2014-09-17 20:47:30 +04:00
ViewRegistry = require '../src/view-registry'
{View} = require '../src/space-pen-extensions'
describe "ViewRegistry", ->
registry = null
beforeEach ->
registry = new ViewRegistry
describe "::getView(object)", ->
describe "when passed a DOM node", ->
it "returns the given DOM node", ->
node = document.createElement('div')
expect(registry.getView(node)).toBe node
describe "when passed a SpacePen view", ->
2015-01-02 22:58:42 +03:00
it "returns the root node of the view with a .spacePenView property pointing at the SpacePen view", ->
2014-09-17 20:47:30 +04:00
class TestView extends View
@content: -> @div "Hello"
view = new TestView
node = registry.getView(view)
expect(node.textContent).toBe "Hello"
2015-01-02 22:58:42 +03:00
expect(node.spacePenView).toBe view
2014-09-17 20:47:30 +04:00
describe "when passed a model object", ->
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
describe "when a view provider is registered matching the object's constructor", ->
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
it "constructs a view element and assigns the model on it", ->
class TestModel
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
class TestModelSubclass extends TestModel
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
class TestView
initialize: (@model) -> this
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
model = new TestModel
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
registry.addViewProvider TestModel, (model) ->
new TestView().initialize(model)
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
view = registry.getView(model)
expect(view instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(view.model).toBe model
2014-09-17 20:58:46 +04:00
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
subclassModel = new TestModelSubclass
view2 = registry.getView(subclassModel)
expect(view2 instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(view2.model).toBe subclassModel
2014-09-20 01:25:35 +04:00
2014-09-17 20:47:30 +04:00
describe "when no view provider is registered for the object's constructor", ->
describe "when the object has a .getViewClass() method", ->
it "builds an instance of the view class with the model, then returns its root node with a __spacePenView property pointing at the view", ->
class TestView extends View
@content: (model) -> @div model.name
initialize: (@model) ->
class TestModel
constructor: (@name) ->
getViewClass: -> TestView
model = new TestModel("hello")
node = registry.getView(model)
expect(node.textContent).toBe "hello"
2015-01-02 22:58:42 +03:00
view = node.spacePenView
2014-09-17 20:47:30 +04:00
expect(view instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(view.model).toBe model
# returns the same DOM node for repeated calls
expect(registry.getView(model)).toBe node
describe "when the object has no .getViewClass() method", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
expect(-> registry.getView(new Object)).toThrow()
2014-09-20 00:44:25 +04:00
describe "::addViewProvider(providerSpec)", ->
2014-09-20 01:20:35 +04:00
it "returns a disposable that can be used to remove the provider", ->
2014-09-20 00:44:25 +04:00
class TestModel
class TestView
2014-12-02 04:53:03 +03:00
initialize: (@model) -> this
disposable = registry.addViewProvider TestModel, (model) ->
new TestView().initialize(model)
2014-09-20 00:44:25 +04:00
expect(registry.getView(new TestModel) instanceof TestView).toBe true
expect(-> registry.getView(new TestModel)).toThrow()