mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 08:44:12 +03:00
Merge pull request #3388 from atom/bo-remove-all-old-editor
Remove ancillary old editor views
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
{View} = require './space-pen-extensions'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
module.exports =
class CursorView extends View
@content: ->
@div class: 'cursor idle', => @raw ' '
@blinkPeriod: 800
@blinkCursors: ->
element.classList.toggle('blink-off') for [element] in @cursorViews
@startBlinking: (cursorView) ->
@cursorViews ?= []
if @cursorViews.length is 1
@blinkInterval = setInterval(@blinkCursors.bind(this), @blinkPeriod / 2)
@stopBlinking: (cursorView) ->
_.remove(@cursorViews, cursorView)
clearInterval(@blinkInterval) if @cursorViews.length is 0
blinking: false
visible: true
needsUpdate: true
needsRemoval: false
shouldPauseBlinking: false
initialize: (@cursor, @editorView) ->
@subscribe @cursor, 'moved', =>
@needsUpdate = true
@shouldPauseBlinking = true
@subscribe @cursor, 'visibility-changed', =>
@needsUpdate = true
@subscribe @cursor, 'autoscrolled', =>
@subscribe @cursor, 'destroyed', =>
@needsRemoval = true
beforeRemove: ->
updateDisplay: ->
screenPosition = @getScreenPosition()
pixelPosition = @getPixelPosition()
unless _.isEqual(@lastPixelPosition, pixelPosition)
@lastPixelPosition = pixelPosition
@trigger 'cursor:moved'
if @shouldPauseBlinking
else if !@startBlinkingTimeout
@setVisible(@cursor.isVisible() and not @editorView.getEditor().isFoldedAtScreenRow(screenPosition.row))
# Override for speed. The base function checks the computedStyle
isHidden: ->
this[0].style.display is 'none' or not @isOnDom()
needsAutoscroll: ->
clearAutoscroll: ->
getPixelPosition: ->
setVisible: (visible) ->
unless @visible is visible
@visible = visible
hiddenCursor = 'hidden-cursor'
if visible
@removeClass hiddenCursor
@addClass hiddenCursor
stopBlinking: ->
@constructor.stopBlinking(this) if @blinking
@blinking = false
startBlinking: ->
@constructor.startBlinking(this) unless @blinking
@blinking = true
resetBlinking: ->
getBufferPosition: ->
getScreenPosition: ->
removeIdleClassTemporarily: ->
@removeClass 'idle'
window.clearTimeout(@idleTimeout) if @idleTimeout
@idleTimeout = window.setTimeout (=> @addClass 'idle'), 200
resetCursorAnimation: ->
window.clearTimeout(@idleTimeout) if @idleTimeout
@removeClass 'idle'
_.defer => @addClass 'idle'
@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
{View, $, $$, $$$} = require './space-pen-extensions'
{Range} = require 'text-buffer'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
# Represents the portion of the {EditorView} containing row numbers.
# The gutter also indicates if rows are folded.
module.exports =
class GutterView extends View
@content: ->
@div class: 'gutter', =>
@div outlet: 'lineNumbers', class: 'line-numbers'
firstScreenRow: null
lastScreenRow: null
initialize: ->
@elementBuilder = document.createElement('div')
afterAttach: (onDom) ->
return if @attached or not onDom
@attached = true
highlightLines = => @highlightLines()
@getEditorView().on 'cursor:moved', highlightLines
@getEditorView().on 'selection:changed', highlightLines
@on 'mousedown', (e) => @handleMouseEvents(e)
beforeRemove: ->
handleMouseEvents: (e) ->
editorView = @getEditorView()
editor = @getEditor()
startRow = editorView.screenPositionFromMouseEvent(e).row
if e.shiftKey
editor.selectToScreenPosition([startRow + 1, 0])
editor.getSelection().setScreenRange([[startRow, 0], [startRow, 0]])
moveHandler = (e) ->
start = startRow
end = editorView.screenPositionFromMouseEvent(e).row
if end > start then end++ else start++
editor.getSelection().setScreenRange([[start, 0], [end, 0]])
$(document).on "mousemove.gutter-#{editorView.id}", moveHandler
$(document).one "mouseup.gutter-#{editorView.id}", -> $(document).off 'mousemove', moveHandler
# Retrieves the containing {EditorView}.
# Returns an {EditorView}.
getEditorView: ->
getEditor: ->
# Defines whether to show the gutter or not.
# showLineNumbers - A {Boolean} which, if `false`, hides the gutter
setShowLineNumbers: (showLineNumbers) ->
if showLineNumbers then @lineNumbers.show() else @lineNumbers.hide()
# Get all the line-number divs.
# Returns a list of {HTMLElement}s.
getLineNumberElements: ->
# Get all the line-number divs.
# Returns a list of {HTMLElement}s.
getLineNumberElementsForClass: (klass) ->
# Get a single line-number div.
# * bufferRow: 0 based line number
# Returns a list of {HTMLElement}s that correspond to the bufferRow. More than
# one in the list indicates a wrapped line.
getLineNumberElement: (bufferRow) ->
# Add a class to all line-number divs.
# * klass: string class name
# Returns true if the class was added to any lines
addClassToAllLines: (klass) ->
elements = @getLineNumberElements()
el.classList.add(klass) for el in elements
# Remove a class from all line-number divs.
# * klass: string class name. Can only be one class name. i.e. 'my-class'
# Returns true if the class was removed from any lines
removeClassFromAllLines: (klass) ->
# This is faster than calling $.removeClass on all lines, and faster than
# making a new array and iterating through it.
elements = @getLineNumberElementsForClass(klass)
willRemoveClasses = !!elements.length
elements[0].classList.remove(klass) while elements.length > 0
# Add a class to a single line-number div
# * bufferRow: 0 based line number
# * klass: string class name
# Returns true if there were lines the class was added to
addClassToLine: (bufferRow, klass) ->
elements = @getLineNumberElement(bufferRow)
el.classList.add(klass) for el in elements
# Remove a class from a single line-number div
# * bufferRow: 0 based line number
# * klass: string class name
# Returns true if there were lines the class was removed from
removeClassFromLine: (bufferRow, klass) ->
classesRemoved = false
elements = @getLineNumberElement(bufferRow)
for el in elements
hasClass = el.classList.contains(klass)
classesRemoved |= hasClass
el.classList.remove(klass) if hasClass
updateLineNumbers: (changes, startScreenRow, endScreenRow) ->
# Check if we have something already rendered that overlaps the requested range
updateAllLines = not (startScreenRow? and endScreenRow?)
updateAllLines |= endScreenRow <= @firstScreenRow or startScreenRow >= @lastScreenRow
unless updateAllLines
for change in changes
if change.screenDelta or change.bufferDelta
updateAllLines = true
# Rebuild the entire gutter if a change added or removed lines
if updateAllLines
@lineNumbers[0].innerHTML = @buildLineElementsHtml(startScreenRow, endScreenRow)
# Handle changes that didn't add/remove lines more optimally
if startScreenRow < @firstScreenRow
@prependLineElements(@buildLineElements(startScreenRow, @firstScreenRow-1))
else if startScreenRow != @firstScreenRow
@removeLineElements(startScreenRow - @firstScreenRow)
if endScreenRow > @lastScreenRow
@appendLineElements(@buildLineElements(@lastScreenRow+1, endScreenRow))
else if endScreenRow != @lastScreenRow
@removeLineElements(endScreenRow - @lastScreenRow)
@firstScreenRow = startScreenRow
@lastScreenRow = endScreenRow
@highlightedRows = null
prependLineElements: (lineElements) ->
anchor = @lineNumbers[0].children[0]
return appendLineElements(lineElements) unless anchor?
@lineNumbers[0].insertBefore(lineElements[0], anchor) while lineElements.length > 0
null # defeat coffeescript array return
appendLineElements: (lineElements) ->
@lineNumbers[0].appendChild(lineElements[0]) while lineElements.length > 0
null # defeat coffeescript array return
removeLineElements: (numberOfElements) ->
children = @getLineNumberElements()
# children is a live NodeList, so remove from the desired end {numberOfElements} times
if numberOfElements < 0
@lineNumbers[0].removeChild(children[children.length-1]) while numberOfElements++
else if numberOfElements > 0
@lineNumbers[0].removeChild(children[0]) while numberOfElements--
null # defeat coffeescript array return
buildLineElements: (startScreenRow, endScreenRow) ->
@elementBuilder.innerHTML = @buildLineElementsHtml(startScreenRow, endScreenRow)
buildLineElementsHtml: (startScreenRow, endScreenRow) =>
editor = @getEditor()
maxDigits = editor.getLineCount().toString().length
rows = editor.bufferRowsForScreenRows(startScreenRow, endScreenRow)
html = ''
for row in rows
if row is lastRow
rowValue = '•'
rowValue = (row + 1).toString()
classes = "line-number line-number-#{row}"
classes += ' foldable' if row isnt lastRow and editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(row)
classes += ' folded' if editor.isFoldedAtBufferRow(row)
rowValuePadding = _.multiplyString(' ', maxDigits - rowValue.length)
html += """<div class="#{classes}" data-buffer-row=#{row}>#{rowValuePadding}#{rowValue}<div class="icon-right"></div></div>"""
lastRow = row
# Called to update the 'foldable' class of line numbers when there's
# a change to the display buffer that doesn't regenerate all the line numbers
# anyway.
updateFoldableClasses: (changes) ->
editor = @getEditor()
for {start, end} in changes when start <= @lastScreenRow and end >= @firstScreenRow
startScreenRow = Math.max(start - 1, @firstScreenRow)
endScreenRow = Math.min(end + 1, @lastScreenRow)
lastBufferRow = null
for bufferRow in editor.bufferRowsForScreenRows(startScreenRow, endScreenRow) when bufferRow isnt lastBufferRow
lastBufferRow = bufferRow
if lineNumberElement = @getLineNumberElement(bufferRow)[0]
if editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(bufferRow)
removeLineHighlights: ->
return unless @highlightedLineNumbers
for line in @highlightedLineNumbers
@highlightedLineNumbers = null
addLineHighlight: (row, emptySelection) ->
return if row < @firstScreenRow or row > @lastScreenRow
@highlightedLineNumbers ?= []
if highlightedLineNumber = @lineNumbers[0].children[row - @firstScreenRow]
highlightedLineNumber.classList.add('cursor-line-no-selection') if emptySelection
highlightLines: ->
editor = @getEditor()
return unless editor?.isAlive()
if editor.getSelection().isEmpty()
row = editor.getCursorScreenPosition().row
rowRange = new Range([row, 0], [row, 0])
return if @selectionEmpty and @highlightedRows?.isEqual(rowRange)
@addLineHighlight(row, true)
@highlightedRows = rowRange
@selectionEmpty = true
selectedRows = editor.getSelection().getScreenRange()
endRow = selectedRows.end.row
endRow-- if selectedRows.end.column is 0
selectedRows = new Range([selectedRows.start.row, 0], [endRow, 0])
return if not @selectionEmpty and @highlightedRows?.isEqual(selectedRows)
for row in [selectedRows.start.row..selectedRows.end.row]
@addLineHighlight(row, false)
@highlightedRows = selectedRows
@selectionEmpty = false
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
{Point, Range} = require 'text-buffer'
{View, $$} = require './space-pen-extensions'
module.exports =
class SelectionView extends View
@content: ->
@div class: 'selection'
regions: null
needsRemoval: false
initialize: ({@editorView, @selection} = {}) ->
@regions = []
@selection.on 'screen-range-changed', => @editorView.requestDisplayUpdate()
@selection.on 'destroyed', =>
@needsRemoval = true
updateDisplay: ->
range = @getScreenRange()
@trigger 'selection:changed'
return if range.isEmpty()
rowSpan = range.end.row - range.start.row
if rowSpan == 0
@appendRegion(1, range.start, range.end)
@appendRegion(1, range.start, null)
if rowSpan > 1
@appendRegion(rowSpan - 1, { row: range.start.row + 1, column: 0}, null)
@appendRegion(1, { row: range.end.row, column: 0 }, range.end)
appendRegion: (rows, start, end) ->
{ lineHeight, charWidth } = @editorView
css = @editorView.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(start)
css.height = lineHeight * rows
if end
css.width = @editorView.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(end).left - css.left
css.right = 0
region = ($$ -> @div class: 'region').css(css)
getCenterPixelPosition: ->
{ start, end } = @getScreenRange()
startRow = start.row
endRow = end.row
endRow-- if end.column == 0
@editorView.pixelPositionForScreenPosition([((startRow + endRow + 1) / 2), start.column])
clearRegions: ->
region.remove() for region in @regions
@regions = []
getScreenRange: ->
getBufferRange: ->
needsAutoscroll: ->
clearAutoscroll: ->
highlight: ->
@unhighlightTimeout = setTimeout((=> @unhighlight()), 1000)
unhighlight: ->
remove: ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user