diff --git a/docs/content/objects/grid.md b/docs/content/objects/grid.md index a61ae058..d2bccca0 100644 --- a/docs/content/objects/grid.md +++ b/docs/content/objects/grid.md @@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ Use `.mx-auto` to center columns within a container. Column widths can be used with any other block or inline-block elements to add percentage-based widths. -```erb title="Column widths" +```html live
T-bone drumstick alcatra ribeye. Strip steak chuck andouille tenderloin bacon tri-tip ball tip beef capicola rump. Meatloaf bresaola drumstick ball tip salami. Drumstick ham bacon alcatra pig porchetta, spare ribs leberkas pork belly.