Add lineText and lineTextOffset to buffer.scan

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2013-09-24 16:00:23 -07:00
parent 9c4d239696
commit 00cdb3e317
2 changed files with 18 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -602,6 +602,17 @@ describe 'TextBuffer', ->
it "clips the range to the end of the buffer", ->
expect(buffer.getTextInRange([[12], [13, Infinity]])).toBe buffer.lineForRow(12)
describe ".scan(regex, fn)", ->
it "retunrns lineText and lineTextOffset", ->
matches = []
buffer.scan /current/, (match) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0].matchText).toEqual 'current'
expect(matches[0].lineText).toEqual ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];'
expect(matches[0].lineTextOffset).toBe 0
describe ".scanInRange(range, regex, fn)", ->
describe "when given a regex with a ignore case flag", ->
it "does a case-insensitive search", ->

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ File = require './file'
EventEmitter = require './event-emitter'
Subscriber = require './subscriber'
guid = require 'guid'
{P} = require 'scandal'
# Private: Represents the contents of a file.
@ -501,7 +502,10 @@ class TextBuffer
# regex - A {RegExp} representing the text to find
# iterator - A {Function} that's called on each match
scan: (regex, iterator) ->
@scanInRange(regex, @getRange(), iterator)
@scanInRange regex, @getRange(), (result) =>
result.lineText = @lineForRow(result.range.start.row)
result.lineTextOffset = 0
# Scans for text in a given range, calling a function on each match.
@ -538,7 +542,8 @@ class TextBuffer
range = new Range(startPosition, endPosition)
keepLooping = true
replacementText = null
iterator({match, range, stop, replace })
matchText = match[0]
iterator({ match, matchText, range, stop, replace })
if replacementText?
@change(range, replacementText)