#!/usr/bin/env node const fetch = require('node-fetch') const minimist = require('minimist') const {basename} = require('path') const {green, red, yellow} = require('colorette') const {versionDeprecations} = require('../deprecations') const X = red('𐄂') const I = yellow('i') const V = green('✓') const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) if (args.help) { console.log(` script/${basename(__filename)} [options] --version The published version of @primer/css from which to fetch CSS selector stats; default: "latest". --bundle The CSS bundle to compare; default: "primer". Fetches the CSS selectors for the published package and checks that: 1. All selectors listed in deprecations.js for the current local version (in package.json) have been deleted. 2. All selectors deleted in the current local version have been listed in deprecations.js. If either check fails, the process exits with an error status (1). `) process.exit(0) } Promise.all([checkSelectorDeprecations(args), checkVariableDeprecations(args)]).then( ([deprecationErrors, variableErrors]) => { const errors = [...deprecationErrors, ...variableErrors] if (errors.length) { console.log(`\n${errors.length} error${errors.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}:`) for (const error of errors) { console.log(`${X} ${error}`) } process.exit(1) } else { console.log(`${V} no errors!`) } } ) async function checkSelectorDeprecations(options = {}) { const {bundle = 'primer', version = 'latest'} = options const currentVersion = require('../package.json').version const statsPath = `dist/stats/${bundle}.json` const local = require(`../${statsPath}`) const remote = await fetch(`https://unpkg.com/@primer/css@${version}/${statsPath}`).then(res => res.json()) const {changed, added, removed} = diffLists(remote.selectors.values, local.selectors.values) if (changed === 0) { console.log(`${I} no selectors changed in bundle "${bundle}" (${version} -> ${currentVersion})`) // return } const deprecations = versionDeprecations[currentVersion] || [] const deprecatedSelectors = deprecations.reduce((list, deprecation) => list.concat(deprecation.selectors), []) if (removed.length) { console.log(`${I} ${removed.length} selectors removed locally (compared with ${version})`) } if (deprecatedSelectors.length) { console.log(`${I} ${deprecatedSelectors.length} selectors to be deprecated in ${currentVersion}`) } if (added.length) { console.log(`${I} ${added.length} selectors added`) } const errors = [] for (const {selectors = []} of deprecations) { for (const selector of selectors) { if (!removed.includes(selector)) { errors.push(`"${selector}" deprecated, but not removed`) } else { console.log(`${V} selector "${selector}" is officially deprecated`) } deprecatedSelectors.push(selector) } } for (const removedSelector of removed) { if (!deprecatedSelectors.includes(removedSelector)) { errors.push( `"${removedSelector}" has been removed, but was not listed in versionDeprecations['${currentVersion}']` ) } else { // console.log(`${V} "${removedSelector}" removed and deprecated!`) } } return errors } async function checkVariableDeprecations(options = {}) { const {version = 'latest'} = options const currentVersion = require('../package.json').version const varsPath = `dist/variables.json` const local = require(`../${varsPath}`) const remote = await fetch(`https://unpkg.com/@primer/css@${version}/${varsPath}`).then(res => res.json()) const {changed, added, removed} = diffLists(Object.keys(remote), Object.keys(local)) if (changed === 0) { console.log(`${I} no variables changed (${version} -> ${currentVersion})`) // return } const deprecations = versionDeprecations[currentVersion] || [] const deprecatedVariables = deprecations.reduce((list, deprecation) => list.concat(deprecation.variables), []) if (removed.length) { console.log(`${I} ${removed.length} variables removed locally (compared with ${version})`) } if (deprecatedVariables.length) { console.log(`${I} ${deprecatedVariables.length} variables to be deprecated in ${currentVersion}`) } if (added.length) { console.log(`${I} ${added.length} variables added`) } const errors = [] for (const {variables = []} of deprecations) { for (const variable of variables) { if (!removed.includes(variable)) { if (remote[variable]) { errors.push(`variable "${variable}" deprecated, but not removed`) } else { console.log(`${I} variable "${variable}" doesn't exist in data for version: ${version}`) } } else { console.log(`${V} variable "${variable}" is officially deprecated`) } deprecatedVariables.push(variable) } } for (const removedVariable of removed) { if (!deprecatedVariables.includes(removedVariable)) { errors.push( `"${removedVariable}" has been removed, but was not listed in versionDeprecations['${currentVersion}']` ) } else { // console.log(`${V} "${removedVariable}" removed and deprecated!`) } } return errors } function diffLists(before, after) { const added = after.filter(value => !before.includes(value)) const removed = before.filter(value => !after.includes(value)) return { changed: added.length + removed.length, added, removed } }