// These are our margin and padding utility spacers. The default step size we // use is 6px. This gives us a key of: // 0 => 0px // 1 => 3px // 2 => 6px // 3 => 12px // 4 => 24px // 5 => 36px $spacer: 6px !default; $spacers: ( 0, round($spacer / 2), $spacer, $spacer * 2, $spacer * 4, $spacer * 6 ) !default; // Aliases for easy use $spacer1: nth($spacers, 2) !default; // 3px $spacer2: nth($spacers, 3) !default; // 6px $spacer3: nth($spacers, 4) !default; // 12px $spacer4: nth($spacers, 5) !default; // 24px $spacer5: nth($spacers, 6) !default; // 36px $container-width: 980px !default; $grid-gutter: 10px !default; // ---- Colors ---- // Brand $blue: #4078c0 !default; $gray-dark: #333 !default; $gray-light: #999 !default; $gray: #767676 !default; $green: #6cc644 !default; $orange: #c9510c !default; $purple: #6e5494 !default; $red: #bd2c00 !default; $white: #fff !default; // State indicators. $status-renamed: #fffa5d !default; $status-pending: #cea61b !default; // Repository type colors $repo-private-text: #a1882b !default; $repo-private-bg: #fff9ea !default; $repo-private-icon: #e9dba5 !default; // Alerts $flash-border-blue: #bac6d3 !default; $flash-bg-blue: #e2eef9 !default; $flash-text-blue: #246 !default; $flash-border-yellow: #dfd8c2 !default; $flash-bg-yellow: #fff9ea !default; $flash-text-yellow: #4c4a42 !default; $flash-border-red: #d2b2b2 !default; $flash-bg-red: #fcdede !default; $flash-text-red: #911 !default; // Border colors $border-blue: #c5d5dd !default; $border-gray-dark: #ddd !default; $border-gray-light: #eee !default; $border-gray: #e5e5e5 !default; // Background colors $bg-blue-light: #f2f8fa !default; $bg-blue: $blue !default; $bg-gray-dark: $gray-dark !default; $bg-gray-light: #fafafa !default; $bg-gray: #f5f5f5 !default; $bg-green: $green !default; $bg-orange: $orange !default; $bg-purple: $purple !default; $bg-red: $red !default; $bg-white: $white !default; // Text colors $text-blue: $blue !default; $text-gray-dark: $gray-dark !default; $text-gray-light: $gray-light !default; $text-gray: $gray !default; $text-green: darken($green, 10%) !default; $text-orange: $orange !default; $text-purple: $purple !default; $text-red: $red !default; $text-white: $white !default; // Border size $border-width: 1px !default; $border-color: $border-gray !default; $border-style: solid !default; $border: $border-width $border-color $border-style !default; $border-radius: 3px !default; // Font stacks $body-font: Helvetica, arial, nimbussansl, liberationsans, freesans, clean, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default; // Monospace font stack $mono-font: Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace !default; // The base body size $body-font-size: 13px !default;