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{Model} = require 'theorist'
2014-01-14 00:51:15 +04:00
Pane = require '../src/pane'
2014-01-14 00:54:04 +04:00
PaneAxis = require '../src/pane-axis'
PaneContainer = require '../src/pane-container'
2014-01-14 00:51:15 +04:00
describe "Pane", ->
class Item extends Model
constructor: (@name) ->
describe "construction", ->
it "sets the active item to the first item", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[0]
describe "::activateItem(item)", ->
pane = null
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
it "changes the active item to the current item", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[0]
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[1]
it "adds the given item if it isn't present in ::items", ->
item = new Item("C")
expect(item in pane.items).toBe true
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item
describe "::destroyItem(item)", ->
[pane, item1, item2, item3] = []
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
it "removes the item from the items list and activates the next item if it was the active item", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(item2 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item3
it "emits 'item-removed' with the item, its index, and true indicating the item is being destroyed", ->
pane.on 'item-removed', itemRemovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemRemovedHandler")
expect(itemRemovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 1, true)
describe "if the item is modified", ->
itemUri = null
beforeEach ->
item1.shouldPromptToSave = -> true
item1.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
item1.saveAs = jasmine.createSpy("saveAs")
item1.getUri = -> itemUri
describe "if the [Save] option is selected", ->
describe "when the item has a uri", ->
it "saves the item before destroying it", ->
itemUri = "test"
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "when the item has no uri", ->
it "presents a save-as dialog, then saves the item with the given uri before removing and destroying it", ->
itemUri = null
spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn("/selected/path")
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "if the [Don't Save] option is selected", ->
it "removes and destroys the item without saving it", ->
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(2)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "if the [Cancel] option is selected", ->
it "does not save, remove, or destroy the item", ->
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(1)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe true
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe false
describe "when the last item is destroyed", ->
it "destroys the pane", ->
pane.destroyItem(item) for item in pane.getItems()
expect(pane.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "when an item emits a destroyed event", ->
it "removes it from the list of items", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Model, new Model, new Model])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(pane.items).toEqual [item1, item3]
describe "::moveItem(item, index)", ->
it "moves the item to the given index and emits an 'item-moved' event with the item and its new index", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C"), new Item("D")])
[item1, item2, item3, item4] = pane.items
pane.on 'item-moved', itemMovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemMovedHandler")
pane.moveItem(item1, 2)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item2, item3, item1, item4]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item1, 2)
pane.moveItem(item2, 3)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item3, item1, item4, item2]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 3)
pane.moveItem(item2, 1)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item3, item2, item1, item4]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 1)
describe "::moveItemToPane(item, pane, index)", ->
[container, pane1, pane2] = []
[item1, item2, item3, item4, item5] = []
beforeEach ->
pane1 = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
container = new PaneContainer(root: pane1)
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: [new Item("D"), new Item("E")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane1.items
[item4, item5] = pane2.items
it "moves the item to the given pane at the given index", ->
pane1.moveItemToPane(item2, pane2, 1)
expect(pane1.items).toEqual [item1, item3]
expect(pane2.items).toEqual [item4, item2, item5]
describe "when the moved item the last item in the source pane", ->
it "destroys the pane, but not the item", ->
pane2.moveItemToPane(item4, pane1, 0)
expect(pane2.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item4.isDestroyed()).toBe false
describe "split methods", ->
[pane1, container] = []
beforeEach ->
2014-01-14 00:51:15 +04:00
pane1 = new Pane(items: ["A"])
container = new PaneContainer(root: pane1)
describe "::splitLeft(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the left of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "when the parent is a column", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the left of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["C"])
row = container.root.children[0]
expect(row.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(row.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "::splitRight(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the right of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "when the parent is a column", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the right of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["C"])
row = container.root.children[0]
expect(row.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(row.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "::splitUp(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane above itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "when the parent is a row", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane above itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["C"])
column = container.root.children[0]
expect(column.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(column.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "::splitDown(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane below itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "when the parent is a row", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane below itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["C"])
column = container.root.children[0]
expect(column.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(column.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
2014-01-09 05:46:21 +04:00
it "sets up the new pane to be focused", ->
2014-01-09 06:05:35 +04:00
expect(pane1.focused).toBe false
pane2 = pane1.splitRight()
2014-01-09 06:05:35 +04:00
expect(pane2.focused).toBe true
2014-01-09 05:46:21 +04:00
describe "::destroy()", ->
[pane1, container] = []
beforeEach ->
2014-01-14 00:51:15 +04:00
pane1 = new Pane(items: [new Model, new Model])
container = new PaneContainer(root: pane1)
2014-01-09 05:46:21 +04:00
it "destroys the pane's destroyable items", ->
[item1, item2] = pane1.items
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item2.isDestroyed()).toBe true
2014-01-09 05:46:21 +04:00
describe "if the pane's parent has more than two children", ->
it "removes the pane from its parent", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight()
pane3 = pane2.splitRight()
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane2, pane3]
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3]
describe "if the pane's parent has two children", ->
it "replaces the parent with its last remaining child", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight()
pane3 = pane2.splitDown()
expect(container.root.children[0]).toBe pane1
expect(container.root.children[1].children).toEqual [pane2, pane3]
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane2]
expect(container.root).toBe pane1