#!/usr/bin/env node import postcss from 'postcss' import {join} from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import atImport from 'postcss-import' import syntax from 'postcss-scss' import calc from 'postcss-calc' import simpleVars from 'postcss-simple-vars' import { dirname } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const processor = postcss([ atImport({path: ['src']}), collectVariables(), simpleVars({includePaths: [join(__dirname, '../src/support/variables')]}) ]) async function analyzeVariables(fileName) { const contents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8') const result = await processor.process(contents, {from: fileName, map: false, syntax}) for (const message of result.messages) { if (message.plugin === 'postcss-simple-vars' && message.type === 'variable') { if (!result.variables[`$${message.name}`].values.includes(message.value)) { result.variables[`$${message.name}`].values.push(message.value) } let computed = message.value try { const c = `--temp-property: calc(${message.value})`.replace('round(', '(') computed = postcss().use(calc()).process(c).css computed = computed.replace('--temp-property: ', '') } catch (e) { // Couldn't calculate because value might not be a number } result.variables[`$${message.name}`].computed = computed } } return result.variables } function checkNode(node) { const allowedFuncts = ['var', 'round', 'cubic-bezier'] const functMatch = node.value.match(/([^\s]*)\(/) let approvedMatch = true if (functMatch && !allowedFuncts.includes(functMatch[1])) { approvedMatch = false } return node.variable && approvedMatch } function collectVariables() { return { postcssPlugin: 'prepare-contents', prepare(result) { const variables = {} return { AtRule(atRule) { atRule.remove() }, Comment(comment) { comment.remove() }, Declaration(node) { if (checkNode(node)) { node.value = node.value.replace(' !default', '') const fileName = node.source.input.file.replace(`${process.cwd()}/`, '') variables[node.prop] = { // computed: value, values: [node.value], source: { path: fileName, line: node.source.start.line } } } else { node.remove() } }, OnceExit() { result.variables = variables } } } } } export default analyzeVariables ;(async () => { const args = process.argv.slice(2) const file = args.length ? args.shift() : 'src/support/index.scss' const variables = await analyzeVariables(file) JSON.stringify(variables, null, 2) })()