaScript, you should toggle the `hidden` property on an element. This means that you won't have to restore any more specific display utility (`d-inline` or `d-flex`, for instance) just to work around the order in which they're listed in the stylesheet.
There are known issues with using `display:table` and wrapping long strings, particularly in Firefox. You may need to use `table-fixed` on elements with `d-table` and apply column widths to table cells, which you can do with our [column width styles](/utilities/grid#column-widths).
A selection of display utilities are able to be applied or changed per [breakpoint](/utilities/grid#breakpoints). `.d-block`, `.d-none`, `.d-inline`, and `.d-inline-block` are available as responsive utilities using the following formula: `d-[breakpoint]-[property]`. For example: `d-md-inline-block`. Each responsive display utility is applied to the specified breakpoint and up.
In the following example, the `ul` element switches from `display: block` on mobile to `display: inline-block` at the `md` breakpoint, while the list items remain inline.
Hide utilities are able to be applied or changed per breakpoint using the following formula:<br/>`hide-[breakpoint]`, for example: `hide-sm`. Hide utilities act differently from other responsive styles and are applied to each **breakpoint-range only**.
| Shorthand | Range |
| --- | --- |
| -sm | 0—543px |
| -md | 544px—767px |
| -lg | 768px—1011px |
| -xl | 1012px and above |
```html live
<h3>Potato update</h3>
<spanclass="hide-sm hide-md">Opened by <ahref="#url">broccolini</a></span>
<spanclass="d-md-none">Updated</span> 3 hours ago
### Text direction
`.direction-ltr` or `.direction-rtl` can be used to change the text direction. This is especially helpful when paired with `.d-table`, `.d-table-cell`, and `.v-align-middle` to create equal height, vertically centered, alternating content.
## Visibility
Adjust the visibility of an element with `.v-hidden` and `.v-visible`.
## Overflow
Adjust element overflow with `.overflow-hidden`, `.overflow-scroll`, and `.overflow-auto`, or use `.overflow-visible` to undo the effects of CSS with overflow issues. `.overflow-hidden` can also be used to create a new [block formatting context]( or clear floats.
Overflow utilities can also target x- and y-axes independently via:
Overflow utilities can be applied or changed per [breakpoint](/utilities/grid#breakpoints). Each **responsive** overflow utility is applied to the specified breakpoint and up, using the following formula: `overflow-[breakpoint]-[axis]-[property]`. For example: `overflow-x-scroll` or `overflow-md-x-visible`.
Using floats are discouraged since [flexbox](/utilities/flexbox) offers more features and doesn't need to be cleared. If you still need it, you can use `.float-left` and `.float-right` to set floats, and `.clearfix` to clear.
Float utilities can be applied or changed per [breakpoint](/utilities/grid#breakpoints). This can be useful for responsive layouts when you want an element to be full width on mobile but floated at a larger breakpoint.
Each responsive float utility is applied to the specified breakpoint and up, using the following formula: `float-[breakpoint]-[property]`. For example: `float-md-left`. Remember to use `.clearfix` to clear.
Adjust the alignment of an element with `.v-align-baseline`, `.v-align-top`, `.v-align-middle` or `.v-align-bottom`. The vertical-align property only applies to inline or table-cell boxes.
<inputclass="form-control width-full"type="text"value="Full width form field"aria-label="Sample full width form field">
Use `.width-auto` to reset width to `auto` (initial value). Typically used with **responsive variants**. Resize the window to see the effect in the example below.
```html live
<divclass="d-table width-full width-md-auto">
<inputclass="form-control width-full"type="text"value="Responsive width form field"aria-label="Sample full responsive width form field">
Using the **responsive variants** (e.g. `.right-md-0`) can be helpful for positioning select menus, dropdowns, popovers etc. when the content gets shuffled around for certain responsive breakpoints. You can also use `auto` to "reset" a final position for wider breakpoints (e.g. `right-0 right-md-auto`).
Use `.position-fixed` to position an element relative to the viewport. **Be careful when using fixed positioning. It is tricky to use and can lead to unwanted side effects.**
_Note: This example is shown in an `<iframe>` and therefore will not be positioned to the viewport of this page._
- Using the `.position-sticky` class by itself doesn't have any effect. An additional `[top|bottom|left|right]-0` class is needed. See the examples below.
<p>Until recently, the prevailing view assumed lorem ipsum was born as a nonsense text. “It's not Latin, though it looks like it, and it actually says nothing,” Before & After magazine answered a curious reader, “Its ‘words’ loosely approximate the frequency with which letters occur in English, which is why at a glance it looks pretty real.”</p>
<p>The placeholder text, beginning with the line “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”, looks like Latin because in its youth, centuries ago, it was Latin.</p>
<p>Richard McClintock, a Latin scholar from Hampden-Sydney College, is credited with discovering the source behind the ubiquitous filler text. In seeing a sample of lorem ipsum, his interest was piqued by consectetur—a genuine, albeit rare, Latin word. Consulting a Latin dictionary led McClintock to a passage from De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (“On the Extremes of Good and Evil”), a first-century B.C. text from the Roman philosopher Cicero.</p>
Combine `.position-sticky` with `.bottom-0` to keep an element stuck to the bottom. Can be used as a footer or toolbar.
```html live
<mainclass="border border-bottom-0 p-3">
<p>Until recently, the prevailing view assumed lorem ipsum was born as a nonsense text. “It's not Latin, though it looks like it, and it actually says nothing,” Before & After magazine answered a curious reader, “Its ‘words’ loosely approximate the frequency with which letters occur in English, which is why at a glance it looks pretty real.”</p>
<p>Richard McClintock, a Latin scholar from Hampden-Sydney College, is credited with discovering the source behind the ubiquitous filler text. In seeing a sample of lorem ipsum, his interest was piqued by consectetur—a genuine, albeit rare, Latin word. Consulting a Latin dictionary led McClintock to a passage from De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (“On the Extremes of Good and Evil”), a first-century B.C. text from the Roman philosopher Cicero.</p>
Position utilities can be applied or changed per breakpoint in responsive layouts. Each responsive position utility is applied to the specified breakpoint and up, using the following formula: `position-[breakpoint]-[property]`. For example: `position-md-absolute`.
Use `.sr-only` to position an element outside of the viewport for screen reader access only. **Even though the element can't be seen, make sure it still has a sensible tab order.**
```html live
<divclass="js-details-container Details">
<buttontype="button"class="btn">Tab once from this button, and press enter</button>
<p><b>Body</b> Bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle rump tenderloin pork chop meatball strip steak bresaola doner sirloin capicola biltong shank pig. Alcatra frankfurter ham hock, ribeye prosciutto hamburger kevin brisket chuck burgdoggen short loin.</p>
You can also create a media object with [flexbox utilities](./flexbox#media-object) instead of floats which can be useful for changing the vertical alignment.