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import titleCase from 'title-case'
import primerColors from 'primer-colors'
import colorSystemSCSS from '!!raw-loader?module!../src/support/variables/color-system.scss'
import colorVariablesSCSS from '!!raw-loader?module!../src/support/variables/colors.scss'
const variables = {}
parseSCSSVariables(colorSystemSCSS, variables)
parseSCSSVariables(colorVariablesSCSS, variables)
// XXX we don't necessarily define them in this order in primer-colors,
// so we define an array here just to be safe
const gradientHues = ['gray', 'blue', 'green', 'purple', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'pink']
const colors = {
pink: Object.keys(variables)
.filter(key => key.startsWith('pink-'))
.map(key => variables[key])
const aliases = {}
const palettes = gradientHues.map(name => {
return {
title: titleCase(name),
value: variables[name] || colors[name][5],
values: colors[name].map((value, index) => ({
variable: `${name}-${index}00`,
slug: `${name}-${index}`,
aliases: (aliases[value] = {})
for (const key of Object.keys(variables)) {
const match = key.match(/^(bg|text|border)-(\w+)(-(dark|light))?$/)
const value = variables[key]
if (match && aliases[value]) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [_, type, name, suffix] = match
aliases[value][type] = key
export {colors, gradientHues, palettes, getPaletteByName, variables}
export const allColors = palettes.reduce((all, {values}) => all.concat(values), [])
export const borders = Object.keys(variables)
.filter(key => key.startsWith('border-') && !variables[key].includes('$'))
.map(key => ({
variable: key,
value: variables[key],
slug: key,
aliases: {border: key}
function getPaletteByName(name) {
return palettes.find(palette => palette.name === name)
function parseSCSSVariables(scssString, variables = {}) {
const variablePattern = /\$([-\w]+):\s*(.+)( !default);/g
let match
do {
match = variablePattern.exec(scssString)
if (match) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [_, name, value] = match
variables[name] = value.startsWith('$') ? variables[value.substr(1)] : value
} while (match)
return variables