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fsUtils = require 'fs-utils'
path = require 'path'
describe "fsUtils", ->
describe ".read(path)", ->
it "return contents of file", ->
expect(fsUtils.read(require.resolve("fixtures/sample.txt"))).toBe "Some text.\n"
it "does not through an exception when the path is a binary file", ->
expect(-> fsUtils.read(require.resolve("fixtures/binary-file.png"))).not.toThrow()
describe ".isFile(path)", ->
fixturesDir = fsUtils.resolveOnLoadPath('fixtures')
it "returns true with a file path", ->
expect(fsUtils.isFile(path.join(fixturesDir, 'sample.js'))).toBe true
it "returns false with a directory path", ->
expect(fsUtils.isFile(fixturesDir)).toBe false
it "returns false with a non-existent path", ->
expect(fsUtils.isFile(path.join(fixturesDir, 'non-existent'))).toBe false
expect(fsUtils.isFile(null)).toBe false
describe ".exists(path)", ->
it "returns true when path exsits", ->
expect(fsUtils.exists(fsUtils.resolveOnLoadPath('fixtures'))).toBe true
it "returns false when path doesn't exsit", ->
expect(fsUtils.exists(fsUtils.resolveOnLoadPath("fixtures") + "/-nope-does-not-exist")).toBe false
expect(fsUtils.exists("")).toBe false
expect(fsUtils.exists(null)).toBe false
describe ".split(path)", ->
it "returns path components", ->
expect(fsUtils.split("/a/b/c.txt")).toEqual ["", "a", "b", "c.txt"]
expect(fsUtils.split("a/b/c.txt")).toEqual ["a", "b", "c.txt"]
2012-10-13 01:30:53 +04:00
describe ".makeTree(path)", ->
beforeEach ->
fsUtils.remove("/tmp/a") if fsUtils.exists("/tmp/a")
it "creates all directories in path including any missing parent directories", ->
describe ".traverseTreeSync(path, onFile, onDirectory)", ->
fixturesDir = null
beforeEach ->
fixturesDir = fsUtils.resolveOnLoadPath('fixtures')
it "calls fn for every path in the tree at the given path", ->
paths = []
onPath = (childPath) ->
fsUtils.traverseTreeSync fixturesDir, onPath, onPath
expect(paths).toEqual fsUtils.listTree(fixturesDir)
it "does not recurse into a directory if it is pruned", ->
paths = []
onPath = (childPath) ->
if childPath.match(/\/dir$/)
fsUtils.traverseTreeSync fixturesDir, onPath, onPath
expect(paths.length).toBeGreaterThan 0
for filePath in paths
expect(filePath).not.toMatch /\/dir\//
it "returns entries if path is a symlink", ->
symlinkPath = path.join(fixturesDir, 'symlink-to-dir')
symlinkPaths = []
onSymlinkPath = (path) -> symlinkPaths.push(path.substring(symlinkPath.length + 1))
regularPath = path.join(fixturesDir, 'dir')
paths = []
onPath = (path) -> paths.push(path.substring(regularPath.length + 1))
fsUtils.traverseTreeSync(symlinkPath, onSymlinkPath, onSymlinkPath)
fsUtils.traverseTreeSync(regularPath, onPath, onPath)
describe ".md5ForPath(path)", ->
it "returns the MD5 hash of the file at the given path", ->
expect(fsUtils.md5ForPath(require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js'))).toBe 'dd38087d0d7e3e4802a6d3f9b9745f2b'
describe ".list(path, extensions)", ->
it "returns the absolute paths of entries within the given directory", ->
paths = fsUtils.list(project.getPath())
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('css.css')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('coffee.coffee')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('two-hundred.txt')
it "returns an empty array for paths that aren't directories or don't exist", ->
expect(fsUtils.list(project.resolve('sample.js'))).toEqual []
expect(fsUtils.list('/non/existent/directory')).toEqual []
it "can filter the paths by an optional array of file extensions", ->
paths = fsUtils.list(project.getPath(), ['.css', 'coffee'])
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('css.css')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('coffee.coffee')
expect(path).toMatch /(css|coffee)$/ for path in paths
2013-03-21 04:43:13 +04:00
describe ".listAsync(path, [extensions,] callback)", ->
paths = null
it "calls the callback with the absolute paths of entries within the given directory", ->
waitsFor (done) ->
fsUtils.listAsync project.getPath(), (err, result) ->
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paths = result
runs ->
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('css.css')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('coffee.coffee')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('two-hundred.txt')
it "can filter the paths by an optional array of file extensions", ->
waitsFor (done) ->
fsUtils.listAsync project.getPath(), ['css', '.coffee'], (err, result) ->
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paths = result
runs ->
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('css.css')
expect(paths).toContain project.resolve('coffee.coffee')
expect(path).toMatch /(css|coffee)$/ for path in paths