#!/usr/bin/env node const globby = require('globby') const remark = require('remark-parse') const stringify = require('remark-stringify') const stringifyPosition = require('unist-util-stringify-position') const unified = require('unified') const {green, yellow} = require('colorette') const {join} = require('path') const {readFile} = require('fs-extra') const {selectAll} = require('unist-util-select') const processor = unified() .use(remark) .use(stringify) const checks = { 'relative (.)': ({href}) => href.startsWith('./'), 'relative (..)': ({href}) => href.startsWith('../'), 'trailing slash': ({href}) => stripFragment(href).endsWith('/') } const dir = join(__dirname, '../pages/css') globby(join(dir, '**/*.md')) .then(docs => Promise.all(docs.map(getLinks))) .then(docs => { const links = docs .reduce((list, doc) => { const path = doc.path.substr(dir.length + 1) return list.concat(doc.links.map(link => Object.assign({path}, link))) }, []) // exclude anchor links .filter(({href}) => href.charAt(0) !== '#') // exclude fully-qualified URLs .filter(({href}) => !href.match(/^https?:/)) for (const checkName of Object.keys(checks)) { const matches = links.filter(checks[checkName]) if (matches.length) { console.warn(`${matches.length} link(s) with ${checkName}:`) for (const {path, text, href, position} of matches) { console.warn(` ${path} @ ${yellow(position)}: ${green(href)} ('${text}')`) } } } }) function getLinks(path) { return readFile(path, 'utf8') .then(parseLinks) .then(links => ({path, links})) } function parseLinks(str) { const tree = processor.parse(str) const nodes = selectAll('link', tree) return nodes.map(node => ({ href: node.url, text: processor.stringify({type: 'paragraph', children: node.children}).trim(), position: stringifyPosition(node) })) } function stripFragment(url) { return url.replace(/#.*$/, '') }