Remove the ALL_CAPS vars replace with CapCamelCase

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2013-10-03 13:34:47 -07:00
parent 156b6a9490
commit 1a6884ff71

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
_ = require './underscore-extensions'
textUtils = require './text-utils'
whitespaceRegexesByTabLength = {}
WhitespaceRegexesByTabLength = {}
LeadingWhitespaceRegex = /^[ ]+/
TrailingWhitespaceRegex = /[ ]+$/
EscapeRegex = /[&"'<>]/g
# Private: Represents a single unit of text as selected by a grammar.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Token
[new Token(value: value1, scopes: @scopes), new Token(value: value2, scopes: @scopes)]
whitespaceRegexForTabLength: (tabLength) ->
whitespaceRegexesByTabLength[tabLength] ?= new RegExp("([ ]{#{tabLength}})|(\t)|([^\t]+)", "g")
WhitespaceRegexesByTabLength[tabLength] ?= new RegExp("([ ]{#{tabLength}})|(\t)|([^\t]+)", "g")
breakOutAtomicTokens: (tabLength, breakOutLeadingWhitespace) ->
if @hasSurrogatePair
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class Token
leadingHtml = ''
trailingHtml = ''
if hasLeadingWhitespace and match = LEADING_WHITESPACE_REGEX.exec(html)
if hasLeadingWhitespace and match = LeadingWhitespaceRegex.exec(html)
classes = 'leading-whitespace'
classes += ' indent-guide' if hasIndentGuide
classes += ' invisible-character' if
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class Token
startIndex = match[0].length
if hasTrailingWhitespace and match = TRAILING_WHITESPACE_REGEX.exec(html)
if hasTrailingWhitespace and match = TrailingWhitespaceRegex.exec(html)
classes = 'trailing-whitespace'
classes += ' indent-guide' if hasIndentGuide and not hasLeadingWhitespace
classes += ' invisible-character' if