Reorganize Project class into sections

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2014-09-17 14:26:15 -07:00
parent cfffae936c
commit 0963077a32

View File

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class Project extends Model
repoName = repoName.replace(/\.git$/, '')
path.join(atom.config.get('core.projectHome'), repoName)
Section: Construction and Destruction
constructor: ({path, @buffers}={}) ->
@buffers ?= []
@ -38,14 +42,6 @@ class Project extends Model
serializeParams: ->
path: @path
buffers: _.compact( (buffer) -> buffer.serialize() if buffer.isRetained())
deserializeParams: (params) ->
params.buffers = (bufferState) -> atom.deserializers.deserialize(bufferState)
destroyed: ->
buffer.destroy() for buffer in @getBuffers()
@ -58,9 +54,29 @@ class Project extends Model
destroyUnretainedBuffers: ->
buffer.destroy() for buffer in @getBuffers() when not buffer.isRetained()
Section: Serialization
serializeParams: ->
path: @path
buffers: _.compact( (buffer) -> buffer.serialize() if buffer.isRetained())
deserializeParams: (params) ->
params.buffers = (bufferState) -> atom.deserializers.deserialize(bufferState)
Section: Accessing the git repository
# Public: Returns the {Git} repository if available.
getRepo: -> @repo
Section: Managing Paths
# Public: Returns the project's {String} fullpath.
getPath: ->
@ -122,6 +138,99 @@ class Project extends Model
contains: (pathToCheck) ->
@rootDirectory?.contains(pathToCheck) ? false
Section: Searching and Replacing
# Public: Performs a search across all the files in the project.
# * `regex` {RegExp} to search with.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} (default: {})
# * `paths` An {Array} of glob patterns to search within
# * `iterator` {Function} callback on each file found
scan: (regex, options={}, iterator) ->
if _.isFunction(options)
iterator = options
options = {}
deferred = Q.defer()
searchOptions =
ignoreCase: regex.ignoreCase
inclusions: options.paths
includeHidden: true
excludeVcsIgnores: atom.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths')
exclusions: atom.config.get('core.ignoredNames')
task = Task.once require.resolve('./scan-handler'), @getPath(), regex.source, searchOptions, ->
task.on 'scan:result-found', (result) =>
iterator(result) unless @isPathModified(result.filePath)
task.on 'scan:file-error', (error) ->
iterator(null, error)
if _.isFunction(options.onPathsSearched)
task.on 'scan:paths-searched', (numberOfPathsSearched) ->
for buffer in @getBuffers() when buffer.isModified()
filePath = buffer.getPath()
continue unless @contains(filePath)
matches = []
buffer.scan regex, (match) -> matches.push match
iterator {filePath, matches} if matches.length > 0
promise = deferred.promise
promise.cancel = ->
# Public: Performs a replace across all the specified files in the project.
# * `regex` A {RegExp} to search with.
# * `replacementText` Text to replace all matches of regex with
# * `filePaths` List of file path strings to run the replace on.
# * `iterator` A {Function} callback on each file with replacements:
# * `options` {Object} with keys `filePath` and `replacements`
replace: (regex, replacementText, filePaths, iterator) ->
deferred = Q.defer()
openPaths = (buffer.getPath() for buffer in @getBuffers())
outOfProcessPaths = _.difference(filePaths, openPaths)
inProcessFinished = !openPaths.length
outOfProcessFinished = !outOfProcessPaths.length
checkFinished = ->
deferred.resolve() if outOfProcessFinished and inProcessFinished
unless outOfProcessFinished.length
flags = 'g'
flags += 'i' if regex.ignoreCase
task = Task.once require.resolve('./replace-handler'), outOfProcessPaths, regex.source, flags, replacementText, ->
outOfProcessFinished = true
task.on 'replace:path-replaced', iterator
task.on 'replace:file-error', (error) -> iterator(null, error)
for buffer in @getBuffers()
continue unless buffer.getPath() in filePaths
replacements = buffer.replace(regex, replacementText, iterator)
iterator({filePath: buffer.getPath(), replacements}) if replacements
inProcessFinished = true
Section: Private
# Given a path to a file, this constructs and associates a new
# {Editor}, showing the file.
@ -220,91 +329,6 @@ class Project extends Model
[buffer] = @buffers.splice(index, 1)
# Public: Performs a search across all the files in the project.
# * `regex` {RegExp} to search with.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} (default: {})
# * `paths` An {Array} of glob patterns to search within
# * `iterator` {Function} callback on each file found
scan: (regex, options={}, iterator) ->
if _.isFunction(options)
iterator = options
options = {}
deferred = Q.defer()
searchOptions =
ignoreCase: regex.ignoreCase
inclusions: options.paths
includeHidden: true
excludeVcsIgnores: atom.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths')
exclusions: atom.config.get('core.ignoredNames')
task = Task.once require.resolve('./scan-handler'), @getPath(), regex.source, searchOptions, ->
task.on 'scan:result-found', (result) =>
iterator(result) unless @isPathModified(result.filePath)
task.on 'scan:file-error', (error) ->
iterator(null, error)
if _.isFunction(options.onPathsSearched)
task.on 'scan:paths-searched', (numberOfPathsSearched) ->
for buffer in @getBuffers() when buffer.isModified()
filePath = buffer.getPath()
continue unless @contains(filePath)
matches = []
buffer.scan regex, (match) -> matches.push match
iterator {filePath, matches} if matches.length > 0
promise = deferred.promise
promise.cancel = ->
# Public: Performs a replace across all the specified files in the project.
# * `regex` A {RegExp} to search with.
# * `replacementText` Text to replace all matches of regex with
# * `filePaths` List of file path strings to run the replace on.
# * `iterator` A {Function} callback on each file with replacements:
# * `options` {Object} with keys `filePath` and `replacements`
replace: (regex, replacementText, filePaths, iterator) ->
deferred = Q.defer()
openPaths = (buffer.getPath() for buffer in @getBuffers())
outOfProcessPaths = _.difference(filePaths, openPaths)
inProcessFinished = !openPaths.length
outOfProcessFinished = !outOfProcessPaths.length
checkFinished = ->
deferred.resolve() if outOfProcessFinished and inProcessFinished
unless outOfProcessFinished.length
flags = 'g'
flags += 'i' if regex.ignoreCase
task = Task.once require.resolve('./replace-handler'), outOfProcessPaths, regex.source, flags, replacementText, ->
outOfProcessFinished = true
task.on 'replace:path-replaced', iterator
task.on 'replace:file-error', (error) -> iterator(null, error)
for buffer in @getBuffers()
continue unless buffer.getPath() in filePaths
replacements = buffer.replace(regex, replacementText, iterator)
iterator({filePath: buffer.getPath(), replacements}) if replacements
inProcessFinished = true
buildEditorForBuffer: (buffer, editorOptions) ->
editor = new Editor(_.extend({buffer, registerEditor: true}, editorOptions))