# Primer CSS Buttons
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> Buttons are used for actions, like in forms, while textual hyperlinks are used for destinations, or moving from one page to another.
This repository is a module of the full [primer-css][primer-css] repository.
## Install
This repository is distributed with [npm][npm]. After [installing npm][install-npm], you can install `primer-buttons` with this command.
$ npm install --save primer-buttons
## Usage
The source files included are written in [Sass][sass] (`scss`) You can simply point your sass `include-path` at your `node_modules` directory and import it like this.
@import "primer-buttons/index.scss";
You can also import specific portions of the module by importing those partials from the `/lib/` folder. _Make sure you import any requirements along with the modules._
## Build
For a compiled **css** version of this module, a npm script is included that will output a css version to `build/build.css` The built css file is also included in the npm package.
$ npm run build
## Documentation
Buttons are used for **actions**, like in forms, while textual hyperlinks are used for **destinations**, or moving from one page to another.
#### Buttons
#### Default buttons
Use the standard—yet classy—`.btn` for form actions and primary page actions. These are used extensively around the site.
When using a `