Merge pull request #1848 from atom/cj-auto-update-no-breaky

Make auto-updating more resilient
This commit is contained in:
Corey Johnson 2014-04-10 14:52:20 -07:00
commit 0502afb0c3
5 changed files with 116 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
submenu: [
{ label: 'About Atom', command: 'application:about' }
{ label: 'View License', command: 'application:open-license' }
{ label: "VERSION", enabled: false }
{ label: "Restart and Install Update", command: 'application:install-update', visible: false}
{ label: "Check for Update", command: 'application:check-for-update', visible: false}
{ label: "Downloading Update", command: 'application:check-for-update', enabled: false, visible: false}
{ label: 'VERSION', enabled: false }
{ label: 'Restart and Install Update', command: 'application:install-update', visible: false}
{ label: 'Check for Update', command: 'application:check-for-update', visible: false}
{ label: 'Downloading Update', enabled: false, visible: false}
{ type: 'separator' }
{ label: 'Preferences...', command: 'application:show-settings' }
{ label: 'Open Your Config', command: 'application:open-your-config' }

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ class ApplicationMenu
constructor: (@version) ->
@menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate @getDefaultTemplate()
Menu.setApplicationMenu @menu
global.atomApplication.autoUpdateManager.on 'state-changed', (state) =>
# Public: Updates the entire menu with the given keybindings.
@ -26,6 +28,8 @@ class ApplicationMenu
@menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
# Flattens the given menu and submenu items into an single Array.
# * menu:
@ -63,35 +67,28 @@ class ApplicationMenu
# Replaces VERSION with the current version.
substituteVersion: (template) ->
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuTemplate(template), (i) -> i.label == 'VERSION'))
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuTemplate(template), ({label}) -> label == 'VERSION'))
item.label = "Version #{@version}"
# Toggles Install Update Item
showInstallUpdateItem: (visible=true) ->
if visible
# Sets the proper visible state the update menu items
showUpdateMenuItem: (state) ->
checkForUpdateItem = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), ({label}) -> label == 'Check for Update')
downloadingUpdateItem = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), ({label}) -> label == 'Downloading Update')
installUpdateItem = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), ({label}) -> label == 'Restart and Install Update')
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Restart and Install Update'))
item.visible = visible
return unless checkForUpdateItem? and downloadingUpdateItem? and installUpdateItem?
# Toggles Downloading Update Item
showDownloadingUpdateItem: (visible=true) ->
if visible
checkForUpdateItem.visible = false
downloadingUpdateItem.visible = false
installUpdateItem.visible = false
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Downloading Update'))
item.visible = visible
# Toggles Check For Update Item
showCheckForUpdateItem: (visible=true) ->
if visible
if (item = _.find(@flattenMenuItems(@menu), (i) -> i.label == 'Check for Update'))
item.visible = visible
switch state
when 'idle', 'error', 'no-update-available'
checkForUpdateItem.visible = true
when 'checking', 'downloading'
downloadingUpdateItem.visible = true
when 'update-available'
installUpdateItem.visible = true
# Default list of menu items.
@ -100,6 +97,7 @@ class ApplicationMenu
label: "Atom"
submenu: [
{ label: "Check for Update", metadata: {autoUpdate: true}}
{ label: 'Reload', accelerator: 'Command+R', click: => @focusedWindow()?.reload() }
{ label: 'Close Window', accelerator: 'Command+Shift+W', click: => @focusedWindow()?.close() }
{ label: 'Toggle Dev Tools', accelerator: 'Command+Alt+I', click: => @focusedWindow()?.toggleDevTools() }
@ -122,7 +120,7 @@ class ApplicationMenu
# Returns a complete menu configuration object for atom-shell's menu API.
translateTemplate: (template, keystrokesByCommand) ->
template.forEach (item) =>
item.metadata = {}
item.metadata ?= {}
if item.command
item.accelerator = @acceleratorForCommand(item.command, keystrokesByCommand) = => global.atomApplication.sendCommand(item.command)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
AtomWindow = require './atom-window'
ApplicationMenu = require './application-menu'
AtomProtocolHandler = require './atom-protocol-handler'
AutoUpdateManager = require './auto-update-manager'
BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
Menu = require 'menu'
autoUpdater = require 'auto-updater'
app = require 'app'
dialog = require 'dialog'
fs = require 'fs'
ipc = require 'ipc'
path = require 'path'
@ -66,13 +65,13 @@ class AtomApplication
@pathsToOpen ?= []
@windows = []
@autoUpdateManager = new AutoUpdateManager(@version)
@applicationMenu = new ApplicationMenu(@version)
@atomProtocolHandler = new AtomProtocolHandler(@resourcePath)
@ -96,6 +95,8 @@ class AtomApplication
addWindow: (window) ->
@windows.push window
window.once 'window:loaded', =>
# Creates server to listen for additional atom application launches.
@ -127,46 +128,6 @@ class AtomApplication
setupJavaScriptArguments: ->
app.commandLine.appendSwitch 'js-flags', '--harmony'
# Enable updates unless running from a local build of Atom.
setupAutoUpdater: ->
return if /\w{7}/.test(@version) # Only released versions should check for updates.
autoUpdater.setFeedUrl "{@version}"
autoUpdater.on 'checking-for-update', =>
autoUpdater.on 'update-not-available', =>
autoUpdater.on 'update-available', =>
autoUpdater.on 'update-downloaded', (event, releaseNotes, releaseVersion, releaseDate, releaseURL) =>
atomWindow.sendCommand('window:update-available', [releaseVersion, releaseNotes]) for atomWindow in @windows
autoUpdater.on 'error', (event, message) =>
# Check for update after Atom has fully started and the menus are created
setTimeout((-> autoUpdater.checkForUpdates()), 5000)
checkForUpdate: ->
@onUpdateNotAvailable ?= =>
autoUpdater.removeListener 'error', @onUpdateError
dialog.showMessageBox type: 'info', buttons: ['OK'], message: 'No update available.', detail: "Version #{@version} is the latest version."
@onUpdateError ?= (event, message) =>
autoUpdater.removeListener 'update-not-available', @onUpdateNotAvailable
dialog.showMessageBox type: 'warning', buttons: ['OK'], message: 'There was an error checking for updates.', detail: message
autoUpdater.once 'update-not-available', @onUpdateNotAvailable
autoUpdater.once 'error', @onUpdateError
# Registers basic application commands, non-idempotent.
handleEvents: ->
@on 'application:run-all-specs', -> @runSpecs(exitWhenDone: false, resourcePath: global.devResourcePath)
@ -178,8 +139,8 @@ class AtomApplication
@on 'application:open-dev', -> @promptForPath(devMode: true)
@on 'application:inspect', ({x,y}) -> @focusedWindow().browserWindow.inspectElement(x, y)
@on 'application:open-documentation', -> shell.openExternal('')
@on 'application:install-update', -> autoUpdater.quitAndInstall()
@on 'application:check-for-update', => @checkForUpdate()
@on 'application:install-update', -> @autoUpdateManager.install()
@on 'application:check-for-update', => @autoUpdateManager.check()
if process.platform is 'darwin'
@on 'application:about', -> Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:')

View File

@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs'
url = require 'url'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
module.exports =
class AtomWindow
_.extend @prototype, EventEmitter.prototype
@iconPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'resources', 'atom.png')
@includeShellLoadTime: true
@ -38,7 +41,10 @@ class AtomWindow
loadSettings.initialPath = path.dirname(pathToOpen)
@browserWindow.loadSettings = loadSettings
@browserWindow.once 'window:loaded', => @loaded = true
@browserWindow.once 'window:loaded', =>
@emit 'window:loaded'
@loaded = true
@browserWindow.loadUrl @getUrl(loadSettings)
@browserWindow.focusOnWebView() if @isSpec

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
autoUpdater = require 'auto-updater'
dialog = require 'dialog'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
module.exports =
class AutoUpdateManager
_.extend @prototype, EventEmitter.prototype
constructor: (@version) ->
@state = IDLE_STATE
# Only released versions should check for updates.
return if /\w{7}/.test(@version)
autoUpdater.setFeedUrl "{@version}"
autoUpdater.on 'checking-for-update', =>
autoUpdater.on 'update-not-available', =>
autoUpdater.on 'update-available', =>
autoUpdater.on 'error', (event, message) =>
console.error "Error Downloading Update: #{message}"
autoUpdater.on 'update-downloaded', (event, @releaseNotes, @releaseVersion) =>
@check(hidePopups: true)
emitUpdateAvailableEvent: (windows...) ->
return unless @releaseVersion? and @releaseNotes
for atomWindow in windows
atomWindow.sendCommand('window:update-available', [@releaseVersion, @releaseNotes])
setState: (state) ->
return unless @state != state
@state = state
@emit 'state-changed', @state
getState: ->
check: ({hidePopups}={})->
unless hidePopups
autoUpdater.once 'update-not-available', @onUpdateNotAvailable
autoUpdater.once 'error', @onUpdateError
install: ->
onUpdateNotAvailable: =>
autoUpdater.removeListener 'error', @onUpdateError
dialog.showMessageBox type: 'info', buttons: ['OK'], message: 'No update available.', detail: "Version #{@version} is the latest version."
onUpdateError: (event, message) =>
autoUpdater.removeListener 'update-not-available', @onUpdateNotAvailable
dialog.showMessageBox type: 'warning', buttons: ['OK'], message: 'There was an error checking for updates.', detail: message
getWindows: ->