const test = require("ava") const assert = require("yeoman-assert") const fse = require("fs-extra") const Path = require("path") const generate = require("./lib/generate") // XXX: this is required to work around the low EventEmitter default of 10 max // listeners, above which it starts to complain that there's a memory leak // require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 100; test("file scaffolding", t => { const module = "primer-test" return generate({prompts: {module}}) .then(path => { const pkg = path("package.json") assert.file(pkg) assert.jsonFileContent(pkg, {name: module}, "Wrong module name in package.json") assert.jsonFileContent(pkg, {version: "0.0.1"}, "Wrong or empty version in package.json") const readme = path("") assert.file(readme) assert.fileContent(readme, /# Primer CSS \/ Test/) assert.fileContent(readme, `${module}`) assert.fileContent(readme, `npm install --save ${module}`) assert.file(path("lib/test.scss")) t.pass("All the files exist.") }) }) test("default title", t => { const titles = { "primer-test": "Test", "primer-foo-bar": "Foo Bar", } t.plan(Object.keys(titles).length) return Promise.all( Object.keys(titles).map(module => { const title = titles[module] return generate({prompts: {module}}) .then(path => { const readme = path("") assert.fileContent(readme, `\ntitle: ${title}\n`) t.pass("module: '%s' => title: '%s'", module, title) }) }) ) }) test("missing description gets a TODO", t => { return generate().then(path => { assert.jsonFileContent(path("package.json"), {description: /TODO/}) t.pass("TODO in the package.json description") }) }) test("primer.category is set", t => { const values = ["core", "product", "marketing", "meta", ""] t.plan(values.length) return Promise.all( => { return generate({prompts: {category}}) .then(path => { assert.jsonFileContent(path("package.json"), { primer: {category} }) t.pass(category) }) }) ) }) test("primer.module_type is set", t => { const values = [ "components", "objects", "utilities", "meta", "", ] t.plan(values.length) return Promise.all( => { return generate({prompts: {module_type}}) .then(path => { assert.jsonFileContent(path("package.json"), { primer: {module_type} }) t.pass(module_type) }) }) ) }) test("status: Experimental is written to %docs comment", t => { return generate().then(path => { assert.fileContent(path(""), "\nstatus: Experimental\n") t.pass("status: Experimental") }) }) test("repository path is set properly", t => { const module = "primer-xyz" return generate({prompts: {module}}) .then(path => { assert.jsonFileContent(path("package.json"), { repository: `${module}`, }) t.pass() }) }) test("README description gets a TODO w/o prompt answer", t => { return generate().then(path => { assert.fileContent(path(""), "> TODO:") t.pass() }) }) test("docs get a TODO w/o prompt answer", t => { return generate().then(path => { assert.fileContent(path(""), "TODO: Write some documentation") t.pass() }) }) test("docs are filled in with file contents", t => { const readme = Path.join(__dirname, "fixtures", "") return fse.readFile(readme, "utf8") .then(content => { return generate({prompts: {docs: readme}}).then(path => { assert.fileContent(path(""), content) t.pass() }) }) }) test("index.scss imports lib/{module}.scss", t => { const module = "primer-select-menu" const lib = "select-menu" return generate({prompts: {module}}) .then(path => { assert.fileContent(path("index.scss"), `@import "./lib/${lib}.scss";`) t.pass() }) })