mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 15:49:23 +03:00
Merge pull request #8527 from atom/mb-add-child-root-folder
Allow adding a root folder that's within another root folder
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,103 +16,29 @@ describe "Project", ->
# Wait for project's service consumers to be asynchronously added
describe "constructor", ->
it "enables a custom DirectoryProvider to supersede the DefaultDirectoryProvider", ->
remotePath = "ssh://foreign-directory:8080/"
class DummyDirectory
constructor: (@path) ->
getPath: -> @path
getFile: -> existsSync: -> false
getSubdirectory: -> existsSync: -> false
isRoot: -> true
off: ->
contains: (filePath) -> filePath.startsWith(remotePath)
directoryProvider =
directoryForURISync: (uri) ->
if uri.startsWith("ssh://")
new DummyDirectory(uri)
directoryForURI: (uri) -> throw new Error("This should not be called.")
"atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", directoryProvider)
tmp = temp.mkdirSync()
atom.project.setPaths([tmp, remotePath])
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 2
localDirectory = directories[0]
expect(localDirectory.getPath()).toBe tmp
expect(localDirectory instanceof Directory).toBe true
dummyDirectory = directories[1]
expect(dummyDirectory.getPath()).toBe remotePath
expect(dummyDirectory instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([tmp, remotePath])
# Make sure that DummyDirectory.contains() is honored.
remotePathSubdirectory = remotePath + "a/subdirectory"
expect(atom.project.getDirectories().length).toBe 2
# Make sure that a new DummyDirectory that is not contained by the first
# DummyDirectory can be added.
otherRemotePath = "ssh://other-foreign-directory:8080/"
newDirectories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(newDirectories.length).toBe 3
otherDummyDirectory = newDirectories[2]
expect(otherDummyDirectory.getPath()).toBe otherRemotePath
expect(otherDummyDirectory instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
it "uses the default directory provider if no custom provider can handle the URI", ->
directoryProvider =
directoryForURISync: (uri) -> null
directoryForURI: (uri) -> throw new Error("This should not be called.")
"atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", directoryProvider)
tmp = temp.mkdirSync()
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe tmp
it "gets the parent directory from the default directory provider if it's a local directory", ->
tmp = temp.mkdirSync()
atom.project.setPaths([path.join(tmp, "not-existing")])
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe tmp
it "only normalizes the directory path if it isn't on the local filesystem", ->
nonLocalFsDirectory = "custom_proto://abc/def"
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe path.normalize(nonLocalFsDirectory)
it "tries to update repositories when a new RepositoryProvider is registered", ->
tmp = temp.mkdirSync('atom-project')
describe "when a new repository-provider is added", ->
it "uses it to create repositories for any directories that need one", ->
projectPath = temp.mkdirSync('atom-project')
expect(atom.project.getRepositories()).toEqual [null]
expect(atom.project.repositoryProviders.length).toEqual 1
# Register a new RepositoryProvider.
dummyRepository = destroy: ->
repositoryProvider =
dummyRepository = {destroy: -> null}
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.repository-provider", "0.1.0", {
repositoryForDirectory: (directory) -> Promise.resolve(dummyRepository)
repositoryForDirectorySync: (directory) -> dummyRepository
"atom.repository-provider", "0.1.0", repositoryProvider)
waitsFor -> atom.project.repositoryProviders.length is 2
runs -> expect(atom.project.getRepositories()).toEqual [dummyRepository]
repository = null
it "does not update @repositories if every path has a Repository", ->
waitsFor "repository to be updated", ->
repository = atom.project.getRepositories()[0]
runs ->
expect(repository).toBe dummyRepository
it "does not create any new repositories if every directory has a repository", ->
repositories = atom.project.getRepositories()
expect(repositories.length).toEqual 1
[repository] = repositories
@ -336,12 +262,13 @@ describe "Project", ->
# Verify that the result is cached.
describe ".setPaths(path)", ->
describe ".setPaths(paths)", ->
describe "when path is a file", ->
it "sets its path to the files parent directory and updates the root directory", ->
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].path).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
filePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toEqual path.dirname(filePath)
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].path).toEqual path.dirname(filePath)
describe "when path is a directory", ->
it "assigns the directories and repositories", ->
@ -372,17 +299,86 @@ describe "Project", ->
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.callCount).toBe 1
describe "when path is null", ->
it "sets its path and root directory to null", ->
describe "when no paths are given", ->
it "clears its path", ->
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual []
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()).toEqual []
it "normalizes the path to remove consecutive slashes, ., and .. segments", ->
expect(atom.project.getPaths()[0]).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].path).toEqual path.dirname(require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a'))
it "only normalizes the directory path if it isn't on the local filesystem", ->
nonLocalFsDirectory = "custom_proto://abc/def"
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe path.normalize(nonLocalFsDirectory)
describe "when a custom directory provider has been added", ->
describe "when custom provider handles the given path", ->
it "creates a directory using that provider", ->
class DummyDirectory
constructor: (@path) ->
getPath: -> @path
getFile: -> {existsSync: -> false}
getSubdirectory: -> {existsSync: -> false}
isRoot: -> true
existsSync: -> /does-exist/.test(@path)
off: ->
contains: (filePath) -> filePath.startsWith(@path)
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", {
directoryForURISync: (uri) ->
if uri.startsWith("ssh://")
new DummyDirectory(uri)
localPath = temp.mkdirSync('local-path')
remotePath = "ssh://foreign-directory:8080/exists"
atom.project.setPaths([localPath, remotePath])
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe localPath
expect(directories[0] instanceof Directory).toBe true
expect(directories[1].getPath()).toBe remotePath
expect(directories[1] instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
# Make sure that DummyDirectory.contains() is honored.
remotePathSubdirectory = remotePath + "a/subdirectory"
expect(atom.project.getDirectories().length).toBe 2
# Make sure that a new DummyDirectory that is not contained by the first
# DummyDirectory can be added.
otherRemotePath = "ssh://other-foreign-directory:8080/"
newDirectories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(newDirectories.length).toBe 3
otherDummyDirectory = newDirectories[2]
expect(otherDummyDirectory.getPath()).toBe otherRemotePath
expect(otherDummyDirectory instanceof DummyDirectory).toBe true
describe "when a custom provider does not handle the path", ->
it "creates a local directory for the path", ->
directoryProvider =
directoryForURISync: (uri) -> null
directoryForURI: (uri) -> throw new Error("This should not be called.")
"atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", directoryProvider)
tmp = temp.mkdirSync()
directories = atom.project.getDirectories()
expect(directories.length).toBe 1
expect(directories[0].getPath()).toBe tmp
describe ".addPath(path)", ->
it "calls callbacks registered with ::onDidChangePaths", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
@ -396,20 +392,26 @@ describe "Project", ->
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.callCount).toBe 1
expect(onDidChangePathsSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual([oldPath, newPath])
describe "when the project already has the path or one of its descendants", ->
it "doesn't add it again", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
it "doesn't add redundant paths", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('onDidChangePaths spy')
[oldPath] = atom.project.getPaths()
[oldPath] = atom.project.getPaths()
# Doesn't re-add an existing root directory
atom.project.addPath(path.join(oldPath, "some-file.txt"))
atom.project.addPath(path.join(oldPath, "a-dir"))
atom.project.addPath(path.join(oldPath, "a-dir", "oh-git"))
# Doesn't add an entry for a file-path within an existing root directory
atom.project.addPath(path.join(oldPath, 'some-file.txt'))
# Does add an entry for a directory within an existing directory
newPath = path.join(oldPath, "a-dir")
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual([oldPath, newPath])
describe ".removePath(path)", ->
onDidChangePathsSpy = null
@ -440,19 +442,22 @@ describe "Project", ->
expect(atom.project.getRepositories()[0].isSubmodule("src")).toBe false
it "removes a path that is represented as a URI", ->
ftpURI = "ftp://example.com/some/folder"
directoryProvider =
atom.packages.serviceHub.provide("atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", {
directoryForURISync: (uri) ->
# Dummy implementation of Directory for which GitRepositoryProvider
# will not try to create a GitRepository.
getPath: -> ftpURI
getSubdirectory: -> {}
isRoot: -> true
off: ->
"atom.directory-provider", "0.1.0", directoryProvider)
getPath: -> uri
getSubdirectory: -> {}
isRoot: -> true
existsSync: -> true
off: ->
ftpURI = "ftp://example.com/some/folder"
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual [ftpURI]
expect(atom.project.getPaths()).toEqual []
@ -494,6 +499,19 @@ describe "Project", ->
url = "http://the-path"
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(url)).toEqual [null, url]
describe "when the given path is inside more than one root folder", ->
it "uses the root folder that is closest to the given path", ->
atom.project.addPath(path.join(atom.project.getPaths()[0], 'a-dir'))
inputPath = path.join(atom.project.getPaths()[1], 'somewhere/something.txt')
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[0].contains(inputPath)).toBe true
expect(atom.project.getDirectories()[1].contains(inputPath)).toBe true
expect(atom.project.relativizePath(inputPath)).toEqual [
describe ".contains(path)", ->
it "returns whether or not the given path is in one of the root directories", ->
rootPath = atom.project.getPaths()[0]
@ -34,12 +34,11 @@ class Project extends Model
@rootDirectories = []
@repositories = []
@directoryProviders = [new DefaultDirectoryProvider()]
@directoryProviders = []
@defaultDirectoryProvider = new DefaultDirectoryProvider()
# New providers are added to the front of @directoryProviders because
# DefaultDirectoryProvider is a catch-all that will always provide a Directory.
(provider) => @directoryProviders.unshift(provider))
# Mapping from the real path of a {Directory} to a {Promise} that resolves
@ -48,8 +47,6 @@ class Project extends Model
# the same real path, so it is not a good key.
@repositoryPromisesByPath = new Map()
# Note that the GitRepositoryProvider is registered synchronously so that
# it is available immediately on startup.
@repositoryProviders = [new GitRepositoryProvider(this)]
@ -186,18 +183,16 @@ class Project extends Model
# * `projectPath` {String} The path to the directory to add.
addPath: (projectPath, options) ->
for directory in @getDirectories()
# Apparently a Directory does not believe it can contain itself, so we
# must also check whether the paths match.
return if directory.contains(projectPath) or directory.getPath() is projectPath
directory = null
for provider in @directoryProviders
break if directory = provider.directoryForURISync?(projectPath)
if directory is null
# This should never happen because DefaultDirectoryProvider should always
# return a Directory.
throw new Error(projectPath + ' could not be resolved to a directory')
directory ?= @defaultDirectoryProvider.directoryForURISync(projectPath)
directoryExists = directory.existsSync()
for rootDirectory in @getDirectories()
return if rootDirectory.getPath() is directory.getPath()
return if not directoryExists and rootDirectory.contains(directory.getPath())
repo = null
@ -267,10 +262,13 @@ class Project extends Model
# * `relativePath` {String} The relative path from the project directory to
# the given path.
relativizePath: (fullPath) ->
for rootDirectory in @rootDirectories
relativePath = rootDirectory.relativize(fullPath)
return [rootDirectory.getPath(), relativePath] unless relativePath is fullPath
[null, fullPath]
result = [null, fullPath]
if fullPath?
for rootDirectory in @rootDirectories
relativePath = rootDirectory.relativize(fullPath)
if relativePath?.length < result[1].length
result = [rootDirectory.getPath(), relativePath]
# Public: Determines whether the given path (real or symbolic) is inside the
# project's directory.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user