{ "story-template": { "prefix": "story-template", "body": [ "import React from 'react'", "import clsx from 'clsx'", "// import { StoryTemplateName } from './OtherStoryFile.stories' // import stories for component compositions", "", "export default {", " title: 'Components/ComponentName',", " excludeStories: ['ComponentTemplateName'],", " layout: 'padded',", " argTypes: {", " booleanExample: {", " control: {type: 'boolean'},", " description: 'true/false toggle to controls',", " table: {", " category: 'Pick one: CSS, HTML, Interactive'", " }", " },", " radioExample: {", " options: ['string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4'],", " control: {", " type: 'inline-radio',", " },", " description: 'radio buttons mapping to strings (example: use for variant class names)',", " table: {", " category: 'Pick one: CSS, HTML, Interactive'", " }", " },", " stringExample: {", " name: 'stringExample',", " type: 'string',", " description: 'text box control',", " table: {", " category: 'Pick one: CSS, HTML, Interactive'", " }", " },", " children: {", " description: 'creates a slot for children',", " table: {", " category: 'HTML'", " }", " }", " }", "}", "", "// build every component case here in the template (private api)", "export const ComponentTemplateName = ({booleanExample, radioExample, stringExample, children}) => (", "