Fix #505. Update grammars if any included grammars are updated.

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2013-04-22 09:50:15 -06:00
parent b856ab16cf
commit 35f0b7b49e
4 changed files with 25 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -242,6 +242,23 @@ describe "TextMateGrammar", ->
expect(tokens[21]).toEqual value: 'div', scopes: ["text.html.ruby","meta.tag.block.any.html",""]
expect(tokens[22]).toEqual value: '>', scopes: ["text.html.ruby","meta.tag.block.any.html","punctuation.definition.tag.end.html"]
it "updates the grammar if the included grammar is updated later", ->
atom.activatePackage('html.tmbundle', sync: true)
atom.activatePackage('ruby-on-rails-tmbundle', sync: true)
grammar = syntax.selectGrammar('foo.html.erb')
grammarUpdatedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("grammarUpdatedHandler")
grammar.on 'grammar-updated', grammarUpdatedHandler
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine("<div class='name'><% <<-SQL select * from users;")
expect(tokens[12].value).toBe " select * from users;"
atom.activatePackage('sql.tmbundle', sync: true)
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine("<div class='name'><% <<-SQL select * from users;")
expect(tokens[12].value).toBe " "
expect(tokens[13].value).toBe "select"
describe "when a grammar matching the desired scope is unavailable", ->
it "updates the grammar if a matching grammar is added later", ->

View File

@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ class NullGrammar
tokenizeLine: (line) ->
{ tokens: [new Token(value: line, scopes: ['null-grammar.text.plain'])] }
grammarAddedOrRemoved: -> # no op
grammarUpdated: -> # noop
_.extend NullGrammar.prototype, EventEmitter

View File

@ -34,16 +34,17 @@ class Syntax
previousGrammars = new Array(@grammars...)
@grammarsByScopeName[grammar.scopeName] = grammar
@notifyOtherGrammars(previousGrammars, grammar.scopeName)
@trigger 'grammar-added', grammar
removeGrammar: (grammar) ->
_.remove(@grammars, grammar)
delete @grammarsByScopeName[grammar.scopeName]
@notifyOtherGrammars(@grammars, grammar.scopeName)
notifyOtherGrammars: (grammars, scopeName) ->
grammar.grammarAddedOrRemoved(scopeName) for grammar in grammars
grammarUpdated: (scopeName) ->
for grammar in @grammars when grammar.scopeName isnt scopeName
setGrammarOverrideForPath: (path, scopeName) ->
@grammarOverridesByPath[path] = scopeName

View File

@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ class TextMateGrammar
addIncludedGrammarScope: (scope) ->
@includedGrammarScopes.push(scope) unless _.include(@includedGrammarScopes, scope)
grammarAddedOrRemoved: (scopeName) =>
grammarUpdated: (scopeName) =>
return unless _.include(@includedGrammarScopes, scopeName)
@trigger 'grammar-updated'
getScore: (path, contents) ->