💄 Clean up LineWrapper spec

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2012-02-09 18:30:57 -07:00
parent 0ec6b452ad
commit 06e71bb42f

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@ -4,30 +4,18 @@ Highlighter = require 'highlighter'
Range = require 'range'
_ = require 'underscore'
describe "LineWrapper", ->
fdescribe "LineWrapper", ->
[wrapper, buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
buffer = new Buffer(require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js'))
wrapper = new LineWrapper(50, new Highlighter(buffer))
describe ".screenLinesForBufferRow(bufferRow)", ->
it "returns an array of tokens for each screen line associated with the buffer row", ->
screenLines = wrapper.wrappedLines[6].screenLines
expect(screenLines.length).toBe 3
[line1, line2, line3] = screenLines
# TODO: Get this working again after finalizing split tokens
# expect(line1.endColumn).toBe 24
# expect(tokensText(line1)).toBe ' current < pivot ? '
# expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 45
# expect(tokensText(line2)).toBe 'left.push(current) : '
# expect(line3.endColumn).toBe 65
# expect(tokensText(line3)).toBe 'right.push(current);'
describe ".tokensForScreenRow(row)", ->
it "returns tokens for the line fragment corresponding to the given screen row", ->
expect(tokensText wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(3)).toEqual(' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], ')
expect(tokensText wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(4)).toEqual('right = [];')
expect(tokensText wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(5)).toEqual(' while(items.length > 0) {')
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
changeHandler = null
@ -39,7 +27,7 @@ describe "LineWrapper", ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
wrapper.on 'change', changeHandler
describe "when a single buffer line is updated", ->
describe "when a buffer line is updated", ->
describe "when the number of screen lines remains the same for the changed buffer line", ->
it "re-wraps the existing lines and emits a change event for all its screen lines", ->
buffer.insert([6, 28], '1234567')
@ -76,7 +64,7 @@ describe "LineWrapper", ->
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual([[7, 0], [8, 20]])
expect(event.newRange).toEqual([[7, 0], [7, 47]])
describe "when buffer lines are updated and inserted", ->
describe "when buffer lines are inserted", ->
fit "re-wraps existing and new screen lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([6, 21], '1234567890 abcdefghij 1234567890\nabcdefghij')
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(7))).toBe ' current < pivot1234567890 abcdefghij '
@ -91,111 +79,40 @@ describe "LineWrapper", ->
describe "when buffer lines are removed", ->
describe "when an unwrapped line is updated", ->
describe "when the update does not cause the line to wrap", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen line and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([0, 10], 'h')
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(0))).toContain 'quickshort'
describe ".screenPositionFromBufferPosition(point, allowEOL=false)", ->
it "translates the given buffer position to a screen position, accounting for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual(new Range([0, 10], [0, 10]))
expect(event.newRange).toEqual(new Range([0, 10], [0, 11]))
# on a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 62])).toEqual([4, 11])
# below a wrapped line
buffer.insert([4, 10], 'foo')
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(5))).toContain 'fooitems'
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual(new Range([5, 10], [5, 10]))
expect(event.newRange).toEqual(new Range([5, 10], [5, 13]))
# following a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([5, 5])
describe "when allowEOL is true", ->
it "preserves a position at the end of a wrapped screen line ", ->
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 51], true)).toEqual([3, 51])
describe "when the update causes the line to wrap once", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([2, 4], longText)
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(2))).toBe ' 0123456789ABCDEFif (items.length <= 1) return '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(3))).toBe 'items;'
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(4))).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], '
describe "when allowEOL is false", ->
it "translates a position at the end of a wrapped screen line to the begining of the next screen line", ->
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 51])).toEqual([4, 0])
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual(new Range([2, 4], [2, 4]))
expect(event.newRange).toEqual(new Range([2, 4], [3, 6]))
describe ".bufferPositionFromScreenPosition(point)", ->
it "translates the given screen position to a buffer position, account for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
describe "when the update causes the line to wrap multiple times", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([2, 4], ["/*",longText, longText, longText, longText, "*/"].join(' '))
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(2))).toBe ' /* 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(3))).toBe '0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF */if '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(4))).toBe '(items.length <= 1) return items;'
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(5))).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], '
# on a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual([3, 51])
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([3, 56])
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual(new Range([2, 4], [2, 4]))
expect(event.newRange).toEqual(new Range([2, 4], [4, 33]))
describe "when a wrapped line is updated", ->
describe "when the old text spans multiple screen lines", ->
describe "when the new text spans fewer screen lines than the old text", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen lines and emits a change event", ->
range = new Range([3, 8], [3, 47])
buffer.change(range, "a")
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(9))).toBe ' var a [], '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(10))).toBe 'right = [];'
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(11))).toBe ' '
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual [[9, 8], [11, 16]]
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[9, 8], [9, 9]]
describe "when the new text spans as many screen lines than the old text", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen lines and emits a change event", ->
range = new Range([3, 40], [3, 57])
buffer.change(range, text10)
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(3))).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(4))).toBe '0123456789= [];'
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(5))).toBe ' while(items.length > 0) {'
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual [[3, 40], [4, 6]]
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 40], [4, 10]]
describe "when the new text spans more screen lines than the old text", ->
it "updates tokens for the corresponding screen lines and emits a change event", ->
range = new Range([3, 40], [3, 57])
buffer.change(range, text60)
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(3))).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, 0123456789 '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(4))).toBe '123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789= '
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(5))).toBe '[];'
expect(tokensText(wrapper.tokensForScreenRow(6))).toBe ' while(items.length > 0) {'
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual [[3, 40], [4, 6]]
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 40], [5, 3]]
describe "when a line is inserted", ->
describe "when the line is wrapped", ->
describe "when the line is not wrapped", ->
describe "when a line is removed", ->
describe "when the line is wrapped", ->
describe "when the line is not wrapped", ->
describe ".tokensForScreenRow(row)", ->
it "returns tokens for the line fragment corresponding to the given screen row", ->
# following a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([5, 5])).toEqual([4, 5])
describe ".splitTokens(tokens)", ->
makeTokens = (array) ->
@ -263,38 +180,3 @@ describe "LineWrapper", ->
expect(line2.endColumn).toBe 14
expect(line2.textLength).toBe 3
describe ".screenPositionFromBufferPosition(point, allowEOL=false)", ->
it "translates the given buffer position to a screen position, accounting for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
# on a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 62])).toEqual([4, 11])
# following a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([5, 5])
describe "when allowEOL is true", ->
it "preserves a position at the end of a wrapped screen line ", ->
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 51], true)).toEqual([3, 51])
describe "when allowEOL is false", ->
it "translates a position at the end of a wrapped screen line to the begining of the next screen line", ->
expect(wrapper.screenPositionFromBufferPosition([3, 51])).toEqual([4, 0])
describe ".bufferPositionFromScreenPosition(point)", ->
it "translates the given screen position to a buffer position, account for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
# on a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual([3, 51])
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([3, 56])
# following a wrapped line
expect(wrapper.bufferPositionFromScreenPosition([5, 5])).toEqual([4, 5])