mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 19:53:11 +03:00
102 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
102 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
if (process.env.NOW_URL) {
console.warn('copy.js should not run in Now!')
const klaw = require('klaw-sync')
const minimatch = require('minimatch')
const {green, red, yellow} = require('colorette')
const {basename, dirname, join} = require('path')
const {copySync, ensureDirSync, removeSync, writeFileSync} = require('fs-extra')
const sourceDir = join(__dirname, '../modules')
const links = [
// this sits outside of the modules directory, but join() will
// properly resolve the "../" path for us!
{source: '../CHANGELOG.md', dest: 'whats_new/changelog.md'}
const map = {
'primer/README.md': 'packages/primer.md',
'primer-base/README.md': false, // FIXME: 'support/base.md'?
'primer-core/README.md': 'packages/primer-core.md',
'primer-layout/README.md': 'objects/layout.md',
'primer-layout/docs/*.md': path => `objects/${basename(path)}`,
'primer-marketing-support/README.md': 'support/marketing-variables.md',
'primer-marketing-type/README.md': 'utilities/marketing-type.md',
'primer-marketing-utilities/README.md': false,
'primer-marketing-utilities/docs/*.md': path => `utilities/marketing-${basename(path)}`,
'primer-marketing/README.md': 'packages/primer-marketing.md',
'primer-product/README.md': 'packages/primer-product.md',
'primer-support/README.md': false, // 'support/index.md',
'primer-support/docs/*.md': path => `support/${basename(path)}`,
'primer-table-object/README.md': 'objects/table-object.md',
'primer-utilities/README.md': false, // 'utilities/index.md',
'primer-utilities/docs/*.md': path => `utilities/${basename(path)}`,
// this is a catch-all rule that needs to go last so that it doesn't override others
'primer-*/README.md': path => `components/${shortName(path)}.md`,
console.warn(yellow(`walking: ${sourceDir}...`))
let skipped = []
const items = klaw(sourceDir, {
nodir: true,
filter: ({path}) => path.indexOf('node_modules') === -1
const mapEntries = Object.entries(map)
for (const item of items) {
// item.path is fully-qualified, so we need to remove the sourceDir
// from the beginning of it to get the relative path
const source = item.path.substr(sourceDir.length + 1)
let linked = false
for (const [pattern, name] of mapEntries) {
if (source === pattern || minimatch(source, pattern)) {
const dest = typeof name === 'function' ? name(source) : name
if (dest) {
links.push({source, dest})
linked = true
// log any markdown files that aren't matched
if (!linked && source.endsWith('.md')) {
// ignore modules/README.md
skipped = skipped.filter(file => file !== 'README.md')
if (skipped.length) {
console.warn(`skipped ${skipped.length} markdown files:`)
for (const file of skipped) {
console.warn(`${red('x')} ${file}`)
console.warn(yellow(`linking ${links.length} files...`))
// put all the links in the pages/css directory
const destDir = join(__dirname, 'pages/css')
// TODO: read `join(destDir, 'copies.json')` and delete any previous copies
for (const {source, dest} of links) {
console.warn(`${source} ${yellow('->')} ${dest}`)
const destPath = join(destDir, dest)
const destPathDir = dirname(destPath)
copySync(join(sourceDir, source), destPath)
console.warn(yellow('writing copies.json...'))
const copies = links.map(link => link.dest)
writeFileSync(join(destDir, '_copies.json'), JSON.stringify(copies, null, 2), 'utf8')
function shortName(path) {
return path.match(/primer-([-\w]+)/)[1]