> Pagination component for applying button styles to a connected set of links that go to related pages
This repository is a module of the full [primer][primer] repository.
## Install
This repository is distributed with [npm]. After [installing npm][install-npm], you can install `primer-pagination` with this command.
$ npm install --save primer-pagination
## Usage
The source files included are written in [Sass][sass] (SCSS) You can simply point your sass `include-path` at your `node_modules` directory and import it like this.
@import "primer-pagination/index.scss";
You can also import specific portions of the module by importing those partials from the `/lib/` folder. _Make sure you import any requirements along with the modules._
## Build
For a compiled **CSS** version of this module, an npm script is included that will output a css version to `build/build.css` The built css file is also included in the npm package:
$ npm run build
## Documentation
<!-- %docs
title: Pagination
status: Experimental
Use the pagination component to apply button styles to a connected set of links that go to related pages (for example, previous, next, or page numbers).
## Previous/next pagination
You can make a very simple pagination container with just the Previous and Next buttons. Add the class `disabled` to the `Previous` button if there isn't a preceding page, or to the `Next` button if there isn't a succeeding page.
For pagination across multiple pages, make sure it's clear to the user where they are in a set of pages.
To do this, add anchor links to the `pagination` element. Previous and Next buttons should always be present. Add the class `disabled` to the Previous button if you're on the first page. Apply the class `current` to the current numbered page.
As always, make sure to include the appropriate `aria` attributes to make the element accessible.
- Add `aria-label="Pagination"` to the the `paginate-container` element.
- Add `aria-current="true"` to the current page marker.