#!/usr/bin/env node import {globby} from 'globby' import compiler from './primer-css-compiler.js' import cssstats from 'cssstats' import {dirname, join} from 'path' import analyzeVariables from './analyze-variables.js' import fsExtra from 'fs-extra' const {copy, remove, mkdirp, readFile, writeFile} = fsExtra const inDir = 'src' const outDir = 'dist' const statsDir = join(outDir, 'stats') const encoding = 'utf8' // Bundle paths are normalized in getPathName() using dirname() and then // replacing any slashes with hyphens, but some bundles need to be // special-cased. Keys in this object are the path minus the "src/" prefix, // and values are the bundle file base name. ("primer" produces // "dist/primer.css", etc.) const bundleNames = { 'index.scss': 'primer' } async function dist() { try { const bundles = {} await remove(outDir) await mkdirp(statsDir) const files = await globby([`${inDir}/**/index.scss`]) const inPattern = new RegExp(`^${inDir}/`) const tasks = files.map(async from => { const path = from.replace(inPattern, '') const name = bundleNames[path] || getPathName(dirname(path)) const to = join(outDir, `${name}.css`) const meta = { name, source: from, sass: `@primer/css/${path}`, css: to, map: `${to}.map`, js: join(outDir, `${name}.js`), stats: join(statsDir, `${name}.json`), legacy: `primer-${name}/index.scss` } const scss = await readFile(from, encoding) meta.imports = getExternalImports(scss, path).map(getPathName) const result = await compiler(scss, {from, to}) const warnings = result.warnings() // We don't want to release changes that cause warnings with postcss. Fail the dist build if any warnings are detected. if (warnings.length) { for (const warning of warnings) { console.warn(warning.toString()) } throw new Error(`Warnings while compiling ${from}. See output above.`) } await Promise.all([ writeFile(to, result.css, encoding), writeFile(meta.stats, JSON.stringify(cssstats(result.css)), encoding), writeFile(meta.js, `export {cssstats: require('./stats/${name}.json')}`, encoding), result.map ? writeFile(meta.map, result.map.toString(), encoding) : null ]) bundles[name] = meta }) await Promise.all(tasks) const meta = {bundles} await writeFile(join(outDir, 'meta.json'), JSON.stringify(meta, null, 2), encoding) await writeVariableData() await copy(join(inDir, 'deprecations.json'), join(outDir, 'deprecations.json')) } catch (error) { console.error(error) process.exitCode = 1 } } function getExternalImports(scss, relativeTo) { const imports = [] const dir = dirname(relativeTo) // XXX: this might *seem* fragile, but since we enforce double quotes via // stylelint, I think it's kosher. scss.replace(/@import "(.+)\/index\.scss";/g, (_, dep) => { imports.push(join(dir, dep)) }) return imports } function getPathName(path) { return path.replace(/\//g, '-') } dist() async function writeVariableData() { const support = await analyzeVariables('src/support/index.scss') const marketing = await analyzeVariables('src/marketing/support/index.scss') const data = Object.assign({}, support, marketing) writeFile(join(outDir, 'variables.json'), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) }