This commit is contained in:
Kevin Sawicki 2013-06-10 13:24:02 -07:00
parent 8dbac6a34f
commit 4c2a40808b

View File

@ -34,22 +34,29 @@ class ArchiveView extends ScrollView
console.error("Error listing archive file: #{@path}", error.stack ? error)
for entry in entries
if entry.isDirectory()
@tree.append(new DirectoryView(@path, entry))
@tree.append(new FileView(@path, entry))
createTreeEntries: (entries) ->
for entry in entries
if entry.isDirectory()
@tree.append(new DirectoryView(@path, entry))
@tree.append(new FileView(@path, entry))
fileCount = @tree.find('.file').length
fileLabel = if fileCount is 1 then "1 file" else "#{humanize.intcomma(fileCount)} files"
directoryCount = @tree.find('.directory').length
directoryLabel = if directoryCount is 1 then "1 folder" else "#{humanize.intcomma(directoryCount)} folders"
@summary.text("#{humanize.filesize(fs.statSync(@path).size)} with #{fileLabel} and #{directoryLabel}").show()
updateSummary: ->
fileCount = @tree.find('.file').length
fileLabel = if fileCount is 1 then "1 file" else "#{humanize.intcomma(fileCount)} files"
directoryCount = @tree.find('.directory').length
directoryLabel = if directoryCount is 1 then "1 folder" else "#{humanize.intcomma(directoryCount)} folders"
@summary.text("#{humanize.filesize(fs.statSync(@path).size)} with #{fileLabel} and #{directoryLabel}").show()
focusSelectedFile: ->