title: Layout
path: components/layout
status: Alpha
source: 'https://github.com/primer/css/tree/main/src/layout/layout.scss'
bundle: layout
Build responsive-friendly page layouts with 2 columns.
Use with .container-xx classes to limit the overall layout structure size.
## Elements
- `Layout-main`
- `Layout-sidebar`
- `Layout-divider`
- `Layout-main-centered-md`
- `Layout-main-centered-lg`
- `Layout-main-centered-xl`
Use `Layout-main-centered-xx` to wrap `container-xx` elements inside
`Layout-main` so the content remains centered on the screen regardless
of the sidebar position.
## Default
```html live
### Dividers
Use `Layout--divided` in conjuction with a `Layout-divider` to show a divider between the main content and the sidebar.
Flowing as row:
- default: shows a `1px` line between main and sidebar
- `Layout-divider--flowRow-shallow`: shows a filled `8px` divider.
- `Layout-divider--flowRow-hidden`: hides the divider
```html live
### Centered content
```html live
## Modifiers
### Sidebar sizing
- Default: [md: 256px, lg: 296px, xl: 320px]
- `Layout--sidebar-narrow` [md: 240px, lg: 256px, xl: 296px]
- `Layout--sidebar-wide` [md: 296px, lg: 320px, xl: 344px]
```html live
### Column gutter
- Default: [md: 16px, lg: 24px]
- `Layout--gutter-none`: 0px
- `Layout--gutter-condensed` 16px
- `Layout--gutter-spacious` [md: 16px, lg: 32px, xl: 40px]
```html live
### Sidebar positioning
- `Layout--sidebarPosition-start` (default): sidebar to the left
- `Layout--sidebarPosition-end`: sidebar to the right
```html live
### Sidebar positioning as rows
- `Layout--sidebarPosition-flowRow-start` (default): when stacked, render the sidebar first
- `Layout--sidebarPosition-flowRow-end`: when stacked, render the sidebar last
- `Layout--sidebarPosition-flowRow-none`: when stacked, hide the sidebar
```html live
### Layout stacking
- Default: stacks when container is `sm`.
- `Layout--flowRow-until-md`: stacks when container is `md`.
- `Layout--flowRow-until-lg`: stacks when container is `lg`.
```html live
### Nesting Layouts
It is possible to nest `Layout` components to generate 3-column layouts.
```html live
## Accessibility and keyboard navigation
Keyboard navigation follows the markup order. Decide carefully how the
focus order should be be by deciding whether `Layout-main` or `Layout-sidebar`
comes first in code. The code order won’t affect the visual position.