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2019-05-31 19:33:56 +03:00
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-plus');
const temp = require('temp').track();
const CommandInstaller = require('../src/command-installer');
2023-01-05 18:45:50 +03:00
// describe('CommandInstaller on #darwin', () => {
// let installer, resourcesPath, installationPath, atomBinPath, apmBinPath;
// beforeEach(() => {
// installationPath = temp.mkdirSync('atom-bin');
// resourcesPath = temp.mkdirSync('atom-app');
// atomBinPath = path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'atom.sh');
// apmBinPath = path.join(
// resourcesPath,
// 'app',
// 'apm',
// 'node_modules',
// '.bin',
// 'apm'
// );
// fs.writeFileSync(atomBinPath, '');
// fs.writeFileSync(apmBinPath, '');
// fs.chmodSync(atomBinPath, '755');
// fs.chmodSync(apmBinPath, '755');
// spyOn(CommandInstaller.prototype, 'getResourcesDirectory').andReturn(
// resourcesPath
// );
// spyOn(CommandInstaller.prototype, 'getInstallDirectory').andReturn(
// installationPath
// );
// });
// afterEach(() => {
// try {
// temp.cleanupSync();
// } catch (error) {}
// });
// it('shows an error dialog when installing commands interactively fails', () => {
// const appDelegate = jasmine.createSpyObj('appDelegate', ['confirm']);
// installer = new CommandInstaller(appDelegate);
// installer.initialize('2.0.2');
// spyOn(installer, 'installAtomCommand').andCallFake((__, callback) =>
// callback(new Error('an error'))
// );
// installer.installShellCommandsInteractively();
// expect(appDelegate.confirm.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({
// message: 'Failed to install shell commands',
// detail: 'an error'
// });
// appDelegate.confirm.reset();
// installer.installAtomCommand.andCallFake((__, callback) => callback());
// spyOn(installer, 'installApmCommand').andCallFake((__, callback) =>
// callback(new Error('another error'))
// );
// installer.installShellCommandsInteractively();
// expect(appDelegate.confirm.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({
// message: 'Failed to install shell commands',
// detail: 'another error'
// });
// });
// it('shows a success dialog when installing commands interactively succeeds', () => {
// const appDelegate = jasmine.createSpyObj('appDelegate', ['confirm']);
// installer = new CommandInstaller(appDelegate);
// installer.initialize('2.0.2');
// spyOn(installer, 'installAtomCommand').andCallFake((__, callback) =>
// callback(undefined, 'atom')
// );
// spyOn(installer, 'installApmCommand').andCallFake((__, callback) =>
// callback(undefined, 'apm')
// );
// installer.installShellCommandsInteractively();
// expect(appDelegate.confirm.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({
// message: 'Commands installed.',
// detail: 'The shell commands `atom` and `apm` are installed.'
// });
// });
// describe('when installing command line tools for Pulsar', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// installer = new CommandInstaller();
// installer.initialize('2.0.2');
// });
// /**
// * TODO: FAILING TEST - This test fails with the following output: (macos only)
// * timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for condition
// */
// it("symlinks the atom command as 'pulsar'", () => {
// const installedAtomPath = path.join(installationPath, 'pulsar');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedAtomPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installAtomCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(atomBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(true);
// expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(installationPath, 'pulsar'))).toBe(
// false
// );
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// it("symlinks the package command as 'ppm'", () => {
// const installedPpmPath = path.join(installationPath, 'ppm');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedPpmPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installApmCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedPpmPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(apmBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedPpmPath)).toBeTruthy();
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// describe('when using a beta version of atom', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// installer = new CommandInstaller();
// installer.initialize('2.2.0-beta.0');
// });
// /**
// * TODO: FAILING TEST - This test fails with the following output: (macos only)
// * timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for condition
// */
// xit("symlinks the atom command as 'atom-beta'", () => {
// const installedAtomPath = path.join(installationPath, 'atom-beta');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedAtomPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installAtomCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(atomBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(true);
// expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(installationPath, 'atom'))).toBe(
// false
// );
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// it("symlinks the apm command as 'apm-beta'", () => {
// const installedApmPath = path.join(installationPath, 'apm-beta');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedApmPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installApmCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedApmPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(apmBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedApmPath)).toBeTruthy();
// expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(installationPath, 'apm'))).toBe(false);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// describe('when using a nightly version of atom', () => {
// beforeEach(() => {
// installer = new CommandInstaller();
// installer.initialize('2.2.0-nightly0');
// });
// /**
// * TODO: FAILING TEST - This test fails with the following output: (macos only)
// * timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for condition
// */
// xit("symlinks the atom command as 'atom-nightly'", () => {
// const installedAtomPath = path.join(installationPath, 'atom-nightly');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedAtomPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installAtomCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(atomBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedAtomPath)).toBe(true);
// expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(installationPath, 'atom'))).toBe(
// false
// );
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// it("symlinks the apm command as 'apm-nightly'", () => {
// const installedApmPath = path.join(installationPath, 'apm-nightly');
// expect(fs.isFileSync(installedApmPath)).toBeFalsy();
// waitsFor(done => {
// installer.installApmCommand(false, error => {
// expect(error).toBeNull();
// expect(fs.realpathSync(installedApmPath)).toBe(
// fs.realpathSync(apmBinPath)
// );
// expect(fs.isExecutableSync(installedApmPath)).toBeTruthy();
// expect(fs.isFileSync(path.join(installationPath, 'nightly'))).toBe(
// false
// );
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });