2013-09-24 02:46:57 +04:00
temp = require 'temp'
fstream = require 'fstream'
2013-09-18 05:58:41 +04:00
Project = require '../src/project'
2014-02-24 05:09:05 +04:00
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
2013-06-13 02:26:09 +04:00
path = require 'path'
2013-09-18 05:58:41 +04:00
BufferedProcess = require '../src/buffered-process'
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
{Directory} = require 'pathwatcher'
GitRepository = require '../src/git-repository'
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
describe "Project", ->
beforeEach ->
2015-01-10 01:54:54 +03:00
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
2015-07-27 20:16:11 +03:00
# Wait for project's service consumers to be asynchronously added
2013-08-29 05:37:40 +04:00
describe "serialization", ->
2013-08-30 05:24:51 +04:00
deserializedProject = null
afterEach ->
2016-03-02 04:22:43 +03:00
it "does not deserialize paths to non directories", ->
deserializedProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
state = atom.project.serialize()
state.paths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'sample.js'))
deserializedProject.deserialize(state, atom.deserializers)
2014-01-04 03:23:23 +04:00
it "does not include unretained buffers in the serialized state", ->
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
waitsForPromise ->
2013-11-21 04:45:26 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
runs ->
expect(atom.project.getBuffers().length).toBe 1
2015-10-02 21:12:16 +03:00
2015-10-02 21:39:18 +03:00
deserializedProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
deserializedProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: false}))
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
expect(deserializedProject.getBuffers().length).toBe 0
2013-08-29 05:37:40 +04:00
2013-11-19 21:08:24 +04:00
it "listens for destroyed events on deserialized buffers and removes them when they are destroyed", ->
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
2013-11-19 21:08:24 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
runs ->
expect(atom.project.getBuffers().length).toBe 1
2015-10-02 21:39:18 +03:00
deserializedProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
deserializedProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: false}))
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
expect(deserializedProject.getBuffers().length).toBe 1
expect(deserializedProject.getBuffers().length).toBe 0
2013-11-19 21:08:24 +04:00
2015-01-15 22:51:11 +03:00
2015-01-15 22:53:39 +03:00
it "does not deserialize buffers when their path is a directory that exists", ->
2015-01-15 22:51:11 +03:00
pathToOpen = path.join(temp.mkdirSync(), 'file.txt')
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
2015-01-15 22:51:11 +03:00
runs ->
expect(atom.project.getBuffers().length).toBe 1
2015-10-02 21:39:18 +03:00
deserializedProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
deserializedProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: false}))
2015-01-16 00:08:16 +03:00
expect(deserializedProject.getBuffers().length).toBe 0
it "does not deserialize buffers when their path is inaccessible", ->
pathToOpen = path.join(temp.mkdirSync(), 'file.txt')
fs.writeFileSync(pathToOpen, '')
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
2015-01-16 00:08:16 +03:00
runs ->
expect(atom.project.getBuffers().length).toBe 1
fs.chmodSync(pathToOpen, '000')
2015-10-02 21:39:18 +03:00
deserializedProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
deserializedProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: false}))
2015-01-15 22:51:11 +03:00
expect(deserializedProject.getBuffers().length).toBe 0
2016-03-04 19:53:14 +03:00
it "serializes marker layers only if Atom is quitting", ->
2016-03-04 18:57:02 +03:00
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
bufferA = atom.project.getBuffers()[0]
2016-04-09 10:30:47 +03:00
layerA = bufferA.addMarkerLayer(persistent: true)
2016-03-04 18:57:02 +03:00
markerA = layerA.markPosition([0, 3])
notQuittingProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
notQuittingProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: false}))
2016-03-04 18:57:02 +03:00
quittingProject = new Project({notificationManager: atom.notifications, packageManager: atom.packages, confirm: atom.confirm})
2016-03-07 12:52:16 +03:00
quittingProject.deserialize(atom.project.serialize({isUnloading: true}))
2016-03-04 18:57:02 +03:00
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
describe "when an editor is saved and the project has no path", ->
2013-02-28 03:21:42 +04:00
it "sets the project's path to the saved file's parent directory", ->
2013-10-04 00:22:05 +04:00
tempFile = temp.openSync().path
2014-10-01 20:37:27 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
editor = null
2013-02-28 03:21:42 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open().then (o) -> editor = o
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
runs ->
2014-10-01 20:37:27 +04:00
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toBe path.dirname(tempFile)
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2016-05-23 19:37:26 +03:00
describe "before and after saving a buffer", ->
[buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
atom.project.bufferForPath(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'sample.js')).then (o) ->
buffer = o
afterEach ->
it "emits save events on the main process", ->
spyOn(atom.project.applicationDelegate, 'emitDidSavePath')
spyOn(atom.project.applicationDelegate, 'emitWillSavePath')
2015-01-09 04:10:59 +03:00
describe "when a watch error is thrown from the TextBuffer", ->
editor = null
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')).then (o) -> editor = o
2015-01-09 04:10:59 +03:00
it "creates a warning notification", ->
atom.notifications.onDidAddNotification noteSpy = jasmine.createSpy()
2015-01-14 23:46:31 +03:00
error = new Error('SomeError')
error.eventType = 'resurrect'
2015-01-09 04:10:59 +03:00
editor.buffer.emitter.emit 'will-throw-watch-error',
handle: jasmine.createSpy()
2015-01-14 23:46:31 +03:00
error: error
2015-01-09 04:10:59 +03:00
notification = noteSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]
expect(notification.getType()).toBe 'warning'
expect(notification.getDetail()).toBe 'SomeError'
2015-01-14 23:46:31 +03:00
expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain '`resurrect`'
2015-01-15 02:17:55 +03:00
expect(notification.getMessage()).toContain 'fixtures/dir/a'
2015-01-09 04:10:59 +03:00
2015-10-09 01:11:43 +03:00
describe "when a custom repository-provider service is provided", ->
[fakeRepositoryProvider, fakeRepository] = []
beforeEach ->
fakeRepository = {destroy: -> null}
fakeRepositoryProvider = {
repositoryForDirectory: (directory) -> Promise.resolve(fakeRepository)
repositoryForDirectorySync: (directory) -> fakeRepository
it "uses it to create repositories for any directories that need one", ->
projectPath = temp.mkdirSync('atom-project')
expect(atom.project.getRepositories()).toEqual [null]
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.repository-provider", "0.1.0", fakeRepositoryProvider)
waitsFor -> atom.project.repositoryProviders.length > 1
runs -> atom.project.getRepositories()[0] is fakeRepository
it "does not create any new repositories if every directory has a repository", ->
repositories = atom.project.getRepositories()
expect(repositories.length).toEqual 1
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.repository-provider", "0.1.0", fakeRepositoryProvider)
waitsFor -> atom.project.repositoryProviders.length > 1
runs -> expect(atom.project.getRepositories()).toBe repositories
it "stops using it to create repositories when the service is removed", ->
disposable = atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.repository-provider", "0.1.0", fakeRepositoryProvider)
waitsFor -> atom.project.repositoryProviders.length > 1
runs ->
expect(atom.project.getRepositories()).toEqual [null]
describe "when a custom directory-provider service is provided", ->
class DummyDirectory
constructor: (@path) ->
getPath: -> @path
getFile: -> {existsSync: -> false}
getSubdirectory: -> {existsSync: -> false}
isRoot: -> true
existsSync: -> @path.endsWith('does-exist')
contains: (filePath) -> filePath.startsWith(@path)
2015-10-09 01:20:13 +03:00
serviceDisposable = null
2015-10-09 01:11:43 +03:00
beforeEach ->
2015-10-09 01:20:13 +03:00
serviceDisposable = atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", {
2015-10-09 01:11:43 +03:00
directoryForURISync: (uri) ->
if uri.startsWith("ssh://")
new DummyDirectory(uri)
waitsFor ->
atom.project.directoryProviders.length > 0
it "uses the provider's custom directories for any paths that it handles", ->
localPath = temp.mkdirSync('local-path')
remotePath = "ssh://foreign-directory:8080/does-exist"
atom.project.setPaths([localPath, remotePath])
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe localPath
expect(directories[0] instanceof Directory).toBe true
expect(directories[1].getPath()).toBe remotePath
expect(directories[1] instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
# It does not add new remote paths if their directories do not exist
# and they are contained by existing remote paths.
childRemotePath = remotePath + "/subdirectory/that/does-not-exist"
expect(atom.project.getDirectories().length).toBe 2
# It does add new remote paths if their directories exist.
childRemotePath = remotePath + "/subdirectory/that/does-exist"
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories[2].getPath()).toBe childRemotePath
expect(directories[2] instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
# It does add new remote paths to be added if they are not contained by
# previous remote paths.
otherRemotePath = "ssh://other-foreign-directory:8080/"
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories[3].getPath()).toBe otherRemotePath
expect(directories[3] instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
2015-10-09 01:20:13 +03:00
it "stops using the provider when the service is removed", ->
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0] instanceof Directory).toBe true
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
describe ".open(path)", ->
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
[absolutePath, newBufferHandler] = []
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
beforeEach ->
absolutePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')
newBufferHandler = jasmine.createSpy('newBufferHandler')
2015-04-07 02:21:09 +03:00
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
describe "when given an absolute path that isn't currently open", ->
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
it "returns a new edit session for the given path and emits 'buffer-created'", ->
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
editor = null
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open(absolutePath).then (o) -> editor = o
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
runs ->
2013-11-20 03:22:47 +04:00
expect(editor.buffer.getPath()).toBe absolutePath
expect(newBufferHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith editor.buffer
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
describe "when given a relative path that isn't currently opened", ->
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
it "returns a new edit session for the given path (relative to the project root) and emits 'buffer-created'", ->
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
editor = null
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open(absolutePath).then (o) -> editor = o
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
runs ->
2013-11-20 03:22:47 +04:00
expect(editor.buffer.getPath()).toBe absolutePath
expect(newBufferHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith editor.buffer
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
describe "when passed the path to a buffer that is currently opened", ->
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
it "returns a new edit session containing currently opened buffer", ->
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
editor = null
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open(absolutePath).then (o) -> editor = o
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
runs ->
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open(absolutePath).then ({buffer}) ->
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
expect(buffer).toBe editor.buffer
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open('a').then ({buffer}) ->
2014-04-24 03:50:25 +04:00
expect(buffer).toBe editor.buffer
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
describe "when not passed a path", ->
2014-04-08 21:52:19 +04:00
it "returns a new edit session and emits 'buffer-created'", ->
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
editor = null
waitsForPromise ->
2015-10-03 06:13:42 +03:00
atom.workspace.open().then (o) -> editor = o
2014-02-13 04:56:00 +04:00
runs ->
2013-11-20 03:22:47 +04:00
2013-05-15 06:23:25 +04:00
2013-10-15 21:58:33 +04:00
describe ".bufferForPath(path)", ->
2013-10-03 03:17:49 +04:00
[buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
2013-11-21 03:35:49 +04:00
atom.project.bufferForPath("a").then (o) ->
2013-10-03 03:17:49 +04:00
buffer = o
afterEach ->
describe "when opening a previously opened path", ->
it "does not create a new buffer", ->
waitsForPromise ->
2013-11-21 03:35:49 +04:00
atom.project.bufferForPath("a").then (anotherBuffer) ->
2013-10-03 03:17:49 +04:00
expect(anotherBuffer).toBe buffer
waitsForPromise ->
2013-11-21 03:35:49 +04:00
atom.project.bufferForPath("b").then (anotherBuffer) ->
2013-10-03 03:17:49 +04:00
expect(anotherBuffer).not.toBe buffer
it "creates a new buffer if the previous buffer was destroyed", ->
waitsForPromise ->
2013-11-21 03:35:49 +04:00
atom.project.bufferForPath("b").then (anotherBuffer) ->
2013-10-03 03:17:49 +04:00
expect(anotherBuffer).not.toBe buffer
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
describe ".repositoryForDirectory(directory)", ->
2015-02-12 20:28:26 +03:00
it "resolves to null when the directory does not have a repository", ->
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
waitsForPromise ->
directory = new Directory("/tmp")
2015-02-12 20:47:11 +03:00
atom.project.repositoryForDirectory(directory).then (result) ->
expect(atom.project.repositoryProviders.length).toBeGreaterThan 0
expect(atom.project.repositoryPromisesByPath.size).toBe 0
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
2015-02-12 20:28:26 +03:00
it "resolves to a GitRepository and is cached when the given directory is a Git repo", ->
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
waitsForPromise ->
2015-02-12 20:47:11 +03:00
directory = new Directory(path.join(__dirname, '..'))
2015-02-12 20:52:48 +03:00
promise = atom.project.repositoryForDirectory(directory)
promise.then (result) ->
2015-02-12 20:47:11 +03:00
expect(result).toBeInstanceOf GitRepository
dirPath = directory.getRealPathSync()
expect(result.getPath()).toBe path.join(dirPath, '.git')
# Verify that the result is cached.
2015-02-12 20:52:48 +03:00
2015-02-12 07:51:26 +03:00
2016-06-20 18:06:50 +03:00
it "creates a new repository if a previous one with the same directory had been destroyed", ->
repository = null
directory = new Directory(path.join(__dirname, '..'))
waitsForPromise ->
atom.project.repositoryForDirectory(directory).then (repo) -> repository = repo
runs ->
waitsForPromise ->
atom.project.repositoryForDirectory(directory).then (repo) -> repository = repo
runs ->
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
describe ".setPaths(paths)", ->
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
describe "when path is a file", ->
it "sets its path to the files parent directory and updates the root directory", ->
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
filePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toEqual path.dirname(filePath)
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].path).toEqual path.dirname(filePath)
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
describe "when path is a directory", ->
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
it "assigns the directories and repositories", ->
directory1 = temp.mkdirSync("non-git-repo")
directory2 = temp.mkdirSync("git-repo1")
directory3 = temp.mkdirSync("git-repo2")
2015-02-13 09:14:02 +03:00
gitDirPath = fs.absolute(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'git', 'master.git'))
fs.copySync(gitDirPath, path.join(directory2, ".git"))
fs.copySync(gitDirPath, path.join(directory3, ".git"))
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
2015-02-13 09:14:02 +03:00
atom.project.setPaths([directory1, directory2, directory3])
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
2015-02-13 09:14:02 +03:00
[repo1, repo2, repo3] = atom.project.getRepositories()
expect(repo2.getShortHead()).toBe "master"
expect(repo2.getPath()).toBe fs.realpathSync(path.join(directory2, ".git"))
expect(repo3.getShortHead()).toBe "master"
expect(repo3.getPath()).toBe fs.realpathSync(path.join(directory3, ".git"))
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
2015-02-10 22:53:50 +03:00
it "calls callbacks registered with ::onDidChangePaths", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
paths = [ temp.mkdirSync("dir1"), temp.mkdirSync("dir2") ]
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.callCount).toBe 1
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
describe "when no paths are given", ->
it "clears its path", ->
2014-10-01 20:37:27 +04:00
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual []
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()).toEqual []
2012-08-28 02:36:36 +04:00
2014-09-02 21:47:05 +04:00
it "normalizes the path to remove consecutive slashes, ., and .. segments", ->
2014-10-01 20:37:27 +04:00
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
2014-11-26 01:54:06 +03:00
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].path).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
2014-09-02 21:47:05 +04:00
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
it "only normalizes the directory path if it isn't on the local filesystem", ->
nonLocalFsDirectory = "custom_proto://abc/def"
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe path.normalize(nonLocalFsDirectory)
2015-02-10 22:53:50 +03:00
describe ".addPath(path)", ->
it "calls callbacks registered with ::onDidChangePaths", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
[oldPath] = atom.project.getPaths()
newPath = temp.mkdirSync("dir")
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.callCount).toBe 1
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual([oldPath, newPath])
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
it "doesn't add redundant paths", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
[oldPath] = atom.project.getPaths()
2015-02-13 08:18:18 +03:00
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
# Doesn't re-add an existing root directory
2015-02-13 08:18:18 +03:00
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
# Doesn't add an entry for a file-path within an existing root directory
atom.project.addPath(path.join(oldPath, 'some-file.txt'))
2015-02-13 08:18:18 +03:00
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
# Does add an entry for a directory within an existing directory
newPath = path.join(oldPath, "a-dir")
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([oldPath, newPath])
2015-02-19 21:02:37 +03:00
describe ".removePath(path)", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = null
beforeEach ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths listener')
it "removes the directory and repository for the path", ->
result = atom.project.removePath(atom.project.getPaths()[0])
expect(result).toBe true
it "does nothing if the path is not one of the project's root paths", ->
originalPaths = atom.project.getPaths()
result = atom.project.removePath(originalPaths[0] + "xyz")
expect(result).toBe false
2015-02-13 08:18:18 +03:00
2015-02-19 21:28:54 +03:00
it "doesn't destroy the repository if it is shared by another root directory", ->
atom.project.setPaths([__dirname, path.join(__dirname, "..", "src")])
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([path.join(__dirname, "..", "src")])
expect(atom.project.getRepositories()[0].isSubmodule("src")).toBe false
2015-03-04 03:48:58 +03:00
it "removes a path that is represented as a URI", ->
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", {
2015-03-04 03:48:58 +03:00
directoryForURISync: (uri) ->
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
getPath: -> uri
getSubdirectory: -> {}
isRoot: -> true
existsSync: -> true
off: ->
ftpURI = "ftp://example.com/some/folder"
2015-03-04 03:48:58 +03:00
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual [ftpURI]
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
2015-03-04 03:48:58 +03:00
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual []
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
describe ".relativize(path)", ->
it "returns the path, relative to whichever root directory it is inside of", ->
2015-02-19 03:47:21 +03:00
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[0]
childPath = path.join(rootPath, "some", "child", "directory")
expect(atom.project.relativize(childPath)).toBe path.join("some", "child", "directory")
2015-02-19 03:47:21 +03:00
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[1]
childPath = path.join(rootPath, "some", "child", "directory")
expect(atom.project.relativize(childPath)).toBe path.join("some", "child", "directory")
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
it "returns the given path if it is not in any of the root directories", ->
randomPath = path.join("some", "random", "path")
expect(atom.project.relativize(randomPath)).toBe randomPath
2015-02-26 19:46:00 +03:00
describe ".relativizePath(path)", ->
2015-02-26 03:49:30 +03:00
it "returns the root path that contains the given path, and the path relativized to that root path", ->
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[0]
childPath = path.join(rootPath, "some", "child", "directory")
2015-02-26 19:46:00 +03:00
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(childPath)).toEqual [rootPath, path.join("some", "child", "directory")]
2015-02-26 03:49:30 +03:00
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[1]
childPath = path.join(rootPath, "some", "child", "directory")
2015-02-26 19:46:00 +03:00
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(childPath)).toEqual [rootPath, path.join("some", "child", "directory")]
2015-02-26 03:49:30 +03:00
describe "when the given path isn't inside of any of the project's path", ->
it "returns null for the root path, and the given path unchanged", ->
randomPath = path.join("some", "random", "path")
2015-02-26 19:46:00 +03:00
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(randomPath)).toEqual [null, randomPath]
2015-02-26 03:49:30 +03:00
2015-03-14 01:07:44 +03:00
describe "when the given path is a URL", ->
it "returns null for the root path, and the given path unchanged", ->
url = "http://the-path"
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(url)).toEqual [null, url]
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
describe "when the given path is inside more than one root folder", ->
it "uses the root folder that is closest to the given path", ->
atom.project.addPath(path.join(atom.project.getPaths()[0], 'a-dir'))
inputPath = path.join(atom.project.getPaths()[1], 'somewhere/something.txt')
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].contains(inputPath)).toBe true
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[1].contains(inputPath)).toBe true
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(inputPath)).toEqual [
2016-04-15 21:25:05 +03:00
path.join('somewhere', 'something.txt')
2015-08-26 23:51:07 +03:00
2015-02-13 08:16:15 +03:00
describe ".contains(path)", ->
it "returns whether or not the given path is in one of the root directories", ->
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[0]
childPath = path.join(rootPath, "some", "child", "directory")
expect(atom.project.contains(childPath)).toBe true
randomPath = path.join("some", "random", "path")
expect(atom.project.contains(randomPath)).toBe false