
734 lines
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DisplayBuffer = require 'display-buffer'
Buffer = require 'text-buffer'
_ = require 'underscore'
2013-02-03 03:45:15 +04:00
describe "DisplayBuffer", ->
[displayBuffer, buffer, changeHandler, tabLength] = []
beforeEach ->
2012-10-11 21:25:04 +04:00
tabLength = 2
atom.activatePackage('javascript.tmbundle', sync: true)
buffer = project.bufferForPath('sample.js')
displayBuffer = new DisplayBuffer(buffer, { tabLength })
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy 'changeHandler'
afterEach ->
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
it "renders line numbers correctly", ->
2013-04-25 22:12:32 +04:00
originalLineCount = displayBuffer.getLineCount()
oneHundredLines = [0..100].join("\n")
buffer.insert([0,0], oneHundredLines)
2013-04-25 22:12:32 +04:00
expect(displayBuffer.getLineCount()).toBe 100 + originalLineCount
describe "soft wrapping", ->
beforeEach ->
describe "rendering of soft-wrapped lines", ->
describe "when the line is shorter than the max line length", ->
it "renders the line unchanged", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe buffer.lineForRow(0)
describe "when the line is empty", ->
it "renders the empty line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(13).text).toBe ''
describe "when there is a non-whitespace character at the max length boundary", ->
describe "when there is whitespace before the boundary", ->
it "wraps the line at the end of the first whitespace preceding the boundary", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe ' return '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(11).text).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(right));'
describe "when there is no whitespace before the boundary", ->
it "wraps the line exactly at the boundary since there's no more graceful place to wrap it", ->
buffer.change([[0, 0], [1, 0]], 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe 'abcdefghij'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe 'klmnopqrst'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe 'uvwxyz'
describe "when there is a whitespace character at the max length boundary", ->
it "wraps the line at the first non-whitespace character following the boundary", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe 'right = [];'
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
describe "when buffer lines are updated", ->
describe "when whitespace is added after the max line length", ->
it "adds whitespace to the end of the current line and wraps an empty line", ->
fiftyCharacters = _.multiplyString("x", 50)
buffer.insert([0, 51], " ")
describe "when the update makes a soft-wrapped line shorter than the max line length", ->
it "rewraps the line and emits a change event", ->
buffer.delete([[6, 24], [6, 42]])
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot ? : right.push(current);'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe ' }'
[[event]]= changeHandler.argsForCall
expect(event).toEqual(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when the update causes a line to softwrap an additional time", ->
it "rewraps the line and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([6, 28], '1234567890')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot ? '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe 'left1234567890.push(current) : '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(9).text).toBe 'right.push(current);'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe ' }'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: 1, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when buffer lines are inserted", ->
it "inserts / updates wrapped lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([6, 21], '1234567890 abcdefghij 1234567890\nabcdefghij')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot1234567890 abcdefghij '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe '1234567890'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(9).text).toBe 'abcdefghij ? left.push(current) : '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe 'right.push(current);'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: 2, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "when buffer lines are removed", ->
it "removes lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.change([[3, 21], [7, 5]], ';')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe ' var pivot = items;'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe ' return '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(right));'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toBe ' };'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 3, end: 9, screenDelta: -6, bufferDelta: -4)
describe "position translation", ->
it "translates positions accounting for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
# on a wrapped line
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 51])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual([3, 51])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 62])).toEqual([4, 11])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 11])).toEqual([3, 62])
# following a wrapped line
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([5, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([5, 5])).toEqual([4, 5])
# clip screen position inputs before translating
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([-5, -5])).toEqual([0, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity])).toEqual([12, 2])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, -5])).toEqual([3, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, Infinity])).toEqual([3, 50])
describe ".setSoftWrapColumn(length)", ->
it "changes the length at which lines are wrapped and emits a change event for all screen lines", ->
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).tokens).toBe 'left = [], right = [];'
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).tokens).toBe ' while(items.length > 0) {'
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(12).tokens).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(rig'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 0, end: 15, screenDelta: 3, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "primitive folding", ->
beforeEach ->
buffer = project.bufferForPath('two-hundred.txt')
displayBuffer = new DisplayBuffer(buffer, { tabLength })
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler
describe "when folds are created and destroyed", ->
describe "when a fold spans multiple lines", ->
it "replaces the lines spanned by the fold with a placeholder that references the fold object", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe fold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toBe 4
expect(line5.text).toBe '8'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 7, screenDelta: -3, bufferDelta: 0)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 1
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 3, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when a fold spans a single line", ->
it "renders a fold placeholder for the folded line but does not skip any lines", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 4)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe fold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 1
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 0)
# Line numbers don't actually change, but it's not worth the complexity to have this
# be false for single line folds since they are so rare
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 1
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when a fold is nested within another fold", ->
it "does not render the placeholder for the inner fold until the outer fold is destroyed", ->
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(6, 7)
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 8)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe outerFold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 5
expect(line5.text).toMatch /9-+/
[line4, line5, line6, line7] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 7)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 1
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(line6.fold).toBe innerFold
expect(line6.text).toBe '6'
expect(line6.bufferRows).toEqual 2
expect(line7.text).toBe '8'
it "allows the outer fold to start at the same location as the inner fold", ->
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 6)
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 8)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe outerFold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /4-+/
expect(line4.bufferRows).toEqual 5
expect(line5.text).toMatch /9-+/
describe "when creating a fold where one already exists", ->
it "returns existing fold and does't create new fold", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
expect(displayBuffer.activeFolds[0].length).toBe 1
newFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
expect(newFold).toBe fold
expect(displayBuffer.activeFolds[0].length).toBe 1
describe "when a fold is created inside an existing folded region", ->
it "creates/destroys the fold, but does not trigger change event", ->
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0, 10)
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(2, 5)
[line0, line1] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(0, 1)
expect(line0.fold).toBe outerFold
[line0, line1] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(0, 1)
expect(line0.fold).toBe outerFold
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
[fold1, fold2] = []
beforeEach ->
fold1 = displayBuffer.createFold(2, 4)
fold2 = displayBuffer.createFold(6, 8)
describe "when the old range surrounds a fold", ->
it "removes the fold and replaces the selection with the new text", ->
buffer.change([[1, 0], [5, 1]], 'party!')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "0"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "party!"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 3, screenDelta: -2, bufferDelta: -4)
describe "when the old range surrounds two nested folds", ->
it "removes both folds and replaces the selection with the new text", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 9)
buffer.change([[1, 0], [10, 0]], 'goodbye')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "0"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "goodbye10"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "11"
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 3, screenDelta: -2, bufferDelta: -9)
describe "when multiple changes happen above the fold", ->
it "repositions folds correctly", ->
buffer.delete([[1, 1], [2, 0]])
buffer.insert([0, 1], "\nnew")
expect(fold1.startRow).toBe 2
expect(fold1.endRow).toBe 4
describe "when the old range precedes lines with a fold", ->
describe "when the new range precedes lines with a fold", ->
it "updates the buffer and re-positions subsequent folds", ->
buffer.change([[0, 0], [1, 1]], 'abc')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 0, end: 1, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: -1)
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 1, screenDelta: 2, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when the old range straddles the beginning of a fold", ->
it "replaces lines in the portion of the range that precedes the fold and adjusts the end of the fold to encompass additional lines", ->
buffer.change([[1, 1], [3, 0]], "a\nb\nc\nd\n")
expect(fold1.startRow).toBe 2
expect(fold1.endRow).toBe 6
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1a'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe 'b'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
describe "when the old range follows a fold", ->
it "re-positions the screen ranges for the change event based on the preceding fold", ->
buffer.change([[10, 0], [11, 0]], 'abc')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 6, end: 7, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: -1)
describe "when the old range is inside a fold", ->
describe "when the end of the new range precedes the end of the fold", ->
it "updates the fold and ensures the change is present when the fold is destroyed", ->
buffer.insert([3, 0], '\n')
expect(fold1.startRow).toBe 2
expect(fold1.endRow).toBe 5
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).bufferRows).toEqual 4
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 2, end: 2, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "when the end of the new range exceeds the end of the fold", ->
it "expands the fold to contain all the inserted lines", ->
buffer.change([[3, 0], [4, 0]], 'a\nb\nc\nd\n')
expect(fold1.startRow).toBe 2
expect(fold1.endRow).toBe 7
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).bufferRows).toEqual 6
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 2, end: 2, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 3)
describe "when the old range straddles the end of the fold", ->
describe "when the end of the new range precedes the end of the fold", ->
it "shortens the fold so its end matches the end of the new range", ->
buffer.change([[3, 0], [6, 0]], 'a\n')
expect(fold1.startRow).toBe 2
expect(fold1.endRow).toBe 4
describe "when the old range is contained to a single line in-between two folds", ->
it "re-renders the line with the placeholder and re-positions the second fold", ->
buffer.insert([5, 0], 'abc\n')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 3, end: 3, screenDelta: 1, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "position translation", ->
it "translates positions to account for folded lines and characters and the placeholder", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
# preceding fold: identity
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 0])).toEqual [3, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 0])).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 0])).toEqual [3, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual [4, 0]
# inside of fold: translate to the start of the fold
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 35])).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([5, 5])).toEqual [4, 0]
# following fold
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([8, 0])).toEqual [5, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([11, 2])).toEqual [8, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([5, 0])).toEqual [8, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([9, 2])).toEqual [12, 2]
# clip screen positions before translating
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([-5, -5])).toEqual([0, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity])).toEqual([200, 0])
describe ".destroyFoldsContainingBufferRow(row)", ->
it "destroys all folds containing the given row", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 4)
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 6)
displayBuffer.createFold(7, 8)
displayBuffer.createFold(1, 9)
displayBuffer.createFold(11, 12)
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '10'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '2'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toMatch /^9-+/
describe ".clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, wrapBeyondNewlines: false, wrapAtSoftNewlines: false, skipAtomicTokens: false)", ->
beforeEach ->
it "allows valid positions", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 5])).toEqual [4, 5]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 11])).toEqual [4, 11]
it "disallows negative positions", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([-1, -1])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([-1, 10])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, -1])).toEqual [0, 0]
it "disallows positions beyond the last row", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1000, 0])).toEqual [15, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1000, 1000])).toEqual [15, 2]
describe "when wrapBeyondNewlines is false (the default)", ->
it "wraps positions beyond the end of hard newlines to the end of the line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1, 10000])).toEqual [1, 30]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 30])).toEqual [4, 11]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 1000])).toEqual [4, 11]
describe "when wrapBeyondNewlines is true", ->
it "wraps positions past the end of hard newlines to the next line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 29], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [0, 29]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 30], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [1, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1000], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [1, 0]
it "wraps positions in the middle of fold lines to the next screen line", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(3, 5)
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 5], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
describe "when wrapAtSoftNewlines is false (the default)", ->
it "clips positions at the end of soft-wrapped lines to the character preceding the end of the line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 50])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 51])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 58])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 1000])).toEqual [3, 50]
describe "when wrapAtSoftNewlines is true", ->
it "wraps positions at the end of soft-wrapped lines to the next screen line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 50], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 51], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 58], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 1000], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
describe "when skipAtomicTokens is false (the default)", ->
it "clips screen positions in the middle of atomic tab characters to the beginning of the character", ->
buffer.insert([0, 0], '\t')
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 0])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1])).toEqual [0, 0]
2012-10-11 21:25:04 +04:00
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, tabLength])).toEqual [0, tabLength]
describe "when skipAtomicTokens is true", ->
it "clips screen positions in the middle of atomic tab characters to the end of the character", ->
buffer.insert([0, 0], '\t')
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 0], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, 0]
2012-10-11 21:25:04 +04:00
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, tabLength]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, tabLength], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, tabLength]
describe "position translation in the presence of hard tabs", ->
it "correctly translates positions on either side of a tab", ->
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 1])).toEqual [0, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 2])).toEqual [0, 1]
describe ".maxLineLength()", ->
it "returns the length of the longest screen line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.maxLineLength()).toBe 65
describe "markers", ->
beforeEach ->
displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
describe "marker creation and manipulation", ->
it "allows markers to be created in terms of both screen and buffer coordinates", ->
marker1 = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker2 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[8, 4], [8, 10]])
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerBufferRange(marker1)).toEqual [[8, 4], [8, 10]]
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerScreenRange(marker2)).toEqual [[5, 4], [5, 10]]
it "allows marker head and tail positions to be manipulated in both screen and buffer coordinates", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])
displayBuffer.setMarkerTailBufferPosition(marker, [5, 4])
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerBufferRange(marker)).toEqual [[5, 4], [8, 4]]
displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadBufferPosition(marker, [5, 4])
displayBuffer.setMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerBufferRange(marker)).toEqual [[5, 4], [8, 4]]
it "returns whether a position changed when it is assigned", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])).toBeTruthy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])).toBeFalsy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadBufferPosition(marker, [1, 0])).toBeTruthy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadBufferPosition(marker, [1, 0])).toBeFalsy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])).toBeTruthy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker, [5, 4])).toBeFalsy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerTailBufferPosition(marker, [1, 0])).toBeTruthy()
expect(displayBuffer.setMarkerTailBufferPosition(marker, [1, 0])).toBeFalsy()
describe ".observeMarker(marker, callback)", ->
[observeHandler, marker, subscription] = []
beforeEach ->
observeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("observeHandler")
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
subscription = displayBuffer.observeMarker(marker, observeHandler)
it "calls the callback whenever the markers head's screen position changes in the buffer or on screen", ->
displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker, [8, 20])
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 20]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 20]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
buffer.insert([11, 0], '...')
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [8, 20]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 20]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadScreenPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [11, 23]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [8, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
it "calls the callback whenever the marker tail's position changes in the buffer or on screen", ->
displayBuffer.setMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker, [8, 20])
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 20]
newTailBufferPosition: [11, 20]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
buffer.insert([11, 0], '...')
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [8, 20]
oldTailBufferPosition: [11, 20]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newTailBufferPosition: [11, 23]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
it "calls the callback whenever the marker is invalidated or revalidated", ->
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: false
expect(observeHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
it "does not call the callback for screen changes that don't change the position of the marker", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(10, 11)
it "allows observation subscriptions to be cancelled", ->
displayBuffer.setMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker, [8, 20])
it "updates the position of markers before emitting buffer change events, but does not notify their observers until the change event", ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("changeHandler").andCallFake ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerScreenRange(marker)).toEqual [[5, 7], [5, 13]]
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker)).toEqual [5, 13]
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker)).toEqual [5, 7]
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler
buffer.insert([8, 1], "...")
it "updates the position of markers before emitting change events that aren't caused by a buffer change", ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("changeHandler").andCallFake ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerScreenRange(marker)).toEqual [[8, 4], [8, 10]]
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerHeadScreenPosition(marker)).toEqual [8, 10]
expect(displayBuffer.getMarkerTailScreenPosition(marker)).toEqual [8, 4]
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler
describe "marker destruction", ->
it "allows markers to be destroyed", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])