
2480 lines
75 KiB

package runner
import (
asnmap ""
errorutil ""
osutil ""
sliceutil ""
stringsutil ""
urlutil ""
// automatic fd max increase if running as root
_ ""
customport ""
fileutilz ""
fileutil ""
pdhttputil ""
iputil ""
syncutil ""
wappalyzer ""
// Runner is a client for running the enumeration process.
type Runner struct {
options *Options
hp *httpx.HTTPX
wappalyzer *wappalyzer.Wappalyze
scanopts ScanOptions
hm *hybrid.HybridMap
excludeCdn bool
stats clistats.StatisticsClient
ratelimiter ratelimit.Limiter
HostErrorsCache gcache.Cache[string, int]
browser *Browser
errorPageClassifier *errorpageclassifier.ErrorPageClassifier
pHashClusters []pHashCluster
httpApiEndpoint *Server
// picked based on try-fail but it seems to close to one it's used
var hammingDistanceThreshold int = 22
type pHashCluster struct {
BasePHash uint64 `json:"base_phash,omitempty" csv:"base_phash"`
Hashes []pHashUrl `json:"hashes,omitempty" csv:"hashes"`
type pHashUrl struct {
PHash uint64 `json:"phash,omitempty" csv:"phash"`
Url string `json:"url,omitempty" csv:"url"`
// New creates a new client for running enumeration process.
func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
runner := &Runner{
options: options,
var err error
if options.Wappalyzer != nil {
runner.wappalyzer = options.Wappalyzer
} else if options.TechDetect || options.JSONOutput || options.CSVOutput {
runner.wappalyzer, err = wappalyzer.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create wappalyzer client")
if options.StoreResponseDir != "" {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(options.StoreResponseDir, "response", "index.txt"))
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(options.StoreResponseDir, "screenshot", "index_screenshot.txt"))
httpxOptions := httpx.DefaultOptions
var np *networkpolicy.NetworkPolicy
if options.Networkpolicy != nil {
np = options.Networkpolicy
} else {
np, err = runner.createNetworkpolicyInstance(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
httpxOptions.NetworkPolicy = np
// Enables automatically tlsgrab if tlsprobe is requested
httpxOptions.TLSGrab = options.TLSGrab || options.TLSProbe
httpxOptions.Timeout = time.Duration(options.Timeout) * time.Second
httpxOptions.RetryMax = options.Retries
httpxOptions.FollowRedirects = options.FollowRedirects
httpxOptions.FollowHostRedirects = options.FollowHostRedirects
httpxOptions.RespectHSTS = options.RespectHSTS
httpxOptions.MaxRedirects = options.MaxRedirects
httpxOptions.HTTPProxy = options.HTTPProxy
httpxOptions.Unsafe = options.Unsafe
httpxOptions.UnsafeURI = options.RequestURI
httpxOptions.CdnCheck = options.OutputCDN
httpxOptions.ExcludeCdn = runner.excludeCdn
httpxOptions.ExtractFqdn = options.ExtractFqdn
if options.CustomHeaders.Has("User-Agent:") {
httpxOptions.RandomAgent = false
} else {
httpxOptions.RandomAgent = options.RandomAgent
httpxOptions.ZTLS = options.ZTLS
httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave = int64(options.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave)
httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead = int64(options.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead)
// adjust response size saved according to the max one read by the server
if httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave > httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead {
httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave = httpxOptions.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead
httpxOptions.Resolvers = options.Resolvers
httpxOptions.TlsImpersonate = options.TlsImpersonate
var key, value string
httpxOptions.CustomHeaders = make(map[string]string)
for _, customHeader := range options.CustomHeaders {
tokens := strings.SplitN(customHeader, ":", two)
// rawhttp skips all checks
if options.Unsafe {
httpxOptions.CustomHeaders[customHeader] = ""
// Continue normally
if len(tokens) < two {
key = strings.TrimSpace(tokens[0])
value = strings.TrimSpace(tokens[1])
httpxOptions.CustomHeaders[key] = value
httpxOptions.SniName = options.SniName
runner.hp, err = httpx.New(&httpxOptions)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create httpx instance: %s\n", err)
var scanopts ScanOptions
if options.InputRawRequest != "" {
var rawRequest []byte
rawRequest, err = os.ReadFile(options.InputRawRequest)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read raw request from path '%s': %s\n", options.InputRawRequest, err)
rrMethod, rrPath, rrHeaders, rrBody, errParse := httputilz.ParseRequest(string(rawRequest), options.Unsafe)
if errParse != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not parse raw request: %s\n", err)
scanopts.Methods = append(scanopts.Methods, rrMethod)
scanopts.RequestURI = rrPath
for name, value := range rrHeaders {
httpxOptions.CustomHeaders[name] = value
scanopts.RequestBody = rrBody
options.rawRequest = string(rawRequest)
options.RequestBody = rrBody
// disable automatic host header for rawhttp if manually specified
// as it can be malformed the best approach is to remove spaces and check for lowercase "host" word
if options.Unsafe {
for name := range runner.hp.CustomHeaders {
nameLower := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(name))
if strings.HasPrefix(nameLower, "host") {
if strings.EqualFold(options.Methods, "all") {
scanopts.Methods = pdhttputil.AllHTTPMethods()
} else if options.Methods != "" {
// if unsafe is specified then converts the methods to uppercase
if !options.Unsafe {
options.Methods = strings.ToUpper(options.Methods)
scanopts.Methods = append(scanopts.Methods, stringz.SplitByCharAndTrimSpace(options.Methods, ",")...)
if len(scanopts.Methods) == 0 {
scanopts.Methods = append(scanopts.Methods, http.MethodGet)
runner.options.protocol = httpx.HTTPorHTTPS
scanopts.VHost = options.VHost
scanopts.OutputTitle = options.ExtractTitle
scanopts.OutputStatusCode = options.StatusCode
scanopts.OutputLocation = options.Location
scanopts.OutputContentLength = options.ContentLength
scanopts.StoreResponse = options.StoreResponse
scanopts.StoreResponseDirectory = options.StoreResponseDir
scanopts.OutputServerHeader = options.OutputServerHeader
scanopts.ResponseHeadersInStdout = options.ResponseHeadersInStdout
scanopts.OutputWithNoColor = options.NoColor
scanopts.ResponseInStdout = options.ResponseInStdout
scanopts.Base64ResponseInStdout = options.Base64ResponseInStdout
scanopts.ChainInStdout = options.chainInStdout
scanopts.OutputWebSocket = options.OutputWebSocket
scanopts.TLSProbe = options.TLSProbe
scanopts.CSPProbe = options.CSPProbe
if options.RequestURI != "" {
scanopts.RequestURI = options.RequestURI
scanopts.VHostInput = options.VHostInput
scanopts.OutputContentType = options.OutputContentType
scanopts.RequestBody = options.RequestBody
scanopts.Unsafe = options.Unsafe
scanopts.Pipeline = options.Pipeline
scanopts.HTTP2Probe = options.HTTP2Probe
scanopts.OutputMethod = options.OutputMethod
scanopts.OutputIP = options.OutputIP
scanopts.OutputCName = options.OutputCName
scanopts.OutputCDN = options.OutputCDN
scanopts.OutputResponseTime = options.OutputResponseTime
scanopts.NoFallback = options.NoFallback
scanopts.NoFallbackScheme = options.NoFallbackScheme
scanopts.TechDetect = options.TechDetect || options.JSONOutput || options.CSVOutput
scanopts.StoreChain = options.StoreChain
scanopts.StoreVisionReconClusters = options.StoreVisionReconClusters
scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave = options.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave
scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead = options.MaxResponseBodySizeToRead
scanopts.extractRegexps = make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
if options.Screenshot {
browser, err := NewBrowser(options.HTTPProxy, options.UseInstalledChrome, options.ParseHeadlessOptionalArguments())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
runner.browser = browser
scanopts.Screenshot = options.Screenshot
scanopts.NoScreenshotBytes = options.NoScreenshotBytes
scanopts.NoHeadlessBody = options.NoHeadlessBody
scanopts.UseInstalledChrome = options.UseInstalledChrome
scanopts.ScreenshotTimeout = options.ScreenshotTimeout
if options.OutputExtractRegexs != nil {
for _, regex := range options.OutputExtractRegexs {
if compiledRegex, err := regexp.Compile(regex); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
scanopts.extractRegexps[regex] = compiledRegex
if options.OutputExtractPresets != nil {
for _, regexName := range options.OutputExtractPresets {
if regex, ok := customextract.ExtractPresets[regexName]; ok {
scanopts.extractRegexps[regexName] = regex
} else {
availablePresets := strings.Join(maps.Keys(customextract.ExtractPresets), ",")
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not find preset: '%s'. Available presets are: %s\n", regexName, availablePresets)
// output verb if more than one is specified
if len(scanopts.Methods) > 1 && !options.Silent {
scanopts.OutputMethod = true
scanopts.ExcludeCDN = runner.excludeCdn
scanopts.HostMaxErrors = options.HostMaxErrors
scanopts.ProbeAllIPS = options.ProbeAllIPS
scanopts.Favicon = options.Favicon
scanopts.LeaveDefaultPorts = options.LeaveDefaultPorts
scanopts.OutputLinesCount = options.OutputLinesCount
scanopts.OutputWordsCount = options.OutputWordsCount
scanopts.Hashes = options.Hashes
runner.scanopts = scanopts
if options.ShowStatistics {
runner.stats, err = clistats.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if options.StatsInterval == 0 {
options.StatsInterval = 5
hm, err := hybrid.New(hybrid.DefaultDiskOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = hm
if options.RateLimitMinute > 0 {
runner.ratelimiter = *ratelimit.New(context.Background(), uint(options.RateLimitMinute), time.Minute)
} else if options.RateLimit > 0 {
runner.ratelimiter = *ratelimit.New(context.Background(), uint(options.RateLimit), time.Second)
} else {
runner.ratelimiter = *ratelimit.NewUnlimited(context.Background())
if options.HostMaxErrors >= 0 {
gc := gcache.New[string, int](1000).
runner.HostErrorsCache = gc
runner.errorPageClassifier = errorpageclassifier.New()
if options.HttpApiEndpoint != "" {
apiServer := NewServer(options.HttpApiEndpoint, options)
gologger.Info().Msgf("Listening api endpoint on: %s", options.HttpApiEndpoint)
runner.httpApiEndpoint = apiServer
go func() {
if err := apiServer.Start(); err != nil {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Failed to start API server: %s", err)
return runner, nil
func (runner *Runner) createNetworkpolicyInstance(options *Options) (*networkpolicy.NetworkPolicy, error) {
var npOptions networkpolicy.Options
for _, exclude := range options.Exclude {
switch {
case exclude == "cdn":
//implement cdn check in netoworkpolicy pkg??
runner.excludeCdn = true
case exclude == "private-ips":
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, networkpolicy.DefaultIPv4Denylist...)
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, networkpolicy.DefaultIPv4DenylistRanges...)
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, networkpolicy.DefaultIPv6Denylist...)
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, networkpolicy.DefaultIPv6DenylistRanges...)
case iputil.IsCIDR(exclude):
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, exclude)
case asn.IsASN(exclude):
// update this to use networkpolicy pkg once is merged
ips := expandASNInputValue(exclude)
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, ips...)
case iputil.IsPort(exclude):
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(exclude)
npOptions.DenyPortList = append(npOptions.DenyPortList, port)
npOptions.DenyList = append(npOptions.DenyList, exclude)
np, err := networkpolicy.New(npOptions)
return np, err
func expandCIDRInputValue(value string) []string {
var ips []string
ipsCh, _ := mapcidr.IPAddressesAsStream(value)
for ip := range ipsCh {
ips = append(ips, ip)
return ips
func expandASNInputValue(value string) []string {
var ips []string
cidrs, _ := asn.GetCIDRsForASNNum(value)
for _, cidr := range cidrs {
ips = append(ips, expandCIDRInputValue(cidr.String())...)
return ips
func (r *Runner) prepareInputPaths() {
// most likely, the user would provide the most simplified path to an existing file
isAbsoluteOrRelativePath := filepath.Clean(r.options.RequestURIs) == r.options.RequestURIs
// Check if the user requested multiple paths
if isAbsoluteOrRelativePath && fileutil.FileExists(r.options.RequestURIs) {
r.options.requestURIs = fileutilz.LoadFile(r.options.RequestURIs)
} else if r.options.RequestURIs != "" {
r.options.requestURIs = strings.Split(r.options.RequestURIs, ",")
func (r *Runner) prepareInput() {
var numHosts int
// check if input target host(s) have been provided
if len(r.options.InputTargetHost) > 0 {
for _, target := range r.options.InputTargetHost {
expandedTarget := r.countTargetFromRawTarget(target)
if expandedTarget > 0 {
numHosts += expandedTarget, nil) //nolint
// check if file has been provided
if fileutil.FileExists(r.options.InputFile) {
finput, err := os.Open(r.options.InputFile)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read input file '%s': %s\n", r.options.InputFile, err)
numHosts, err = r.loadAndCloseFile(finput)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read input file '%s': %s\n", r.options.InputFile, err)
} else if r.options.InputFile != "" {
files, err := fileutilz.ListFilesWithPattern(r.options.InputFile)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("No input provided: %s", err)
for _, file := range files {
finput, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read input file '%s': %s\n", r.options.InputFile, err)
numTargetsFile, err := r.loadAndCloseFile(finput)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read input file '%s': %s\n", r.options.InputFile, err)
numHosts += numTargetsFile
if !r.options.DisableStdin && fileutil.HasStdin() {
numTargetsStdin, err := r.loadAndCloseFile(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not read input from stdin: %s\n", err)
numHosts += numTargetsStdin
if r.options.ShowStatistics {
r.stats.AddStatic("totalHosts", numHosts)
r.stats.AddCounter("hosts", 0)
r.stats.AddStatic("startedAt", time.Now())
r.stats.AddCounter("requests", 0)
r.stats.AddDynamic("summary", makePrintCallback())
err := r.stats.Start()
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not create statistics: %s\n", err)
r.stats.GetStatResponse(time.Duration(r.options.StatsInterval)*time.Second, func(s string, err error) error {
if err != nil && r.options.Verbose {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not read statistics: %s\n", err)
return nil
func (r *Runner) setSeen(k string) {
_ =, nil)
func (r *Runner) seen(k string) bool {
_, ok :=
return ok
func (r *Runner) testAndSet(k string) bool {
// skip empty lines
k = strings.TrimSpace(k)
if k == "" {
return false
if r.seen(k) {
return false
return true
func (r *Runner) streamInput() (chan string, error) {
out := make(chan string)
go func() {
defer close(out)
if fileutil.FileExists(r.options.InputFile) {
fchan, err := fileutil.ReadFile(r.options.InputFile)
if err != nil {
for item := range fchan {
if r.options.SkipDedupe || r.testAndSet(item) {
out <- item
} else if r.options.InputFile != "" {
files, err := fileutilz.ListFilesWithPattern(r.options.InputFile)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("No input provided: %s", err)
for _, file := range files {
fchan, err := fileutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
for item := range fchan {
if r.options.SkipDedupe || r.testAndSet(item) {
out <- item
if fileutil.HasStdin() {
fchan, err := fileutil.ReadFileWithReader(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
for item := range fchan {
if r.options.SkipDedupe || r.testAndSet(item) {
out <- item
return out, nil
func (r *Runner) loadAndCloseFile(finput *os.File) (numTargets int, err error) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(finput)
for scanner.Scan() {
target := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
// Used just to get the exact number of targets
expandedTarget := r.countTargetFromRawTarget(target)
if expandedTarget > 0 {
numTargets += expandedTarget, nil) //nolint
err = finput.Close()
return numTargets, err
func (r *Runner) countTargetFromRawTarget(rawTarget string) (numTargets int) {
if rawTarget == "" {
return 0
if _, ok :=; ok {
return 0
expandedTarget := 0
switch {
case iputil.IsCIDR(rawTarget):
if ipsCount, err := mapcidr.AddressCount(rawTarget); err == nil && ipsCount > 0 {
expandedTarget = int(ipsCount)
case asn.IsASN(rawTarget):
cidrs, _ := asn.GetCIDRsForASNNum(rawTarget)
for _, cidr := range cidrs {
expandedTarget += int(mapcidr.AddressCountIpnet(cidr))
expandedTarget = 1
return expandedTarget
var (
lastRequestsCount float64
func makePrintCallback() func(stats clistats.StatisticsClient) interface{} {
builder := &strings.Builder{}
return func(stats clistats.StatisticsClient) interface{} {
startedAt, _ := stats.GetStatic("startedAt")
duration := time.Since(startedAt.(time.Time))
var currentRequests float64
if reqs, _ := stats.GetCounter("requests"); reqs > 0 {
currentRequests = float64(reqs)
builder.WriteString(" | RPS: ")
incrementRequests := currentRequests - lastRequestsCount
builder.WriteString(clistats.String(uint64(incrementRequests / duration.Seconds())))
builder.WriteString(" | Requests: ")
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", currentRequests))
hosts, _ := stats.GetCounter("hosts")
totalHosts, _ := stats.GetStatic("totalHosts")
builder.WriteString(" | Hosts: ")
builder.WriteRune(' ')
//nolint:gomnd // this is not a magic number
builder.WriteString(clistats.String(uint64(float64(hosts) / float64(totalHosts.(int)) * 100.0)))
statString := builder.String()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", statString)
lastRequestsCount = currentRequests
return statString
// Close closes the httpx scan instance
func (r *Runner) Close() {
// nolint:errcheck // ignore
if r.options.HostMaxErrors >= 0 {
if r.options.Screenshot {
// RunEnumeration on targets for httpx client
func (r *Runner) RunEnumeration() {
// Try to create output folders if it doesn't exist
if r.options.StoreResponse && !fileutil.FolderExists(r.options.StoreResponseDir) {
// main folder
if err := os.MkdirAll(r.options.StoreResponseDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create output directory '%s': %s\n", r.options.StoreResponseDir, err)
// response folder
responseFolder := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "response")
if err := os.MkdirAll(responseFolder, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create output response directory '%s': %s\n", r.options.StoreResponseDir, err)
// screenshot folder
if r.options.Screenshot {
screenshotFolder := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "screenshot")
if err := os.MkdirAll(screenshotFolder, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create output screenshot directory '%s': %s\n", r.options.StoreResponseDir, err)
var streamChan chan string
if r.options.Stream {
var err error
streamChan, err = r.streamInput()
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not stream input: %s\n", err)
} else {
// if resume is enabled inform the user
if r.options.ShouldLoadResume() && r.options.resumeCfg.Index > 0 {
gologger.Debug().Msgf("Resuming at position %d: %s\n", r.options.resumeCfg.Index, r.options.resumeCfg.ResumeFrom)
// output routine
var wgoutput sync.WaitGroup
output := make(chan Result)
nextStep := make(chan Result)
go func(output chan Result, nextSteps ...chan Result) {
defer wgoutput.Done()
defer func() {
for _, nextStep := range nextSteps {
var plainFile, jsonFile, csvFile, indexFile, indexScreenshotFile *os.File
if r.options.Output != "" && r.options.OutputAll {
plainFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output)
defer plainFile.Close()
jsonFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output+".json")
defer jsonFile.Close()
csvFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output+".csv")
defer csvFile.Close()
jsonOrCsv := (r.options.JSONOutput || r.options.CSVOutput)
jsonAndCsv := (r.options.JSONOutput && r.options.CSVOutput)
if r.options.Output != "" && plainFile == nil && !jsonOrCsv {
plainFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output)
defer plainFile.Close()
if r.options.Output != "" && r.options.JSONOutput && jsonFile == nil {
ext := ""
if jsonAndCsv {
ext = ".json"
jsonFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output+ext)
defer jsonFile.Close()
if r.options.Output != "" && r.options.CSVOutput && csvFile == nil {
ext := ""
if jsonAndCsv {
ext = ".csv"
csvFile = openOrCreateFile(r.options.Resume, r.options.Output+ext)
defer csvFile.Close()
if r.options.CSVOutput {
outEncoding := strings.ToLower(r.options.CSVOutputEncoding)
switch outEncoding {
case "": // no encoding do nothing
case "utf-8", "utf8":
bomUtf8 := []byte{0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}
_, err := csvFile.Write(bomUtf8)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("err on file write: %s\n", err)
default: // unknown encoding
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("unknown csv output encoding: %s\n", r.options.CSVOutputEncoding)
headers := Result{}.CSVHeader()
if !r.options.OutputAll && !jsonAndCsv {
gologger.Silent().Msgf("%s\n", headers)
if csvFile != nil {
//nolint:errcheck // this method needs a small refactor to reduce complexity
csvFile.WriteString(headers + "\n")
if r.options.StoreResponseDir != "" {
var err error
responseDirPath := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "response")
if err := os.MkdirAll(responseDirPath, 0755); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create response directory '%s': %s\n", responseDirPath, err)
indexPath := filepath.Join(responseDirPath, "index.txt")
if r.options.Resume {
indexFile, err = os.OpenFile(indexPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
} else {
indexFile, err = os.Create(indexPath)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not open/create index file '%s': %s\n", r.options.Output, err)
defer indexFile.Close() //nolint
if r.options.Screenshot {
var err error
indexScreenshotPath := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "screenshot", "index_screenshot.txt")
if r.options.Resume {
indexScreenshotFile, err = os.OpenFile(indexScreenshotPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
} else {
indexScreenshotFile, err = os.Create(indexScreenshotPath)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not open/create index screenshot file '%s': %s\n", r.options.Output, err)
defer indexScreenshotFile.Close() //nolint
for resp := range output {
if r.options.SniName != "" {
resp.SNI = r.options.SniName
if resp.Err != nil {
// Change the error message if any port value passed explicitly
if url, err := r.parseURL(resp.URL); err == nil && url.Port() != "" {
resp.Err = errors.New(strings.ReplaceAll(resp.Err.Error(), "address", "port"))
gologger.Debug().Msgf("Failed '%s': %s\n", resp.URL, resp.Err)
if resp.str == "" {
if indexFile != nil {
indexData := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)\n", resp.StoredResponsePath, resp.URL, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
_, _ = indexFile.WriteString(indexData)
if indexScreenshotFile != nil && resp.ScreenshotPathRel != "" {
indexData := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)\n", resp.ScreenshotPathRel, resp.URL, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
_, _ = indexScreenshotFile.WriteString(indexData)
// apply matchers and filters
if r.options.OutputFilterCondition != "" || r.options.OutputMatchCondition != "" {
if r.options.OutputMatchCondition != "" {
matched := evalDslExpr(resp, r.options.OutputMatchCondition)
if !matched {
if r.options.OutputFilterCondition != "" {
matched := evalDslExpr(resp, r.options.OutputFilterCondition)
if matched {
if r.options.OutputFilterErrorPage && resp.KnowledgeBase["PageType"] == "error" {
if len(r.options.filterStatusCode) > 0 && sliceutil.Contains(r.options.filterStatusCode, resp.StatusCode) {
if len(r.options.filterContentLength) > 0 && sliceutil.Contains(r.options.filterContentLength, resp.ContentLength) {
if len(r.options.filterLinesCount) > 0 && sliceutil.Contains(r.options.filterLinesCount, resp.Lines) {
if len(r.options.filterWordsCount) > 0 && sliceutil.Contains(r.options.filterWordsCount, resp.Words) {
if r.options.filterRegexes != nil {
shouldContinue := false
for _, filterRegex := range r.options.filterRegexes {
if filterRegex.MatchString(resp.Raw) {
shouldContinue = true
if shouldContinue {
if len(r.options.OutputFilterString) > 0 && stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(resp.Raw, r.options.OutputFilterString...) {
if len(r.options.OutputFilterFavicon) > 0 && stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(resp.FavIconMMH3, r.options.OutputFilterFavicon...) {
if len(r.options.matchStatusCode) > 0 && !sliceutil.Contains(r.options.matchStatusCode, resp.StatusCode) {
if len(r.options.matchContentLength) > 0 && !sliceutil.Contains(r.options.matchContentLength, resp.ContentLength) {
if r.options.matchRegexes != nil {
shouldContinue := false
for _, matchRegex := range r.options.matchRegexes {
if !matchRegex.MatchString(resp.Raw) {
shouldContinue = true
if shouldContinue {
if len(r.options.OutputMatchString) > 0 && !stringsutil.ContainsAnyI(resp.Raw, r.options.OutputMatchString...) {
if len(r.options.OutputMatchFavicon) > 0 && !stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(resp.FavIconMMH3, r.options.OutputMatchFavicon...) {
if len(r.options.matchLinesCount) > 0 && !sliceutil.Contains(r.options.matchLinesCount, resp.Lines) {
if len(r.options.matchWordsCount) > 0 && !sliceutil.Contains(r.options.matchWordsCount, resp.Words) {
if len(r.options.OutputMatchCdn) > 0 && !stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(resp.CDNName, r.options.OutputMatchCdn...) {
if len(r.options.OutputFilterCdn) > 0 && stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(resp.CDNName, r.options.OutputFilterCdn...) {
// call the callback function if any
// be careful and check for result.Err
if r.options.OnResult != nil {
// store responses or chain in directory
URL, _ := urlutil.Parse(resp.URL)
domainFile := resp.Method + ":" + URL.EscapedString()
hash := hashes.Sha1([]byte(domainFile))
domainResponseFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.txt", hash)
screenshotResponseFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.png", hash)
hostFilename := strings.ReplaceAll(URL.Host, ":", "_")
domainResponseBaseDir := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "response")
domainScreenshotBaseDir := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "screenshot")
responseBaseDir := filepath.Join(domainResponseBaseDir, hostFilename)
screenshotBaseDir := filepath.Join(domainScreenshotBaseDir, hostFilename)
var responsePath, screenshotPath, screenshotPathRel string
// store response
if r.scanopts.StoreResponse || r.scanopts.StoreChain {
if r.scanopts.OmitBody {
resp.Raw = strings.Replace(resp.Raw, resp.ResponseBody, "", -1)
responsePath = fileutilz.AbsPathOrDefault(filepath.Join(responseBaseDir, domainResponseFile))
// URL.EscapedString returns that can be used as filename
respRaw := resp.Raw
reqRaw := resp.RequestRaw
if len(respRaw) > r.scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave {
respRaw = respRaw[:r.scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave]
data := reqRaw
if r.options.StoreChain && resp.Response.HasChain() {
data = append(data, append([]byte("\n"), []byte(resp.Response.GetChain())...)...)
data = append(data, respRaw...)
data = append(data, []byte("\n\n\n")...)
data = append(data, []byte(resp.URL)...)
_ = fileutil.CreateFolder(responseBaseDir)
writeErr := os.WriteFile(responsePath, data, 0644)
if writeErr != nil {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not write response at path '%s', to disk: %s", responsePath, writeErr)
resp.StoredResponsePath = responsePath
if r.scanopts.Screenshot {
screenshotPath = fileutilz.AbsPathOrDefault(filepath.Join(screenshotBaseDir, screenshotResponseFile))
screenshotPathRel = filepath.Join(hostFilename, screenshotResponseFile)
_ = fileutil.CreateFolder(screenshotBaseDir)
err := os.WriteFile(screenshotPath, resp.ScreenshotBytes, 0644)
if err != nil {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not write screenshot at path '%s', to disk: %s", screenshotPath, err)
resp.ScreenshotPath = screenshotPath
resp.ScreenshotPathRel = screenshotPathRel
if indexFile != nil {
indexData := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)\n", resp.StoredResponsePath, resp.URL, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
_, _ = indexFile.WriteString(indexData)
if indexScreenshotFile != nil && resp.ScreenshotPathRel != "" {
indexData := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (%d %s)\n", resp.ScreenshotPathRel, resp.URL, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
_, _ = indexScreenshotFile.WriteString(indexData)
if r.options.OutputMatchResponseTime != "" {
filterOps := FilterOperator{flag: "-mrt, -match-response-time"}
operator, value, err := filterOps.Parse(r.options.OutputMatchResponseTime)
if err != nil {
respTimeTaken, _ := time.ParseDuration(resp.ResponseTime)
switch operator {
// take negation of >= and >
case greaterThanEq, greaterThan:
if respTimeTaken < value {
// take negation of <= and <
case lessThanEq, lessThan:
if respTimeTaken > value {
// take negation of =
case equal:
if respTimeTaken != value {
// take negation of !=
case notEq:
if respTimeTaken == value {
if r.options.OutputFilterResponseTime != "" {
filterOps := FilterOperator{flag: "-frt, -filter-response-time"}
operator, value, err := filterOps.Parse(r.options.OutputFilterResponseTime)
if err != nil {
respTimeTaken, _ := time.ParseDuration(resp.ResponseTime)
switch operator {
case greaterThanEq:
if respTimeTaken >= value {
case lessThanEq:
if respTimeTaken <= value {
case equal:
if respTimeTaken == value {
case lessThan:
if respTimeTaken < value {
case greaterThan:
if respTimeTaken > value {
case notEq:
if respTimeTaken != value {
if r.scanopts.StoreVisionReconClusters {
foundCluster := false
pHash, _ := resp.KnowledgeBase["pHash"].(uint64)
for i, cluster := range r.pHashClusters {
distance, _ := goimagehash.NewImageHash(pHash, goimagehash.PHash).Distance(goimagehash.NewImageHash(cluster.BasePHash, goimagehash.PHash))
if distance <= hammingDistanceThreshold {
r.pHashClusters[i].Hashes = append(r.pHashClusters[i].Hashes, pHashUrl{PHash: pHash, Url: resp.URL})
foundCluster = true
if !foundCluster {
newCluster := pHashCluster{
BasePHash: pHash,
Hashes: []pHashUrl{{PHash: pHash, Url: resp.URL}},
r.pHashClusters = append(r.pHashClusters, newCluster)
if !jsonOrCsv || jsonAndCsv || r.options.OutputAll {
gologger.Silent().Msgf("%s\n", resp.str)
//nolint:errcheck // this method needs a small refactor to reduce complexity
if plainFile != nil {
plainFile.WriteString(resp.str + "\n")
if r.options.JSONOutput {
row := resp.JSON(&r.scanopts)
if !r.options.OutputAll && !jsonAndCsv {
gologger.Silent().Msgf("%s\n", row)
//nolint:errcheck // this method needs a small refactor to reduce complexity
if jsonFile != nil {
jsonFile.WriteString(row + "\n")
if r.options.CSVOutput {
row := resp.CSVRow(&r.scanopts)
if !r.options.OutputAll && !jsonAndCsv {
gologger.Silent().Msgf("%s\n", row)
//nolint:errcheck // this method needs a small refactor to reduce complexity
if csvFile != nil {
csvFile.WriteString(row + "\n")
for _, nextStep := range nextSteps {
nextStep <- resp
}(output, nextStep)
// HTML Summary
// - needs output of previous routine
// - separate goroutine due to incapability of go templates to render from file
go func(output chan Result) {
defer wgoutput.Done()
if r.options.Screenshot {
screenshotHtmlPath := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "screenshot", "screenshot.html")
screenshotHtml, err := os.Create(screenshotHtmlPath)
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not create HTML file %s\n", err)
defer screenshotHtml.Close()
templateMap := template.FuncMap{
"safeURL": func(u string) template.URL {
if osutil.IsWindows() {
u = filepath.ToSlash(u)
return template.URL(u)
tmpl, err := template.
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not create HTML template: %v\n", err)
if err = tmpl.Execute(screenshotHtml, struct {
Options Options
Output chan Result
Options: *r.options,
Output: output,
}); err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not execute HTML template: %v\n", err)
// fallthrough if anything is left in the buffer unblocks if screenshot is false
for range output {
wg, _ := syncutil.New(syncutil.WithSize(r.options.Threads))
processItem := func(k string) error {
if r.options.resumeCfg != nil {
r.options.resumeCfg.current = k
if r.options.resumeCfg.currentIndex <= r.options.resumeCfg.Index {
return nil
protocol := r.options.protocol
// attempt to parse url as is
if u, err := r.parseURL(k); err == nil {
if r.options.NoFallbackScheme && u.Scheme == httpx.HTTP || u.Scheme == httpx.HTTPS {
protocol = u.Scheme
if len(r.options.requestURIs) > 0 {
for _, p := range r.options.requestURIs {
scanopts := r.scanopts.Clone()
scanopts.RequestURI = p
r.process(k, wg, r.hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
} else {
r.process(k, wg, r.hp, protocol, &r.scanopts, output)
return nil
if r.options.Stream {
for item := range streamChan {
_ = processItem(item)
} else {, _ []byte) error {
return processItem(string(k))
if r.scanopts.StoreVisionReconClusters {
visionReconClusters := filepath.Join(r.options.StoreResponseDir, "vision_recon_clusters.json")
clusterReportJSON, err := json.Marshal(r.pHashClusters)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to marshal report to JSON: %v", err)
file, err := os.Create(visionReconClusters)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to create JSON file: %v", err)
defer file.Close()
_, err = file.Write(clusterReportJSON)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to write to JSON file: %v", err)
func logFilteredErrorPage(url string) {
fileName := "filtered_error_page.json"
file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not open/create output file '%s': %s\n", fileName, err)
defer file.Close()
info := map[string]interface{}{
"url": url,
"time_filtered": time.Now(),
data, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to marshal JSON:", err)
if _, err := file.Write(data); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to write to '%s': %s\n", fileName, err)
if _, err := file.WriteString("\n"); err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Failed to write newline to '%s': %s\n", fileName, err)
func openOrCreateFile(resume bool, filename string) *os.File {
var err error
var f *os.File
if resume {
f, err = os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
} else {
f, err = os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatal().Msgf("Could not open/create output file '%s': %s\n", filename, err)
return f
func (r *Runner) GetScanOpts() ScanOptions {
return r.scanopts
func (r *Runner) Process(t string, wg *syncutil.AdaptiveWaitGroup, protocol string, scanopts *ScanOptions, output chan Result) {
r.process(t, wg, r.hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
func (r *Runner) process(t string, wg *syncutil.AdaptiveWaitGroup, hp *httpx.HTTPX, protocol string, scanopts *ScanOptions, output chan Result) {
// attempts to set the workpool size to the number of threads
if r.options.Threads > 0 && wg.Size != r.options.Threads {
if err := wg.Resize(context.Background(), r.options.Threads); err != nil {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not resize workpool: %s\n", err)
protocols := []string{protocol}
if scanopts.NoFallback || protocol == httpx.HTTPandHTTPS {
protocols = []string{httpx.HTTPS, httpx.HTTP}
for target := range r.targets(hp, stringz.TrimProtocol(t, scanopts.NoFallback || scanopts.NoFallbackScheme)) {
// if no custom ports specified then test the default ones
if len(customport.Ports) == 0 {
for _, method := range scanopts.Methods {
for _, prot := range protocols {
// sleep for delay time
go func(target httpx.Target, method, protocol string) {
defer wg.Done()
result := r.analyze(hp, protocol, target, method, t, scanopts)
output <- result
if scanopts.TLSProbe && result.TLSData != nil {
for _, tt := range result.TLSData.SubjectAN {
if !r.testAndSet(tt) {
r.process(tt, wg, hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
if r.testAndSet(result.TLSData.SubjectCN) {
r.process(result.TLSData.SubjectCN, wg, hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
if scanopts.CSPProbe && result.CSPData != nil {
scanopts.CSPProbe = false
domains := result.CSPData.Domains
domains = append(domains, result.CSPData.Fqdns...)
for _, tt := range domains {
if !r.testAndSet(tt) {
r.process(tt, wg, hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
}(target, method, prot)
for port, wantedProtocolForPort := range customport.Ports {
// NoFallbackScheme overrides custom ports scheme
// Example: httpx -u -ports http:8080,https:443 --no-fallback-scheme
// In this case, the requests will be created with the target scheme (ignoring the custom ports scheme)
// Examples: and
if scanopts.NoFallbackScheme {
wantedProtocolForPort = protocol
wantedProtocols := []string{wantedProtocolForPort}
if wantedProtocolForPort == httpx.HTTPandHTTPS {
wantedProtocols = []string{httpx.HTTPS, httpx.HTTP}
for _, wantedProtocol := range wantedProtocols {
for _, method := range scanopts.Methods {
// sleep for delay time
go func(port int, target httpx.Target, method, protocol string) {
defer wg.Done()
if urlx, err := r.parseURL(target.Host); err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("failed to update port of %v got %v", target.Host, err)
} else {
target.Host = urlx.String()
result := r.analyze(hp, protocol, target, method, t, scanopts)
output <- result
if scanopts.TLSProbe && result.TLSData != nil {
for _, tt := range result.TLSData.SubjectAN {
if !r.testAndSet(tt) {
r.process(tt, wg, hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
if r.testAndSet(result.TLSData.SubjectCN) {
r.process(result.TLSData.SubjectCN, wg, hp, protocol, scanopts, output)
}(port, target, method, wantedProtocol)
if r.options.ShowStatistics {
r.stats.IncrementCounter("hosts", 1)
// returns all the targets within a cidr range or the single target
func (r *Runner) targets(hp *httpx.HTTPX, target string) chan httpx.Target {
results := make(chan httpx.Target)
go func() {
defer close(results)
target = strings.TrimSpace(target)
switch {
case stringsutil.HasPrefixAny(target, "*", "."):
// A valid target does not contain:
// trim * and/or . (prefix) from the target to return the domain instead of wilcard
target = stringsutil.TrimPrefixAny(target, "*", ".")
if !r.testAndSet(target) {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target}
case asn.IsASN(target):
cidrIps, err := asn.GetIPAddressesAsStream(target)
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not get ASN targets for '%s': %s\n", target, err)
for ip := range cidrIps {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: ip}
case iputil.IsCIDR(target):
cidrIps, err := mapcidr.IPAddressesAsStream(target)
if err != nil {
for ip := range cidrIps {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: ip}
case r.options.ProbeAllIPS:
URL, err := r.parseURL(target)
if err != nil {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target}
ips, _, _, err := getDNSData(hp, URL.Host)
if err != nil || len(ips) == 0 {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target}
for _, ip := range ips {
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target, CustomIP: ip}
case !stringsutil.HasPrefixAny(target, "http://", "https://") && stringsutil.ContainsAny(target, ","):
idxComma := strings.Index(target, ",")
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target[idxComma+1:], CustomHost: target[:idxComma]}
results <- httpx.Target{Host: target}
return results
func (r *Runner) analyze(hp *httpx.HTTPX, protocol string, target httpx.Target, method, origInput string, scanopts *ScanOptions) Result {
origProtocol := protocol
if protocol == httpx.HTTPorHTTPS || protocol == httpx.HTTPandHTTPS {
protocol = httpx.HTTPS
retried := false
if scanopts.VHostInput && target.CustomHost == "" {
return Result{Input: origInput}
URL, err := r.parseURL(target.Host)
if err != nil {
return Result{URL: target.Host, Input: origInput, Err: err}
// check if we have to skip the host:port as a result of a previous failure
hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(URL.Host, URL.Port())
if r.options.HostMaxErrors >= 0 && r.HostErrorsCache.Has(hostPort) {
numberOfErrors, err := r.HostErrorsCache.GetIFPresent(hostPort)
if err == nil && numberOfErrors >= r.options.HostMaxErrors {
return Result{URL: target.Host, Err: errors.New("skipping as previously unresponsive")}
// check if the combination host:port should be skipped if belonging to a cdn
skip, reason := r.skip(URL, target, origInput)
if skip {
return reason
URL.Scheme = protocol
if !strings.Contains(target.Host, URL.Port()) {
var reqURI string
// retry with unsafe
if err := URL.MergePath(scanopts.RequestURI, scanopts.Unsafe); err != nil {
gologger.Debug().Msgf("failed to merge paths of url %v and %v", URL.String(), scanopts.RequestURI)
var req *retryablehttp.Request
if target.CustomIP != "" {
var requestIP string
if iputil.IsIPv6(target.CustomIP) {
requestIP = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", target.CustomIP)
} else {
requestIP = target.CustomIP
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), fastdialer.IP, requestIP)
req, err = hp.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, method, URL.String())
} else {
req, err = hp.NewRequest(method, URL.String())
if err != nil {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Err: err}
if target.CustomHost != "" {
req.Host = target.CustomHost
if !scanopts.LeaveDefaultPorts {
switch {
case protocol == httpx.HTTP && strings.HasSuffix(req.Host, ":80"):
req.Host = strings.TrimSuffix(req.Host, ":80")
case protocol == httpx.HTTPS && strings.HasSuffix(req.Host, ":443"):
req.Host = strings.TrimSuffix(req.Host, ":443")
hp.SetCustomHeaders(req, hp.CustomHeaders)
// We set content-length even if zero to allow net/http to follow 307/308 redirects (it fails on unknown size)
if scanopts.RequestBody != "" {
req.ContentLength = int64(len(scanopts.RequestBody))
req.Body = io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(scanopts.RequestBody))
} else {
req.ContentLength = 0
req.Body = nil
// with rawhttp we should say to the server to close the connection, otherwise it will remain open
if scanopts.Unsafe {
req.Header.Add("Connection", "close")
resp, err := hp.Do(req, httpx.UnsafeOptions{URIPath: reqURI})
if r.options.ShowStatistics {
r.stats.IncrementCounter("requests", 1)
var requestDump []byte
if scanopts.Unsafe {
var errDump error
requestDump, errDump = rawhttp.DumpRequestRaw(req.Method, req.URL.String(), reqURI, req.Header, req.Body, rawhttp.DefaultOptions)
if errDump != nil {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Err: errDump}
} else {
// Create a copy on the fly of the request body
if scanopts.RequestBody != "" {
req.ContentLength = int64(len(scanopts.RequestBody))
req.Body = io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(scanopts.RequestBody))
var errDump error
requestDump, errDump = httputil.DumpRequestOut(req.Request, true)
if errDump != nil {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Err: errDump}
// The original req.Body gets modified indirectly by httputil.DumpRequestOut so we set it again to nil if it was empty
// Otherwise redirects like 307/308 would fail (as they require the body to be sent along)
if len(scanopts.RequestBody) == 0 {
req.ContentLength = 0
req.Body = nil
// fix the final output url
fullURL := req.URL.String()
if parsedURL, errParse := r.parseURL(fullURL); errParse != nil {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Err: errParse}
} else {
if r.options.Unsafe {
parsedURL.Path = reqURI
// if the full url doesn't end with the custom path we pick the original input value
} else if !stringsutil.HasSuffixAny(fullURL, scanopts.RequestURI) {
parsedURL.Path = scanopts.RequestURI
fullURL = parsedURL.String()
if r.options.Debug || r.options.DebugRequests {
gologger.Info().Msgf("Dumped HTTP request for %s\n\n", fullURL)
gologger.Print().Msgf("%s", string(requestDump))
if (r.options.Debug || r.options.DebugResponse) && resp != nil {
gologger.Info().Msgf("Dumped HTTP response for %s\n\n", fullURL)
gologger.Print().Msgf("%s", string(resp.Raw))
builder := &strings.Builder{}
if r.options.Probe {
builder.WriteString(" [")
outputStatus := "SUCCESS"
if err != nil {
outputStatus = "FAILED"
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor && err != nil {
} else if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor && err == nil {
} else {
if err != nil {
errString := ""
errString = err.Error()
splitErr := strings.Split(errString, ":")
errString = strings.TrimSpace(splitErr[len(splitErr)-1])
if !retried && origProtocol == httpx.HTTPorHTTPS {
if protocol == httpx.HTTPS {
protocol = httpx.HTTP
} else {
protocol = httpx.HTTPS
retried = true
goto retry
// mark the host:port as failed to avoid further checks
if r.options.HostMaxErrors >= 0 {
errorCount, err := r.HostErrorsCache.GetIFPresent(hostPort)
if err != nil || errorCount == 0 {
_ = r.HostErrorsCache.Set(hostPort, 1)
} else if errorCount > 0 {
_ = r.HostErrorsCache.Set(hostPort, errorCount+1)
if r.options.Probe {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: err, Failed: err != nil, Error: errString, str: builder.String()}
} else {
return Result{URL: URL.String(), Input: origInput, Timestamp: time.Now(), Err: err}
if scanopts.OutputStatusCode {
builder.WriteString(" [")
setColor := func(statusCode int) {
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
// Color the status code based on its value
switch {
case statusCode >= http.StatusOK && statusCode < http.StatusMultipleChoices:
case statusCode >= http.StatusMultipleChoices && statusCode < http.StatusBadRequest:
case statusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest && statusCode < http.StatusInternalServerError:
case resp.StatusCode > http.StatusInternalServerError:
} else {
for i, chainItem := range resp.Chain {
if i != len(resp.Chain)-1 {
if r.options.Unsafe {
if scanopts.OutputLocation {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
builder.WriteString(aurora.Magenta(resp.GetHeaderPart("Location", ";")).String())
} else {
builder.WriteString(resp.GetHeaderPart("Location", ";"))
if scanopts.OutputMethod {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
if scanopts.OutputContentLength {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
if scanopts.OutputContentType {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
builder.WriteString(aurora.Magenta(resp.GetHeaderPart("Content-Type", ";")).String())
} else {
builder.WriteString(resp.GetHeaderPart("Content-Type", ";"))
var title string
if httpx.CanHaveTitleTag(resp.GetHeaderPart("Content-Type", ";")) {
title = httpx.ExtractTitle(resp)
if scanopts.OutputTitle && title != "" {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
var bodyPreview string
if r.options.ResponseBodyPreviewSize > 0 && resp != nil {
bodyPreview = string(resp.Data)
if stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(r.options.StripFilter, "html", "xml") {
bodyPreview = r.hp.Sanitize(bodyPreview, true, true)
} else {
bodyPreview = strings.ReplaceAll(bodyPreview, "\n", "\\n")
bodyPreview = httputilz.NormalizeSpaces(bodyPreview)
if len(bodyPreview) > r.options.ResponseBodyPreviewSize {
bodyPreview = bodyPreview[:r.options.ResponseBodyPreviewSize]
bodyPreview = strings.TrimSpace(bodyPreview)
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
serverHeader := resp.GetHeader("Server")
if scanopts.OutputServerHeader {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", serverHeader))
var (
serverResponseRaw string
request string
rawResponseHeaders string
responseHeaders map[string]interface{}
if scanopts.ResponseHeadersInStdout {
responseHeaders = normalizeHeaders(resp.Headers)
respData := string(resp.Data)
if r.options.NoDecode {
respData = string(resp.RawData)
if scanopts.ResponseInStdout || r.options.OutputMatchCondition != "" || r.options.OutputFilterCondition != "" {
serverResponseRaw = string(respData)
request = string(requestDump)
responseHeaders = normalizeHeaders(resp.Headers)
rawResponseHeaders = resp.RawHeaders
} else if scanopts.Base64ResponseInStdout {
serverResponseRaw = stringz.Base64([]byte(respData))
request = stringz.Base64(requestDump)
responseHeaders = normalizeHeaders(resp.Headers)
rawResponseHeaders = stringz.Base64([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
// check for virtual host
isvhost := false
if scanopts.VHost {
isvhost, _ = hp.IsVirtualHost(req, httpx.UnsafeOptions{})
if isvhost {
builder.WriteString(" [vhost]")
// web socket
isWebSocket := isWebSocket(resp)
if scanopts.OutputWebSocket && isWebSocket {
builder.WriteString(" [websocket]")
pipeline := false
if scanopts.Pipeline {
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(URL.Port())
pipeline = hp.SupportPipeline(protocol, method, URL.Host, port)
if pipeline {
builder.WriteString(" [pipeline]")
if r.options.ShowStatistics {
r.stats.IncrementCounter("requests", 1)
var http2 bool
// if requested probes for http2
if scanopts.HTTP2Probe {
http2 = hp.SupportHTTP2(protocol, method, URL.String())
if http2 {
builder.WriteString(" [http2]")
if r.options.ShowStatistics {
r.stats.IncrementCounter("requests", 1)
var ip string
if target.CustomIP != "" {
ip = target.CustomIP
} else {
if onlyHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(URL.Host); err == nil && iputil.IsIP(onlyHost) {
ip = onlyHost
} else {
// hp.Dialer.GetDialedIP would return only the last dialed one
ip = hp.Dialer.GetDialedIP(URL.Host)
if ip == "" {
ip = hp.Dialer.GetDialedIP(onlyHost)
var asnResponse *AsnResponse
if r.options.Asn {
results, _ := asnmap.DefaultClient.GetData(ip)
if len(results) > 0 {
var cidrs []string
ipnets, _ := asnmap.GetCIDR(results)
for _, ipnet := range ipnets {
cidrs = append(cidrs, ipnet.String())
asnResponse = &AsnResponse{
AsNumber: fmt.Sprintf("AS%v", results[0].ASN),
AsName: results[0].Org,
AsCountry: results[0].Country,
AsRange: cidrs,
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
if scanopts.OutputIP || scanopts.ProbeAllIPS {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", ip))
var onlyHost string
onlyHost, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(URL.Host)
if err != nil {
onlyHost = URL.Host
allIps, cnames, resolvers, err := getDNSData(hp, onlyHost)
if err != nil {
allIps = append(allIps, ip)
var ips4, ips6 []string
for _, ip := range allIps {
switch {
case iputil.IsIPv4(ip):
ips4 = append(ips4, ip)
case iputil.IsIPv6(ip):
ips6 = append(ips6, ip)
if scanopts.OutputCName && len(cnames) > 0 {
// Print only the first CNAME (full list in json)
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", cnames[0]))
isCDN, cdnName, err := hp.CdnCheck(ip)
if scanopts.OutputCDN == "true" && isCDN && err == nil {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", cdnName))
if scanopts.OutputResponseTime {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", resp.Duration))
technologyDetails := make(map[string]wappalyzer.AppInfo)
var technologies []string
if scanopts.TechDetect {
matches := r.wappalyzer.FingerprintWithInfo(resp.Headers, resp.Data)
for match, data := range matches {
technologies = append(technologies, match)
technologyDetails[match] = data
var extractRegex []string
// extract regex
var extractResult = map[string][]string{}
if scanopts.extractRegexps != nil {
for regex, compiledRegex := range scanopts.extractRegexps {
matches := compiledRegex.FindAllString(string(resp.Raw), -1)
if len(matches) > 0 {
matches = sliceutil.Dedupe(matches)
builder.WriteString(" [" + strings.Join(matches, ",") + "]")
extractResult[regex] = matches
var finalURL string
if resp.HasChain() {
finalURL = resp.GetChainLastURL()
if resp.HasChain() {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
var faviconMMH3, faviconPath string
if scanopts.Favicon {
var err error
faviconMMH3, faviconPath, err = r.handleFaviconHash(hp, req, resp)
if err == nil {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
} else {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("could not calculate favicon hash for path %v : %s", faviconPath, err)
hashesMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if scanopts.Hashes != "" {
hs := strings.Split(scanopts.Hashes, ",")
outputHashes := !(r.options.JSONOutput || r.options.OutputAll)
if outputHashes {
builder.WriteString(" [")
for index, hashType := range hs {
var (
hashHeader, hashBody string
hashType = strings.ToLower(hashType)
switch hashType {
case "md5":
hashBody = hashes.Md5(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Md5([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
case "mmh3":
hashBody = hashes.Mmh3(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Mmh3([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
case "sha1":
hashBody = hashes.Sha1(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Sha1([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
case "sha256":
hashBody = hashes.Sha256(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Sha256([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
case "sha512":
hashBody = hashes.Sha512(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Sha512([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
case "simhash":
hashBody = hashes.Simhash(resp.Data)
hashHeader = hashes.Simhash([]byte(resp.RawHeaders))
if hashBody != "" {
hashesMap[fmt.Sprintf("body_%s", hashType)] = hashBody
hashesMap[fmt.Sprintf("header_%s", hashType)] = hashHeader
if outputHashes {
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
if index != len(hs)-1 {
if outputHashes {
if scanopts.OutputLinesCount {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
jarmhash := ""
if r.options.Jarm {
jarmhash = jarm.Jarm(r.hp.Dialer, fullURL, r.options.Timeout)
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
if scanopts.OutputWordsCount {
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
// store responses or chain in directory
domainFile := method + ":" + URL.EscapedString()
hash := hashes.Sha1([]byte(domainFile))
domainResponseFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.txt", hash)
hostFilename := strings.ReplaceAll(URL.Host, ":", "_")
domainResponseBaseDir := filepath.Join(scanopts.StoreResponseDirectory, "response")
responseBaseDir := filepath.Join(domainResponseBaseDir, hostFilename)
var responsePath string
// store response
if scanopts.StoreResponse || scanopts.StoreChain {
if r.options.OmitBody {
resp.Raw = strings.Replace(resp.Raw, string(resp.Data), "", -1)
responsePath = fileutilz.AbsPathOrDefault(filepath.Join(responseBaseDir, domainResponseFile))
// URL.EscapedString returns that can be used as filename
respRaw := resp.Raw
reqRaw := requestDump
if len(respRaw) > scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave {
respRaw = respRaw[:scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave]
data := reqRaw
if scanopts.StoreChain && resp.HasChain() {
data = append(data, append([]byte("\n"), []byte(resp.GetChain())...)...)
data = append(data, respRaw...)
data = append(data, []byte("\n\n\n")...)
data = append(data, []byte(fullURL)...)
_ = fileutil.CreateFolder(responseBaseDir)
writeErr := os.WriteFile(responsePath, data, 0644)
if writeErr != nil {
gologger.Error().Msgf("Could not write response at path '%s', to disk: %s", responsePath, writeErr)
parsed, err := r.parseURL(fullURL)
if err != nil {
return Result{URL: fullURL, Input: origInput, Err: errors.Wrap(err, "could not parse url")}
finalPort := parsed.Port()
if finalPort == "" {
if parsed.Scheme == "http" {
finalPort = "80"
} else {
finalPort = "443"
finalPath := parsed.RequestURI()
if finalPath == "" {
finalPath = "/"
var chainStatusCodes []int
if resp.HasChain() {
chainStatusCodes = append(chainStatusCodes, resp.GetChainStatusCodes()...)
var chainItems []httpx.ChainItem
if scanopts.ChainInStdout && resp.HasChain() {
chainItems = append(chainItems, resp.GetChainAsSlice()...)
// screenshot
var (
screenshotBytes []byte
headlessBody string
var pHash uint64
if scanopts.Screenshot {
var err error
screenshotBytes, headlessBody, err = r.browser.ScreenshotWithBody(fullURL, time.Duration(scanopts.ScreenshotTimeout)*time.Second)
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("Could not take screenshot '%s': %s", fullURL, err)
} else {
pHash, err = calculatePerceptionHash(screenshotBytes)
if err != nil {
gologger.Warning().Msgf("%v: %s", err, fullURL)
// As we now have headless body, we can also use it for detecting
// more technologies in the response. This is a quick trick to get
// more detected technologies.
if r.options.TechDetect || r.options.JSONOutput || r.options.CSVOutput {
moreMatches := r.wappalyzer.FingerprintWithInfo(resp.Headers, []byte(headlessBody))
for match, data := range moreMatches {
technologies = append(technologies, match)
technologyDetails[match] = data
technologies = sliceutil.Dedupe(technologies)
if scanopts.NoScreenshotBytes {
screenshotBytes = []byte{}
if scanopts.NoHeadlessBody {
headlessBody = ""
if scanopts.TechDetect && len(technologies) > 0 {
technologies := strings.Join(technologies, ",")
builder.WriteString(" [")
if !scanopts.OutputWithNoColor {
} else {
result := Result{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Request: request,
ResponseHeaders: responseHeaders,
RawHeaders: rawResponseHeaders,
Scheme: parsed.Scheme,
Port: finalPort,
Path: finalPath,
Raw: resp.Raw,
URL: fullURL,
Input: origInput,
ContentLength: resp.ContentLength,
ChainStatusCodes: chainStatusCodes,
Chain: chainItems,
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Location: resp.GetHeaderPart("Location", ";"),
ContentType: resp.GetHeaderPart("Content-Type", ";"),
Title: title,
str: builder.String(),
VHost: isvhost,
WebServer: serverHeader,
ResponseBody: serverResponseRaw,
BodyPreview: bodyPreview,
WebSocket: isWebSocket,
TLSData: resp.TLSData,
CSPData: resp.CSPData,
Pipeline: pipeline,
HTTP2: http2,
Method: method,
Host: ip,
A: ips4,
AAAA: ips6,
CNAMEs: cnames,
CDNName: cdnName,
ResponseTime: resp.Duration.String(),
Technologies: technologies,
FinalURL: finalURL,
FavIconMMH3: faviconMMH3,
FaviconPath: faviconPath,
Hashes: hashesMap,
Extracts: extractResult,
Jarm: jarmhash,
Lines: resp.Lines,
Words: resp.Words,
ASN: asnResponse,
ExtractRegex: extractRegex,
ScreenshotBytes: screenshotBytes,
HeadlessBody: headlessBody,
KnowledgeBase: map[string]interface{}{
"PageType": r.errorPageClassifier.Classify(respData),
"pHash": pHash,
TechnologyDetails: technologyDetails,
Resolvers: resolvers,
RequestRaw: requestDump,
Response: resp,
return result
func (r *Runner) skip(URL *urlutil.URL, target httpx.Target, origInput string) (bool, Result) {
if r.skipCDNPort(URL.Hostname(), URL.Port()) {
gologger.Debug().Msgf("Skipping cdn target: %s:%s\n", URL.Host, URL.Port())
return true, Result{URL: target.Host, Input: origInput, Err: errors.New("cdn target only allows ports 80 and 443")}
if !r.hp.NetworkPolicy.Validate(URL.Host) {
gologger.Debug().Msgf("Skipping target due to network policy: %s\n", URL.Hostname())
return true, Result{URL: target.Host, Input: origInput, Err: errors.New("target host is not allowed by network policy")}
return false, Result{}
func calculatePerceptionHash(screenshotBytes []byte) (uint64, error) {
reader := bytes.NewReader(screenshotBytes)
img, _, err := image.Decode(reader)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode screenshot")
pHash, err := goimagehash.PerceptionHash(img)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to calculate perceptual hash")
return pHash.GetHash(), nil
func (r *Runner) handleFaviconHash(hp *httpx.HTTPX, req *retryablehttp.Request, currentResp *httpx.Response) (string, string, error) {
// Check if current URI is ending with .ico => use current body without additional requests
if path.Ext(req.URL.Path) == ".ico" {
hash, err := r.calculateFaviconHashWithRaw(currentResp.Data)
return hash, req.URL.Path, err
// search in the response of the requested path for element and rel shortcut/mask/apple-touch icon
// link with .ico extension (which will be prioritized if available)
// if not, any of link from other icons can be requested
potentialURLs, err := extractPotentialFavIconsURLs(currentResp)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
faviconPath := "/favicon.ico"
// pick the first - we want only one request
if len(potentialURLs) > 0 {
URL, err := r.parseURL(potentialURLs[0])
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if URL.IsAbs() {
req.Host = URL.Host
faviconPath = ""
} else {
faviconPath = URL.String()
if faviconPath != "" {
err = req.URL.MergePath(faviconPath, false)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errorutil.NewWithTag("favicon", "failed to add %v to url got %v", faviconPath, err)
resp, err := hp.Do(req, httpx.UnsafeOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "could not fetch favicon")
hash, err := r.calculateFaviconHashWithRaw(resp.Data)
return hash, req.URL.Path, err
func (r *Runner) calculateFaviconHashWithRaw(data []byte) (string, error) {
hashNum, err := stringz.FaviconHash(data)
if err != nil {
return "", errorutil.NewWithTag("favicon", "could not calculate favicon hash").Wrap(err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", hashNum), nil
func extractPotentialFavIconsURLs(resp *httpx.Response) ([]string, error) {
var potentialURLs []string
document, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(bytes.NewReader(resp.Data))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
document.Find("link").Each(func(i int, item *goquery.Selection) {
href, okHref := item.Attr("href")
rel, okRel := item.Attr("rel")
isValidRel := okRel && stringsutil.EqualFoldAny(rel, "icon", "shortcut icon", "mask-icon", "apple-touch-icon")
if okHref && isValidRel {
potentialURLs = append(potentialURLs, href)
return potentialURLs, nil
// SaveResumeConfig to file
func (r *Runner) SaveResumeConfig() error {
var resumeCfg ResumeCfg
resumeCfg.Index = r.options.resumeCfg.currentIndex
resumeCfg.ResumeFrom = r.options.resumeCfg.current
return goconfig.Save(resumeCfg, DefaultResumeFile)
// JSON the result
func (r Result) JSON(scanopts *ScanOptions) string { //nolint
if scanopts != nil && len(r.ResponseBody) > scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave {
r.ResponseBody = r.ResponseBody[:scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave]
if js, err := json.Marshal(r); err == nil {
return string(js)
return ""
// CSVHeader the CSV headers
func (r Result) CSVHeader() string { //nolint
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
writer := csv.NewWriter(&buffer)
var headers []string
ty := reflect.TypeOf(r)
for i := 0; i < ty.NumField(); i++ {
tag := ty.Field(i).Tag.Get("csv")
if ignored := (tag == "" || tag == "-"); ignored {
headers = append(headers, tag)
_ = writer.Write(headers)
return strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String())
// CSVRow the CSV Row
func (r Result) CSVRow(scanopts *ScanOptions) string { //nolint
if scanopts != nil && len(r.ResponseBody) > scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave {
r.ResponseBody = r.ResponseBody[:scanopts.MaxResponseBodySizeToSave]
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
writer := csv.NewWriter(&buffer)
var cells []string
elem := reflect.ValueOf(r)
for i := 0; i < elem.NumField(); i++ {
value := elem.Field(i)
tag := elem.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get(`csv`)
if ignored := (tag == "" || tag == "-"); ignored {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value.Interface())
// defense against csv injection
startWithRiskyChar, _ := regexp.Compile(`^([=+\-@])`)
if startWithRiskyChar.Match([]byte(str)) {
str = "'" + str
cells = append(cells, str)
_ = writer.Write(cells)
return strings.TrimSpace(buffer.String()) // remove "\n" in the end
func (r *Runner) skipCDNPort(host string, port string) bool {
// if the option is not enabled we don't skip
if !r.scanopts.ExcludeCDN {
return false
// uses the dealer to pre-resolve the target
dnsData, err := r.hp.Dialer.GetDNSData(host)
// if we get an error the target cannot be resolved, so we return false so that the program logic continues as usual and handles the errors accordingly
if err != nil {
return false
if len(dnsData.A) == 0 {
return false
// pick the first ip as target
hostIP := dnsData.A[0]
isCdnIP, _, err := r.hp.CdnCheck(hostIP)
if err != nil {
return false
if isCdnIP && slices.Contains(r.options.CustomPorts, port) {
return true
// If the target is part of the CDN ips range - only ports 80 and 443 are allowed
if isCdnIP && port != "80" && port != "443" {
return true
return false
// parseURL parses url based on cli option(unsafe)
func (r *Runner) parseURL(url string) (*urlutil.URL, error) {
urlx, err := urlutil.ParseURL(url, r.options.Unsafe)
if err != nil {
gologger.Debug().Msgf("failed to parse url %v got %v in unsafe:%v", url, err, r.options.Unsafe)
return urlx, err
func getDNSData(hp *httpx.HTTPX, hostname string) (ips, cnames, resolvers []string, err error) {
dnsData, err := hp.Dialer.GetDNSData(hostname)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
ips = make([]string, 0, len(dnsData.A)+len(dnsData.AAAA))
ips = append(ips, dnsData.A...)
ips = append(ips, dnsData.AAAA...)
cnames = dnsData.CNAME
resolvers = append(resolvers, dnsData.Resolver...)
func normalizeHeaders(headers map[string][]string) map[string]interface{} {
normalized := make(map[string]interface{}, len(headers))
for k, v := range headers {
normalized[strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(k), "-", "_")] = strings.Join(v, ", ")
return normalized
func isWebSocket(resp *httpx.Response) bool {
if resp.StatusCode == 101 {
return true
// TODO: improve this checks
// Check for specific headers that indicate WebSocket support
keyHeaders := []string{`^Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s+.+`, `^Upgrade:\s+websocket`, `^Connection:\s+upgrade`}
for _, header := range keyHeaders {
re := regexp.MustCompile(header)
if re.MatchString(resp.RawHeaders) {
return true
// Check for specific data that indicates WebSocket support
keyData := []string{`{"socket":true,"socketUrl":"(?:wss?|ws)://.*"}`, `{"sid":"[^"]*","upgrades":\["websocket"\].*}`}
for _, data := range keyData {
re := regexp.MustCompile(data)
if re.Match(resp.RawData) {
return true
return false