Merge pull request #4796 from atom/mb-config-get-all

Add Config::getAll
This commit is contained in:
Max Brunsfeld 2014-12-29 11:35:43 -08:00
commit 3c6dab22d8
6 changed files with 57 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"reactionary-atom-fork": "^1.0.0",
"runas": "1.0.1",
"scandal": "1.0.3",
"scoped-property-store": "^0.15.5",
"scoped-property-store": "^0.16.0",
"scrollbar-style": "^1.0.2",
"season": "^1.0.2",
"semver": "2.2.1",

View File

@ -95,6 +95,30 @@ describe "Config", ->
atom.config.set("", 1, scopeSelector: "", source: "some-package")
expect(atom.config.get("", scope: [""])).toBe 100
describe ".getAll(keyPath, {scope, sources, excludeSources})", ->
it "reads all of the values for a given key-path", ->
expect(atom.config.set("foo", 41)).toBe true
expect(atom.config.set("foo", 43, scopeSelector: ".a .b")).toBe true
expect(atom.config.set("foo", 42, scopeSelector: ".a")).toBe true
expect(atom.config.set("foo", 44, scopeSelector: ".a .b.c")).toBe true
expect(atom.config.set("foo", -44, scopeSelector: ".d")).toBe true
expect(atom.config.getAll("foo", scope: [".a", ".b.c"])).toEqual [
{scopeSelector: '.a .b.c', value: 44}
{scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43}
{scopeSelector: '.a', value: 42}
{scopeSelector: '*', value: 41}
it "includes the schema's default value", ->
atom.config.setSchema("foo", type: 'number', default: 40)
expect(atom.config.set("foo", 43, scopeSelector: ".a .b")).toBe true
expect(atom.config.getAll("foo", scope: [".a", ".b.c"])).toEqual [
{scopeSelector: '.a .b', value: 43}
{scopeSelector: '*', value: 40}
describe ".set(keyPath, value, {source, scopeSelector})", ->
it "allows a key path's value to be written", ->
expect(atom.config.set("", 42)).toBe true

View File

@ -495,6 +495,28 @@ class Config
@getRawValue(keyPath, options)
# Extended: Get all of the values for the given key-path, along with their
# associated scope selector.
# * `keyPath` The {String} name of the key to retrieve
# * `options` (optional) {Object} see the `options` argument to {::get}
# Returns an {Array} of {Object}s with the following keys:
# * `scopeSelector` The scope-selector {String} with which the value is associated
# * `value` The value for the key-path
getAll: (keyPath, options) ->
{scope, sources} = options if options?
result = []
if scope?
scopeDescriptor = ScopeDescriptor.fromObject(scope)
result = result.concat @scopedSettingsStore.getAll(scopeDescriptor.getScopeChain(), keyPath, options)
if globalValue = @getRawValue(keyPath, options)
result.push(scopeSelector: '*', value: globalValue)
# Essential: Sets the value for a configuration setting.
# This value is stored in Atom's internal configuration file.
@ -987,10 +1009,8 @@ class Config
oldValue = newValue
# TODO: figure out how to change / remove this. The return value is awkward.
# * language mode uses it for one thing.
# * autocomplete uses it for editor.completions
settingsForScopeDescriptor: (scopeDescriptor, keyPath) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use Config::getAll instead")
scopeDescriptor = ScopeDescriptor.fromObject(scopeDescriptor)
@scopedSettingsStore.getProperties(scopeDescriptor.getScopeChain(), keyPath)

View File

@ -67,5 +67,5 @@ class GrammarRegistry extends FirstMate.GrammarRegistry
atom.config.getRawScopedValue(scope, keyPath)
propertiesForScope: (scope, keyPath) ->
deprecate 'A direct (but private) replacement is available at atom.config.scopedSettingsForScopeDescriptor().'
deprecate 'Use atom.config.getAll instead.'
atom.config.settingsForScopeDescriptor(scope, keyPath)

View File

@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ class LanguageMode
# Returns an {Array} of the commented {Ranges}.
toggleLineCommentsForBufferRows: (start, end) ->
scopeDescriptor = @editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([start, 0])
properties = atom.config.settingsForScopeDescriptor(scopeDescriptor, 'editor.commentStart')[0]
return unless properties
scope = @editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([start, 0])
commentStartEntry = atom.config.getAll('editor.commentStart', {scope})[0]
commentStartString = _.valueForKeyPath(properties, 'editor.commentStart')
commentEndString = _.valueForKeyPath(properties, 'editor.commentEnd')
return unless commentStartEntry?
return unless commentStartString
commentEndEntry = atom.config.getAll('editor.commentEnd', {scope}).find (entry) ->
entry.scopeSelector is commentStartEntry.scopeSelector
commentStartString = commentStartEntry?.value
commentEndString = commentEndEntry?.value
buffer = @editor.buffer
commentStartRegexString = _.escapeRegExp(commentStartString).replace(/(\s+)$/, '(?:$1)?')

View File

@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ TextEditorComponent = React.createClass
trackSelectionClipboard: ->
timeoutId = null
{editor} = @props
writeSelectedTextToSelectionClipboard = =>
writeSelectedTextToSelectionClipboard = ->
return if editor.isDestroyed()
if selectedText = editor.getSelectedText()
# This uses ipc.send instead of clipboard.writeText because