const chokidar = require('chokidar') const klaw = require('klaw-sync') const minimatch = require('minimatch') const matter = require('gray-matter') const {green, red, yellow} = require('colorette') const {basename, dirname, join} = require('path') const {copySync, ensureDirSync, existsSync, readFileSync, removeSync} = require('fs-extra') const {getIgnored, setIgnored} = require('./ignore') const sourceDir = join(__dirname, '../../modules') const destDir = join(__dirname, '../pages/css') const ignoreFile = join(destDir, '.gitignore') const map = { '../': 'whats-new/', 'primer/': false, // 'packages/', 'primer-base/': false, // 'support/', 'primer-core/': false, // 'packages/', 'primer-layout/': 'objects/', 'primer-layout/docs/*.md': path => `objects/${basename(path)}`, 'primer-marketing-support/': 'support/', 'primer-marketing-type/docs/': 'utilities/', 'primer-marketing-utilities/': false, // 'utilities/', 'primer-marketing-utilities/docs/*.md': path => `utilities/marketing-${basename(path)}`, 'primer-marketing/': false, // 'packages/', 'primer-product/': false, // 'packages/', 'primer-support/': false, // 'support/', 'primer-support/docs/*.md': path => `support/${basename(path)}`, 'primer-table-object/': 'objects/', 'primer-utilities/': false, // 'utilities/', 'primer-utilities/docs/*.md': path => `utilities/${basename(path)}`, // this is a catch-all rule that needs to go last so that it doesn't override others 'primer-*/': path => `components/${shortName(path)}.md`, } module.exports = {sync, watch} function sync({debug = false}) { const log = debug ? console.warn : noop const ignored = getIgnored(ignoreFile) for (const file of ignored) { try { removeSync(file) log(`${yellow('x')} removed: ${file}`) } catch (error) { log(`${red('x')} missing: ${file}`) } } console.time('get links') const links = getLinks(sourceDir, destDir, map) console.timeEnd('get links') if (links.length) { log(yellow(`linking ${links.length} files...`)) syncLinks(links) const toBeIgnored = => link.dest.substr(destDir.length + 1)) log(yellow(`adding ${toBeIgnored.length} files to ${ignoreFile}...`)) setIgnored(ignoreFile, toBeIgnored) log(green('done!')) } else { log(yellow('(no links to copy)')) } } function watch(options) { const {debug = false} = options const keys = Object.keys(map) const globs = => join(sourceDir, path)) const log = debug ? console.warn : noop let timeout const update = path => { if (timeout) return timeout = setTimeout(() => { log(`${yellow('changed')} ${path}`) sync(options) clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = null }, 50) } sync(options) log(`watching in ${yellow(sourceDir)}: ${keys.join(', ')}`) return // .on('add', update) .on('change', update) .on('unlink', update) } function syncLinks(links) { const message = `sync ${links.length} links` console.time(message) for (const {source, dest} of links) { console.warn(`${source.substr(sourceDir.length + 1)} ${yellow('->')} ${dest.substr(destDir.length + 1)}`) const destPath = dirname(dest) removeSync(dest) ensureDirSync(destPath) copySync(source, dest) } console.timeEnd(message) } function getLinks(sourceDir, destDir, map) { const links = [] const mapEntries = Object.entries(map) for (const [source, dest] of mapEntries) { if (source.indexOf('..') === 0 && typeof dest === 'string') { links.push({source, dest}) } } console.warn(yellow(`walking: ${sourceDir}...`)) const items = klaw(sourceDir, { nodir: true, filter: item => item.path.indexOf('node_modules') === -1 }) let skipped = [] for (const item of items) { // item.path is fully-qualified, so we need to remove the sourceDir // from the beginning of it to get the relative path const source = item.path.substr(sourceDir.length + 1) let linked = false for (const [pattern, name] of mapEntries) { if (source === pattern || minimatch(source, pattern)) { const dest = typeof name === 'function' ? name(source) : name if (dest) { links.push({source, dest}) linked = true } break } } if (!linked && source.endsWith('.md')) { skipped.push(source) } } skipped = skipped.filter(source => source !== '') if (skipped.length) { console.warn(`ignored ${yellow(skipped.length)} files`) for (const source of skipped) { console.warn(`${yellow('-')} ${source}`) } } return{source, dest}) => ({ source: join(sourceDir, source), dest: join(destDir, dest) })) .filter(({source, dest}) => { if (!existsSync(source)) { console.warn(`${red('x')} missing: ${source.substr(sourceDir.length + 1)}`) return false } const sourceContent = readFileSync(source, 'utf8') const {data} = matter(sourceContent) if ( === false) { console.warn(`${yellow('x')} ${source.substr(sourceDir.length + 1)} (docs: false)`) return false } try { const destContent = readFileSync(dest, 'utf8') return sourceContent !== destContent } catch (error) { return true } }) } function shortName(path) { return path.match(/primer-([-\w]+)/)[1] } function noop() { }