Reorganize private methods into section

This commit is contained in:
Ben Ogle 2014-10-01 16:34:51 -07:00
parent 356f4bec7c
commit 38e889b7d8

View File

@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ class Config
deprecate 'Config::unobserve no longer does anything. Call `.dispose()` on the object returned by Config::observe instead.'
Section: Internal to Core
Section: Internal methods used by core
pushAtKeyPath: (keyPath, value) ->
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class Config
Section: Private
Section: Private methods managing the user's config file
initializeConfigDirectory: (done) ->
@ -586,6 +586,42 @@ class Config
save: ->
CSON.writeFileSync(@configFilePath, @settings)
Section: Private methods managing global settings
setAll: (newSettings) ->
unless isPlainObject(newSettings)
@settings = {}
@emitter.emit 'did-change'
unsetUnspecifiedValues = (keyPath, value) =>
if isPlainObject(value)
keys = if keyPath? then keyPath.split('.') else []
for key, childValue of value
continue unless value.hasOwnProperty(key)
unsetUnspecifiedValues(keys.concat([key]).join('.'), childValue)
@setRawValue(keyPath, undefined) unless _.valueForKeyPath(newSettings, keyPath)?
@setRecursive(null, newSettings)
unsetUnspecifiedValues(null, @settings)
setRecursive: (keyPath, value) ->
if isPlainObject(value)
keys = if keyPath? then keyPath.split('.') else []
for key, childValue of value
continue unless value.hasOwnProperty(key)
@setRecursive(keys.concat([key]).join('.'), childValue)
value = @makeValueConformToSchema(keyPath, value)
@setRawValue(keyPath, value)
catch e
console.warn("'#{keyPath}' could not be set. Attempted value: #{JSON.stringify(value)}; Schema: #{JSON.stringify(@getSchema(keyPath))}")
getRawValue: (keyPath) ->
value = _.valueForKeyPath(@settings, keyPath)
defaultValue = _.valueForKeyPath(@defaultSettings, keyPath)
@ -613,38 +649,6 @@ class Config
newValue = @get(keyPath)
@emitter.emit 'did-change', {oldValue, newValue, keyPath} unless _.isEqual(newValue, oldValue)
setRecursive: (keyPath, value) ->
if isPlainObject(value)
keys = if keyPath? then keyPath.split('.') else []
for key, childValue of value
continue unless value.hasOwnProperty(key)
@setRecursive(keys.concat([key]).join('.'), childValue)
value = @makeValueConformToSchema(keyPath, value)
@setRawValue(keyPath, value)
catch e
console.warn("'#{keyPath}' could not be set. Attempted value: #{JSON.stringify(value)}; Schema: #{JSON.stringify(@getSchema(keyPath))}")
setAll: (newSettings) ->
unless isPlainObject(newSettings)
@settings = {}
@emitter.emit 'did-change'
unsetUnspecifiedValues = (keyPath, value) =>
if isPlainObject(value)
keys = if keyPath? then keyPath.split('.') else []
for key, childValue of value
continue unless value.hasOwnProperty(key)
unsetUnspecifiedValues(keys.concat([key]).join('.'), childValue)
@setRawValue(keyPath, undefined) unless _.valueForKeyPath(newSettings, keyPath)?
@setRecursive(null, newSettings)
unsetUnspecifiedValues(null, @settings)
setDefaults: (keyPath, defaults) ->
if defaults? and isPlainObject(defaults)
keys = if keyPath? then keyPath.split('.') else []