#!/bin/bash set -e if [ -z "$NOW_TOKEN" ]; then echo "NOW_TOKEN is not set; skipping docs deployment" else if [[ -e VERSION ]]; then version=$(cat VERSION) else version=$(jq -r .version modules/primer/package.json) fi cp modules/primer/build/build.css docs/static/primer.css cd docs npm run sync actual=$(jq -r .dependencies.primer package.json) # here, we need to manually update the primer dependency # version to the one that we published echo "primer has '$version' in package.json; docs wants '$actual'" jq ".dependencies.primer = \"$version\"" package.json > package.json.tmp mv package.json.tmp package.json now_args="--token=$NOW_TOKEN" now $now_args | tee now-url.txt url=$(cat now-url.txt) npx commit-status success docs "deployed primer@$version to $url" "$url" if [[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE = "pull_request" ]]; then branch=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH else branch=$TRAVIS_BRANCH fi alias="primer-css-${branch//\./-}.now.sh" echo "aliasing..." now $now_args alias $url $alias url="https://$alias" npx commit-status success docs "deployed primer@$version to $url" "$url" fi