title: Box shadow
path: utilities/box-shadow
status: Stable
status_issue: 'https://github.com/github/design-systems/issues/269'
source: 'https://github.com/primer/css/tree/main/src/utilities/box-shadow.scss'
bundle: utilities
Box shadows are used to make content appear elevated. They are typically applied to containers of content that users need to pay attention to or content that appears on top of (overlapping) other elements on the page (like a pop-over or modal).
## Small
Small shadows are mainly used on things that need to appear slightly elevated, like pricing cards or UI elements containing important information.
```html live
These types of shadows are typically applied to elements with borders, such as the [Box component](/components/box).
```html live
Taxidermy live-edge mixtape, keytar tumeric locavore meh selvage deep v letterpress vexillologist lo-fi tousled
church-key thundercats. Brooklyn bicycle rights tousled, marfa actually.
## Medium
Medium box shadows are more diffused and slightly larger than small box shadows.
```html live
Medium box shadows are typically used on editorialized content that needs to appear elevated. Most of the time, the elements using this level of shadow will be clickable.
```html live
## Large
Large box shadows are very diffused and used sparingly in the product UI.
```html live
These shadows are used for marketing content, UI screenshots, and content that appears on top of other page elements.
```html live
## Extra large
Extra large box shadows are even more diffused.
```html live
These shadows are used for marketing content and content that appears on top of other page elements.
## Remove a box shadow
Additionally there is a `box-shadow-none` class that removes `box-shadow`:
```html live