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116 lines
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import React from 'react'
import getConfig from 'next/config'
import TreeModel from 'tree-model'
import {join} from 'path'
export const CommonStyles = () => {
const sheets = [getAssetPath('github/styleguide.css')]
return sheets.map(href => <link href={href} rel="stylesheet" key={href} />)
export const CommonScripts = () => <script src={getAssetPath('github/styleguide.js')} />
const INDEX_PATTERN = /\/index(\.[a-z]+)?$/
export const config = getConfig().publicRuntimeConfig || {}
export const assetPrefix = config.assetPrefix || ''
export const assetPath = `${assetPrefix}/static/`
export const getAssetPath = path => `${assetPath}${path}`
const ext = /\.mdx?$/
export const requirePage = require.context('../pages', true, /\.mdx?$/)
export const pathMap = requirePage.keys().reduce((map, key) => {
const base = key.replace(ext, '').replace(/\/index$/, '')
const path = base.substr(1) // strip the leading "."
map[path] = key
return map
}, {})
const nested = nest(pathMap)
export const pageTree = new TreeModel()
export const rootPage = pageTree.parse(nested)
rootPage.walk(node => {
const {model} = node
Object.assign(node, model)
if (node.file) {
const component = requirePage(node.file)
node.meta = component.frontMatter || {}
node.outline = component.tableOfContents
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn('no file for page node:', node.path)
function nest(map) {
const nodeMap = {}
const nodes = Object.keys(map)
.map(path => {
const file = map[path]
const keys = path.substr(1).split('/')
return (nodeMap[path] = {
isIndex: INDEX_PATTERN.test(file),
parent: `/${keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1).join('/')}`,
children: []
let root = nodeMap['/']
if (!root) {
const sorted = nodes.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path))
root = sorted[0]
// remove root from the list of nodes
nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(root), 1)
const rest = []
for (const node of nodes) {
const parent = nodeMap[node.parent]
if (parent) {
} else {
if (rest.length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn('unable to nest some pages:', rest)
return root
export function sortCompare(a, b, get) {
const aa = get(a)
const bb = get(b)
return typeof aa === 'string' && typeof bb === 'string' ? aa.localeCompare(bb) : undefined
export function nodeSort(a, b) {
return sortCompare(a, b, node => node.meta.sort_title || node.meta.title)
export function addPath(el, path) {
// if there's no path, just return the element
if (!path) return el
// if this is a link it'll have an "href"; otherwise, add "path"
const prop = el.props.href ? 'href' : 'path'
const value = el.props[prop]
const props = {}
// if there's a value and it's not absolute, prefix it with the path
if (value && !value.match(/^(\/|https?:)/)) {
props[prop] = join(path, value)
} else {
props[prop] = path
return React.cloneElement(el, props)