Render • instead of line number for soft-wrapped lines

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2014-04-07 19:06:39 -06:00
parent 1162af61ed
commit 486a7937b5
3 changed files with 55 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ describe "EditorComponent", ->
expect(spacers[1].offsetHeight).toBe (editor.getScreenLineCount() - 8) * lineHeightInPixels
describe "gutter rendering", ->
nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160)
it "renders the currently-visible line numbers", ->
nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160) = 4.5 * lineHeightInPixels + 'px'
@ -75,6 +76,21 @@ describe "EditorComponent", ->
expect(spacers[0].offsetHeight).toBe 2 * lineHeightInPixels
expect(spacers[1].offsetHeight).toBe (editor.getScreenLineCount() - 8) * lineHeightInPixels
it "renders • characters for soft-wrapped lines", ->
editor.setSoftWrap(true) = 4.5 * lineHeightInPixels + 'px' = 30 * charWidth + 'px'
lines = node.querySelectorAll('.line-number')
expect(lines.length).toBe 6
expect(lines[0].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}1"
expect(lines[1].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}"
expect(lines[2].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}2"
expect(lines[3].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}"
expect(lines[4].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}3"
expect(lines[5].textContent).toBe "#{nbsp}"
describe "cursor rendering", ->
it "renders the currently visible cursors", ->
cursor1 = editor.getCursor()

View File

@ -105,7 +105,11 @@ class DisplayBuffer extends Model
setHeight: (@height) -> @height
getWidth: -> @width
setWidth: (@width) -> @width
setWidth: (newWidth) ->
oldWidth = @width
@width = newWidth
@updateWrappedScreenLines() if newWidth isnt oldWidth and @softWrap
getScrollTop: -> @scrollTop
setScrollTop: (scrollTop) ->
@ -192,12 +196,19 @@ class DisplayBuffer extends Model
if editorWidthInChars isnt previousWidthInChars and @softWrap
getSoftWrapColumn: ->
if atom.config.get('editor.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength')
Math.min(@editorWidthInChars, atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', @editorWidthInChars))
getEditorWidthInChars: ->
width = @getWidth()
if width? and @defaultCharWidth > 0
Math.floor(width / @defaultCharWidth)
getSoftWrapColumn: ->
if atom.config.get('editor.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength')
Math.min(@getEditorWidthInChars(), atom.config.getPositiveInt('editor.preferredLineLength', @getEditorWidthInChars()))
# Gets the screen line for the given screen row.
# screenRow - A {Number} indicating the screen row.

View File

@ -49,11 +49,20 @@ EditorCompont = React.createClass
height: editor.getScrollHeight()
WebkitTransform: "translateY(#{-editor.getScrollTop()}px)"
wrapCount = 0
div className: 'line-numbers', style: style, [
div className: 'spacer', key: 'top-spacer', style: {height: precedingHeight}
(for bufferRow in @props.editor.bufferRowsForScreenRows(startRow, endRow - 1)
lineNumber = bufferRow + 1
LineNumberComponent({lineNumber, maxDigits, key: lineNumber}))...
if bufferRow is lastBufferRow
lineNumber = ''
key = "#{bufferRow}-#{++wrapCount}"
lastBufferRow = bufferRow
wrapCount = 0
lineNumber = (bufferRow + 1).toString()
key = bufferRow.toString()
LineNumberComponent({lineNumber, maxDigits, key}))...
div className: 'spacer', key: 'bottom-spacer', style: {height: followingHeight}
@ -380,7 +389,18 @@ EditorCompont = React.createClass
clearVisibleRowOverridesAfterDelay: null
onOverflowChanged: ->
{editor} = @props
{height, width} = @measureScrollViewDimensions()
if height isnt editor.getHeight()
update = true
if width isnt editor.getWidth()
update = true
@requestUpdate() if update
onScreenLinesChanged: ({start, end}) ->
{editor} = @props
@ -497,7 +517,6 @@ LineNumberComponent = React.createClass
buildInnerHTML: ->
{lineNumber, maxDigits} = @props
lineNumber = lineNumber.toString()
if lineNumber.length < maxDigits
padding = multiplyString('&nbsp;', maxDigits - lineNumber.length)
padding + lineNumber + @iconDivHTML