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2023-02-26 00:47:32 +03:00
## Classes
<dt><a href="#AtomEnvironment">AtomEnvironment</a></dt>
<dd><p>Pulsar global for dealing with packages, themes, menus, and the window.</p>
<p>An instance of this class is always available as the <code>atom</code> global.</p>
<dt><a href="#Clipboard">Clipboard</a></dt>
## Constants
<dt><a href="#etch">etch</a></dt>
2023-03-15 08:04:05 +03:00
<dt><a href="#css">css</a></dt>
<dd><p>This file will manage the updating of <code>autocomplete-css</code> <code>completions.json</code>.
We will mainly utilize <code>@webref/css</code>.listAll() function that returns a full CSS
list of all properties seperated by their spec shortname. An example
of this format is defined below for ease of future modifications.</p>
<p> Some important notes about the data contained here:
- Often times the <code>value</code> within the <code>property</code> will be in the following format:
<code>&lt;valueGroupName&gt;</code> or even <code>&lt;valueGroupName&gt; | value | value2</code> or just <code>value | value2</code>
It will be important to build a parser that can handle this format.
The <code>&lt;valueGroupName&gt;</code> then can be realized via that specs <code>values</code> where
<code>values[x].name</code> will match the <code>&lt;valueGroupName&gt;</code>. Another important note about
handling values here is that oftentimes <code>values[x].values[]</code> won&#39;t actually
contain all possible values. And instead this must be handled by checking
<code>values[x].value</code> which is another string of <code>&lt;valueGroupName&gt; | value</code>.
So this should be handled by the same parser.
- Additionally an important note is that nowhere in this data do we get any kind
of description about the data that could lend a hand in being documentation.
So the documentation must be gathered seperatly. Likely the best way to collect
our documentation data is via <code>mdn/content</code>.
Within <code>content/files/en-us/web/css</code> is a directory of folders titled
by the name of properties.</p>
<pre><code>The last important thing to note here:
MDN doesn&#39;t have docs on everything. And that&#39;s a good thing. But it means
many of our items don&#39;t have any kind of description. For this situation
we have `manual-property-desc.json` which is a list of manually updated
descriptions for properties where there are none. This was a last resort
intended to provide the highest quality of completions possible.
Overtime many items on this list will likely be able to be removed just as
new ones are added. After running the update script you&#39;ll see a warning
saying how many properties are without completions that would then need to
be added to the JSON file.
<p> &quot;spec-shortname&quot;: {
&quot;spec&quot;: {
&quot;title&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;&quot;
&quot;properties&quot;: [
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;initial&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;appliesTo&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;percentages&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;computedValue&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;canonicalOrder&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;animationType&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;media&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;styleDeclaration&quot;: [ &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot; ]
&quot;atrules&quot;: [
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;descriptors&quot;: [
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;for&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;&quot;
&quot;selectors&quot;: [],
&quot;values&quot;: [
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;prose&quot;: &quot;Optional description&quot;,
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;values&quot;: [
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;prose&quot;: &quot;Optional Description&quot;,
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;&quot;,
&quot;value&quot;: &quot;&quot;
&quot;warnings&quot;: []
2023-02-26 00:47:32 +03:00
<dt><a href="#fs">fs</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#dalek">dalek</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#assert">assert</a></dt>
## Functions
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#conditionPromise">conditionPromise()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#destroy">destroy()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#destroyChildren">destroyChildren()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#releaseChildren">releaseChildren()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#subscribeToRepository">subscribeToRepository()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#updateDiffs">updateDiffs()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#conditionPromise">conditionPromise()</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#beforeEach">beforeEach()</a></dt>
<a name="AtomEnvironment"></a>
## AtomEnvironment
Pulsar global for dealing with packages, themes, menus, and the window.
An instance of this class is always available as the `atom` global.
**Kind**: global class
* [AtomEnvironment](#AtomEnvironment)
* _instance_
* [.clipboard](#AtomEnvironment+clipboard) : [<code>Clipboard</code>](#Clipboard)
* [.deserializers](#AtomEnvironment+deserializers) : <code>DeserializerManager</code>
* [.views](#AtomEnvironment+views) : <code>ViewRegistry</code>
* [.notifications](#AtomEnvironment+notifications) : <code>NotificationManager</code>
* [.config](#AtomEnvironment+config) : <code>Config</code>
* [.keymaps](#AtomEnvironment+keymaps) : <code>KeymapManager</code>
* [.tooltips](#AtomEnvironment+tooltips) : <code>TooltipManager</code>
* [.commands](#AtomEnvironment+commands) : <code>CommandRegistry</code>
* [.grammars](#AtomEnvironment+grammars) : <code>GrammarRegistry</code>
* [.styles](#AtomEnvironment+styles) : <code>StyleManager</code>
* [.packages](#AtomEnvironment+packages) : <code>PackageManager</code>
* [.themes](#AtomEnvironment+themes) : <code>ThemeManager</code>
* [.menu](#AtomEnvironment+menu) : <code>MenuManager</code>
* [.contextMenu](#AtomEnvironment+contextMenu) : <code>ContextMenuManager</code>
* [.project](#AtomEnvironment+project) : <code>Project</code>
* [.textEditors](#AtomEnvironment+textEditors) : <code>TextEditorRegistry</code>
* [.workspace](#AtomEnvironment+workspace) : <code>Workspace</code>
* [.history](#AtomEnvironment+history) : <code>HistoryManager</code>
* _Messaging the User_
* [.beep()](#AtomEnvironment+beep)
* _static_
* _Event Subscription_
* [.onDidBeep(callback)](#AtomEnvironment.onDidBeep) ⇒ <code>Disposable</code>
<a name="AtomEnvironment+clipboard"></a>
### atomEnvironment.clipboard : [<code>Clipboard</code>](#Clipboard)
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+deserializers"></a>
### atomEnvironment.deserializers : <code>DeserializerManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+views"></a>
### atomEnvironment.views : <code>ViewRegistry</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+notifications"></a>
### atomEnvironment.notifications : <code>NotificationManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+config"></a>
### atomEnvironment.config : <code>Config</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+keymaps"></a>
### atomEnvironment.keymaps : <code>KeymapManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+tooltips"></a>
### atomEnvironment.tooltips : <code>TooltipManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+commands"></a>
### atomEnvironment.commands : <code>CommandRegistry</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+grammars"></a>
### atomEnvironment.grammars : <code>GrammarRegistry</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+styles"></a>
### atomEnvironment.styles : <code>StyleManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+packages"></a>
### atomEnvironment.packages : <code>PackageManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+themes"></a>
### atomEnvironment.themes : <code>ThemeManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+menu"></a>
### atomEnvironment.menu : <code>MenuManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+contextMenu"></a>
### atomEnvironment.contextMenu : <code>ContextMenuManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+project"></a>
### atomEnvironment.project : <code>Project</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+textEditors"></a>
### atomEnvironment.textEditors : <code>TextEditorRegistry</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+workspace"></a>
### atomEnvironment.workspace : <code>Workspace</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+history"></a>
### atomEnvironment.history : <code>HistoryManager</code>
**Kind**: instance property of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
<a name="AtomEnvironment+beep"></a>
### atomEnvironment.beep()
Visually and audibly trigger a beep.
**Kind**: instance method of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
**Category**: Messaging the User
**Emits**: <code>event:beep</code>
<a name="AtomEnvironment.onDidBeep"></a>
### AtomEnvironment.onDidBeep(callback) ⇒ <code>Disposable</code>
Invoke the given callback whenever [::beep](::beep) is called.
**Kind**: static method of [<code>AtomEnvironment</code>](#AtomEnvironment)
**Returns**: <code>Disposable</code> - on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
**Category**: Event Subscription
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| callback | <code>function</code> | Function to be called whenever [::beep](::beep) is called. |
<a name="Clipboard"></a>
## Clipboard
**Kind**: global class
<a name="new_Clipboard_new"></a>
### new Clipboard()
Represents the clipboard used for copying and pasting in Pulsar.
An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.clipboard` global.
// returns 'hello'
<a name="etch"></a>
## etch
**Kind**: global constant
**Jsx**: etch.dom
2023-03-15 08:04:05 +03:00
<a name="css"></a>
## css
This file will manage the updating of `autocomplete-css` `completions.json`.
We will mainly utilize `@webref/css`.listAll() function that returns a full CSS
list of all properties seperated by their spec shortname. An example
of this format is defined below for ease of future modifications.
Some important notes about the data contained here:
- Often times the `value` within the `property` will be in the following format:
`<valueGroupName>` or even `<valueGroupName> | value | value2` or just `value | value2`
It will be important to build a parser that can handle this format.
The `<valueGroupName>` then can be realized via that specs `values` where
`values[x].name` will match the `<valueGroupName>`. Another important note about
handling values here is that oftentimes `values[x].values[]` won't actually
contain all possible values. And instead this must be handled by checking
`values[x].value` which is another string of `<valueGroupName> | value`.
So this should be handled by the same parser.
- Additionally an important note is that nowhere in this data do we get any kind
of description about the data that could lend a hand in being documentation.
So the documentation must be gathered seperatly. Likely the best way to collect
our documentation data is via `mdn/content`.
Within `content/files/en-us/web/css` is a directory of folders titled
by the name of properties.
The last important thing to note here:
MDN doesn't have docs on everything. And that's a good thing. But it means
many of our items don't have any kind of description. For this situation
we have `manual-property-desc.json` which is a list of manually updated
descriptions for properties where there are none. This was a last resort
intended to provide the highest quality of completions possible.
Overtime many items on this list will likely be able to be removed just as
new ones are added. After running the update script you'll see a warning
saying how many properties are without completions that would then need to
be added to the JSON file.
"spec-shortname": {
"spec": {
"title": "",
"url": ""
"properties": [
"name": "",
"value": "",
"initial": "",
"appliesTo": "",
"percentages": "",
"computedValue": "",
"canonicalOrder": "",
"animationType": "",
"media": "",
"styleDeclaration": [ "", "", "" ]
"atrules": [
"name": "",
"descriptors": [
"name": "",
"for": "",
"value": "",
"type": ""
"selectors": [],
"values": [
"name": "",
"type": "",
"prose": "Optional description",
"value": "",
"values": [
"name": "",
"prose": "Optional Description",
"type": "",
"value": ""
"warnings": []
**Kind**: global constant
2023-02-26 00:47:32 +03:00
<a name="fs"></a>
## fs
**Kind**: global constant
<a name="dalek"></a>
## dalek
**Kind**: global constant
<a name="assert"></a>
## assert
**Kind**: global constant
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="conditionPromise"></a>
## conditionPromise()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="destroy"></a>
## destroy()
**Kind**: global function
**Describe**: Handles tear down of destructables and subscriptions.
Does not handle release of memory. This method should only be called
just before this object is freed, and should only tear down the main
object components that are guarunteed to exist at all times.
<a name="destroyChildren"></a>
## destroyChildren()
**Kind**: global function
**Describe**: Destroys this objects children (non-freeing), it's intended
to be an ease-of use function for maintaing this object. This method
should only tear down objects that are selectively allocated upon
repository discovery.
Example: this.diffs only exists when we have a repository.
<a name="releaseChildren"></a>
## releaseChildren()
**Kind**: global function
**Describe**: The memory releasing complement function of `destroyChildren`.
frees the memory allocated at all child object storage locations
when there is no repository.
<a name="subscribeToRepository"></a>
## subscribeToRepository()
**Kind**: global function
**Describe**: handles all subscriptions based on the repository in focus
<a name="updateDiffs"></a>
## updateDiffs()
**Kind**: global function
**Describe**: Uses text markers in the target editor to visualize
git modifications, additions, and deletions. The current algorithm
just redraws the markers each call.
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="conditionPromise"></a>
## conditionPromise()
**Kind**: global function
<a name="beforeEach"></a>
## beforeEach()
**Kind**: global function