/* * This object's keys are (semver) version numbers, and the * values are arrays of objects each with a "selectors" * array and a "message" string. */ const versionDeprecations = { '14.4.0': [ { selectors: [ '.breadcrumb-item[aria-current]', '.breadcrumb-item[aria-current]::after', '.menu-item[aria-current]', '.menu-item[aria-current]::before', '.tabnav-tab[aria-current]', '.filter-item[aria-current]', '.SideNav-item[aria-current="page"]', '.SideNav-item[aria-current="page"]::before', '.SideNav-subItem[aria-current="page"]', '.subnav-item[aria-current]', '.UnderlineNav-item[aria-current]', '.UnderlineNav-item[aria-current] .UnderlineNav-octicon', '.pagination [aria-current]', '.pagination [aria-current]:hover' ], message: `These selectors are not needed anymore.` } ], '14.0.0': [ { selectors: [ '.SelectMenu-item+.SelectMenu-item', '.SelectMenu-divider:first-child', '.SelectMenu-divider:last-child', '.SelectMenu--hasFilter .SelectMenu-item:last-child', '.SelectMenu-item[aria-checked="true"] .SelectMenu-icon' ], message: `These selectors are deprecated and not used anymore.` }, { selectors: [ '.flex-item-equal', '.flex-sm-item-equal', '.flex-md-item-equal', '.flex-lg-item-equal', '.flex-xl-item-equal' ], message: `This variable is deprecated. Use "flex-1" instead.` }, { selectors: ['.UnderlineNav-item.selected', '.UnderlineNav-item.selected .UnderlineNav-octicon'], message: `Please use aria-selected="true" to indicate the selected state of an UnderlineNav item.` }, { variables: ['$status-pending'], message: `This variable is deprecated.` }, { variables: ['$highlight-yellow'], message: `This variable is deprecated.` }, { variables: ['$repo-private-text', '$repo-private-bg', '$repo-private-icon'], message: `These variables are deprecated.` }, { variables: ['$marketingSpacers', '$allSpacers'], message: `Please use the $marketing-spacers and $marketing-all-spacers variables.` }, { variables: ['$exploregrid-item-border-radius'], message: `This variable is deprecated. Use "4px" instead.` }, { variables: ['$stats-switcher-py', '$stats-viewport-height'], message: `These variables are deprecated.` }, { variables: ['$min_tab_size', '$max_tab_size'], message: `These variables are deprecated.` } ], '13.0.0': [ { selectors: [ '.btn-purple', '.btn-purple:focus', '.btn-purple.focus', '.btn-purple:hover', '.btn-purple.hover', '.btn-purple:active', '.btn-purple.selected', '[open]>.btn-purple', '.btn-purple:disabled', '.btn-purple.disabled', '.btn-purple .Counter' ], message: `Please don't make purple buttons.` }, { selectors: ['.text-pending'], message: `Please use the "text-yellow" class instead of "text-pending".` }, { selectors: ['.bg-pending'], message: `Please use the "bg-yellow-dark" class instead of "bg-pending".` }, { selectors: [ '.container', '.container::before', '.container::after', '.columns', '.columns::before', '.columns::after', '.column', '.one-third', '.two-thirds', '.one-fourth', '.one-half', '.three-fourths', '.one-fifth', '.four-fifths' ], message: `Please use [grid classes](https://primer.style/css/objects/grid).` }, { selectors: ['.centered'], message: `You can use the "mx-auto" class to center any element.` }, { selectors: [ '.dropdown-menu-content', '.dropdown.active .dropdown-menu-content', '.dropdown-menu-content.anim-scale-in' ], message: `The "dropdown-menu-content" class is unnecessary.` } ] } const {version: CURRENT_VERSION} = require('./package.json') const semver = require('semver') // map selectors to the version and message of their deprecation const selectorDeprecations = new Map() const variableDeprecations = new Map() for (const [version, deps] of Object.entries(versionDeprecations)) { for (const {selectors = [], variables = [], message} of deps) { for (const selector of selectors) { selectorDeprecations.set(selector, {version, message}) } for (const variable of variables) { variableDeprecations.set(variable, {version, message}) } } } function isSelectorDeprecated(selector, version = CURRENT_VERSION) { const deprecation = selectorDeprecations.get(selector) return deprecation ? semver.gte(deprecation.version, version) : false } function isVariableDeprecated(variable, version = CURRENT_VERSION) { const deprecation = variableDeprecations.get(variable) return deprecation ? semver.gte(deprecation.version, version) : false } module.exports = { versionDeprecations, selectorDeprecations, variableDeprecations, isSelectorDeprecated, isVariableDeprecated }