All specs pass w/ TextMateGrammar for tokenization (auto-indent disabled)

This commit is contained in:
Corey Johnson & Nathan Sobo 2012-08-03 12:00:05 -06:00
parent 08a55dfcac
commit 1a243adfcf
14 changed files with 68 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Project = require 'project'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
EditSession = require 'edit-session'
fdescribe "EditSession", ->
describe "EditSession", ->
[buffer, editSession, lineLengths] = []
beforeEach ->
@ -656,13 +656,13 @@ fdescribe "EditSession", ->
editSession.insertText('holy cow')
describe "when auto-indent is enabled", ->
xdescribe "when auto-indent is enabled", ->
beforeEach ->
describe "when editing a non-wrapped line", ->
describe "when a newline is inserted", ->
it "auto-indents the newline for each cursor", ->
it "auto-indents the new line for each cursor", ->
editSession.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 30])
editSession.addCursorAtScreenPosition([4, 29])
@ -684,6 +684,14 @@ fdescribe "EditSession", ->
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toEqual(" }")
expect(editSession.getCursorBufferPosition().column).toBe 3
describe "when the line is already indented beyond the suggested depth", ->
describe "when text without a newline is inserted", ->
it "does not modify the line's indentation level", ->
describe "when text with a newline is inserted", ->
it "only modifies the indentation level of subsequent lines, but not the current line", ->
describe "when editing a wrapped line", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -772,7 +780,7 @@ fdescribe "EditSession", ->
expect(cursor2.getBufferPosition()).toEqual [8,0]
describe ".insertNewlineBelow()", ->
it "inserts a newline below the cursor's current line, autoindents it, and moves the cursor to the end of the line", ->
xit "inserts a newline below the cursor's current line, autoindents it, and moves the cursor to the end of the line", ->
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "var quicksort = function () {"
@ -1105,7 +1113,7 @@ fdescribe "EditSession", ->
describe "when auto-indent is on and there is no text after the cursor", ->
xdescribe "when auto-indent is on and the line only contains whitespace", ->
describe "when the preceding line opens a new level of indentation", ->
it "increases the level of indentation by one", ->
buffer.insert([5, 0], " \n")

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ describe "Editor", ->
editor.lineOverdraw = 2
editor.isFocused = true
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ describe "Editor", ->
describe "when buffer is modified", ->
it "triggers alert and does not close session", ->
it "triggers an alert and does not close the session", ->
spyOn(editor, 'remove').andCallThrough()
spyOn($native, 'alert')
editor.insertText("I AM CHANGED!")
@ -989,13 +988,13 @@ describe "Editor", ->
it "syntax highlights code based on the file type", ->
line1 = editor.renderedLines.find('.line:first')
expect(line1.find('span:eq(0)')).toMatchSelector '.keyword.definition'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(0)')).toMatchSelector '.storage-type-js'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(0)').text()).toBe 'var'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(1)')).toMatchSelector '.text'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(1)')).toMatchSelector '.source-js'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(1)').text()).toBe ' '
expect(line1.find('span:eq(2)')).toMatchSelector '.identifier'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(2)')).toMatchSelector '.entity-name-function-js'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(2)').text()).toBe 'quicksort'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(4)')).toMatchSelector '.operator'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(4)')).toMatchSelector '.keyword-operator-js'
expect(line1.find('span:eq(4)').text()).toBe '='
line12 = editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(11)')
@ -1003,9 +1002,9 @@ describe "Editor", ->
describe "when lines are updated in the buffer", ->
it "syntax highlights the updated lines", ->
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(0) span:eq(0)')).toMatchSelector '.keyword.definition'
buffer.insert([0, 4], "g")
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(0) span:eq(0)')).toMatchSelector '.keyword.definition'
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(0) span:eq(0)')).toMatchSelector '.storage-type-js'
buffer.insert([0, 0], "q")
expect(editor.renderedLines.find('.line:eq(0) span:eq(0)')).not.toMatchSelector '.storage-type-js'
# verify that re-highlighting can occur below the changed line
buffer.insert([5,0], "/* */")

View File

@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ describe "LineMap", ->
describe ".linesForScreenRows(startRow, endRow)", ->
it "returns lines for the given row range, concatenating fragments that belong on a single screen line", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(11)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(16)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(15)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2, line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.linesForScreenRows(1, 3)).toEqual [line1, line2, line3]
# repeating assertion to cover a regression where this method mutated lines
expect(map.linesForScreenRows(1, 3)).toEqual [line1, line2, line3]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
TextMateBundle = require 'text-mate-bundle'
fdescribe "TextMateBundle", ->
describe "TextMateBundle", ->
describe ".getPreferenceInScope(scope, preferenceName)", ->
it "returns the preference by the given name in the given scope or undefined if there isn't one", ->
expect(TextMateBundle.getPreferenceInScope('', 'decreaseIndentPattern')).toBe '^\\s*(\\}|\\]|else|catch|finally)$'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
TokenizedBuffer = require 'tokenized-buffer'
describe "Token", ->
[editSession, token] = []
beforeEach ->
tabText = ' '
editSession = fixturesProject.buildEditSessionForPath('sample.js')
{ tokenizedBuffer } = editSession
screenLine = tokenizedBuffer.lineForScreenRow(3)
token = _.last(screenLine.tokens)
afterEach ->
describe ".getCssClassString()", ->
it "returns a class for every scope prefix, replacing . characters in scope names with --", ->
expect(token.getCssClassString()).toBe 'source source-js punctuation punctuation-terminator punctuation-terminator-statement punctuation-terminator-statement-js'

View File

@ -401,7 +401,6 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
expect(treeView.scrollTop()).toBe 0
entryCount = treeView.find(".entry").length
console.log entryCount
_.times entryCount, -> treeView.moveDown()
expect(treeView.scrollBottom()).toBe treeView.prop('scrollHeight')

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class EditSession
anchorRanges: null
cursors: null
selections: null
autoIndent: true
autoIndent: false # TODO: re-enabled auto-indent after fixing the rest of tokenization
softTabs: true
softWrap: false
@ -139,10 +139,7 @@ class EditSession
indent: ->
currentRow = @getCursorBufferPosition().row
if @getSelection().isEmpty()
whitespaceMatch = @lineForBufferRow(currentRow).match /^\s*$/
if @autoIndent and whitespaceMatch
else if @softTabs
if @softTabs

View File

@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ class Editor extends View
@raw ' ' if line.text == ''
for token in line.tokens
@span { class: token.type.replace('.', ' ') }, token.value
@span { class: token.getCssClassString() }, token.value
insertLineElements: (row, lineElements) ->
@spliceLineElements(row, 0, lineElements)

View File

@ -10,21 +10,18 @@ ChildProcess = require 'child-process'
module.exports =
class Project
tabText: ' '
autoIndent: false
softTabs: true
softWrap: false
rootDirectory: null
editSessions: null
tabText: null
autoIndent: null
softTabs: null
softWrap: null
ignoredPathRegexes: null
constructor: (path) ->
@editSessions = []
@buffers = []
@setTabText(' ')
@ignoredPathRegexes = [

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TextMateBundle
@grammarsByFileType[fileType] = grammar
@grammarForFileName: (fileName) ->
extension = fs.extension(fileName)[1...]
extension = fs.extension(fileName)?[1...]
@grammarsByFileType[extension] or @grammarsByFileType["txt"]
@getPreferenceInScope: (scopeSelector, preferenceName) ->

View File

@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ class Pattern
regex: null
captures: null
constructor: (@grammar, { name, @include, match, begin, end, captures, beginCaptures, endCaptures, patterns, @popRule}) ->
@scopeName = name
constructor: (@grammar, { name, contentName, @include, match, begin, end, captures, beginCaptures, endCaptures, patterns, @popRule}) ->
@scopeName = name ? contentName # TODO: We need special treatment of contentName
if match
@regex = new OnigRegExp(match)
@captures = captures

View File

@ -32,3 +32,15 @@ class Token
buildTabToken: (tabText) ->
new Token(value: tabText, scopes: @scopes, bufferDelta: 1, isAtomic: true)
getCssClassString: ->
@cssClassString ?= @getCssClasses().join(' ')
getCssClasses: ->
classes = []
for scope in @scopes
scopeComponents = scope.split('.')
for i in [0...scopeComponents.length]
classes.push scopeComponents[0..i].join('-')

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ windowAdditions =
$(document).on 'keydown', @_handleKeyEvent
startup: (path) ->
$(window).on 'close', => @close()
$(window).on 'beforeunload', =>
@ -31,7 +32,6 @@ windowAdditions =
atom.windowOpened this
shutdown: ->

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module.exports =
# more non-dot characters. Returns an empty string if no valid
# extension exists.
extension: (path) ->
return '' unless typeof path is 'string'
match = @base(path).match(/\.[^\.]+$/)
if match