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2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00
lib add marketing buttons to primer-marketing-buttons 2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00
.npmignore add marketing buttons to primer-marketing-buttons 2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00
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LICENSE add marketing buttons to primer-marketing-buttons 2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00
package.json add marketing buttons to primer-marketing-buttons 2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00
README.md add marketing buttons to primer-marketing-buttons 2017-11-02 15:55:59 -07:00

Primer Marketing CSS Typography

npm version Build Status

Flash messages, or alerts, inform users of successful or pending actions. Use them sparingly. Dont show more than one at a time.

This repository is a module of the full primer-css repository.


The typography for our marketing pages differs slightly from what is in Primer's core--it is responsive, on a slightly different scale, and headlines are in a different font (Roboto).

Heading Utilities

Use .alt-h1 .alt-h6 to change an element's font, size, and weight on marketing pages.

<p class="alt-h1">Pizza 1</p>
<p class="alt-h2">Pizza 2</p>
<p class="alt-h3">Pizza 3</p>
<p class="alt-h4">Pizza 4</p>
<p class="alt-h5">Pizza 5</p>
<p class="alt-h6">Pizza 6</p>

Typographic Utilities

These utilities are meant to be used in addition to Primer's core utilities.

<p class="alt-lead text-gray">I'm a lead paragraph. Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip chicken kielbasa, cow swine beef corned beef ground round prosciutto hamburger porchetta sausage alcatra tail.</p>

<p class="text-gray">I'm a regular paragraph, except I'm gray. Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip chicken kielbasa, cow swine beef corned beef ground round prosciutto hamburger porchetta sausage alcatra tail.</p>

<p class="text-gray alt-text-small">And I'm a tiny lil' baby paragraph. Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip chicken kielbasa, cow swine beef corned beef ground round prosciutto hamburger porchetta sausage alcatra tail.</p>

<p class="alt-mono-font text-gray">Occasionally we want to use a mono font, there is a utility class for that.</p>

<p class="pullquote">I'm a pullquote. Someone said these words in real life, and now they're on the internet</p>


This repository is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install primer-marketing-typography with this command.

$ npm install --save primer-marketing-typography


The source files included are written in Sass (scss) You can simply point your sass include-path at your node_modules directory and import it like this.

@import "primer-marketing-typography/index.scss";

You can also import specific portions of the module by importing those partials from the /lib/ folder. Make sure you import any requirements along with the modules.


For a compiled css version of this module, a npm script is included that will output a css version to build/build.css

$ npm run build


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