Switch all documentation links to match CoffeeScript literal notation

Foo::bar for instance methods
Foo.bar for class methods
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Sobo 2014-02-19 17:23:47 -07:00
parent 545b375bb5
commit 53fb36d0e2
10 changed files with 44 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class Clipboard
# Public: Write the given text to the clipboard.
# The metadata associated with the text is available by calling
# {.readWithMetadata}.
# {::readWithMetadata}.
# text - The {String} to store.
# metadata - The additional info to associate with the text.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Clipboard
# Returns an {Object} with the following keys:
# :text - The {String} clipboard text.
# :metadata - The metadata stored by an earlier call to {.write}.
# :metadata - The metadata stored by an earlier call to {::write}.
readWithMetadata: ->
text = @read()
if @signatureForMetadata is @md5(text)

View File

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class Cursor
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
# (default: {::wordRegExp}).
# :includeNonWordCharacters - A {Boolean} indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the default word regex.
# Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ class Cursor
# options - An {Object} with the following keys:
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp})
# (default: {::wordRegExp})
# :includeNonWordCharacters - A Boolean indicating whether to include
# non-word characters in the default word regex.
# Has no effect if wordRegex is set.
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class Cursor
# options -
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
# (default: {::wordRegExp}).
# Returns a {Range}.
getBeginningOfNextWordBufferPosition: (options = {}) ->
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class Cursor
# options -
# :wordRegex - A {RegExp} indicating what constitutes a "word"
# (default: {.wordRegExp}).
# (default: {::wordRegExp}).
getCurrentWordBufferRange: (options={}) ->
startOptions = _.extend(_.clone(options), allowPrevious: false)
endOptions = _.extend(_.clone(options), allowNext: false)

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Modifies the screen range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker.setRange}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker::setRange}
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@displayBuffer.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Modifies the buffer range of the display marker.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker.setRange}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {Marker::setRange}
setBufferRange: (bufferRange, options) ->
@bufferMarker.setRange(bufferRange, options)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Sets the screen position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setHeadScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setHeadBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's head.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setHeadBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Sets the screen position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setTailScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
screenPosition = @displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options)
@setTailBufferPosition(@displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options))
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Sets the buffer position of the marker's tail.
# screenRange - The new {Point} to use
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {DisplayBuffer::bufferPositionForScreenPosition}
setTailBufferPosition: (bufferPosition) ->
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class DisplayBufferMarker
# Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the marker has been destroyed. A marker
# can be invalid without being destroyed, in which case undoing the invalidating
# operation would restore the marker. Once a marker is destroyed by calling
# {Marker.destroy}, no undo/redo operation can ever bring it back.
# {Marker::destroy}, no undo/redo operation can ever bring it back.
isDestroyed: ->

View File

@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ class DisplayBuffer extends Model
# Finds the first marker satisfying the given attributes
# Refer to {DisplayBuffer.findMarkers} for details.
# Refer to {DisplayBuffer::findMarkers} for details.
# Returns a {DisplayBufferMarker} or null
findMarker: (attributes) ->

View File

@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ class EditorView extends View
# bufferPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
# options - A hash matching the options available to {.scrollToPixelPosition}
# options - A hash matching the options available to {::scrollToPixelPosition}
scrollToBufferPosition: (bufferPosition, options) ->
@scrollToPixelPosition(@pixelPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition), options)
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ class EditorView extends View
# screenPosition - An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
# an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
# options - A hash matching the options available to {.scrollToPixelPosition}
# options - A hash matching the options available to {::scrollToPixelPosition}
scrollToScreenPosition: (screenPosition, options) ->
@scrollToPixelPosition(@pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition), options)

View File

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Returns that String used to indicate a tab.
# If soft tabs are enabled, this is a space (`" "`) times the {.getTabLength} value.
# If soft tabs are enabled, this is a space (`" "`) times the {::getTabLength} value.
# Otherwise, it's a tab (`\t`).
getTabText: -> @buildIndentString(1)
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Inserts text at the current cursor positions
# text - A {String} representing the text to insert.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection.insertText}.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection::insertText}.
insertText: (text, options={}) ->
options.autoIndentNewline ?= @shouldAutoIndent()
options.autoDecreaseIndent ?= @shouldAutoIndent()
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Indents the current line.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection.indent}.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection::indent}.
indent: (options={})->
options.autoIndent ?= @shouldAutoIndent()
@mutateSelectedText (selection) -> selection.indent(options)
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
autoIndentSelectedRows: ->
@mutateSelectedText (selection) -> selection.autoIndentSelectedRows()
# Public: Converts all indents to the current {.getTabText} given a {Range}.
# Public: Converts all indents to the current {::getTabText} given a {Range}.
normalizeTabsInBufferRange: (bufferRange) ->
return unless @getSoftTabs()
@scanInBufferRange /\t/, bufferRange, ({replace}) => replace(@getTabText())
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Pastes the text in the clipboard.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection.insertText}.
# options - A set of options equivalent to {Selection::insertText}.
pasteText: (options={}) ->
{text, metadata} = atom.clipboard.readWithMetadata()
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Given a buffer range, this adds a new selection for it.
# bufferRange - A {Range} in the buffer.
# options - An options {Object} for {.markBufferRange}.
# options - An options {Object} for {::markBufferRange}.
# Returns the new {Selection}.
addSelectionForBufferRange: (bufferRange, options={}) ->
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# creates a new selection for it.
# bufferRange - A {Range} in the buffer.
# options - An options {Object} for {.setSelectedBufferRanges}.
# options - An options {Object} for {::setSelectedBufferRanges}.
setSelectedBufferRange: (bufferRange, options) ->
@setSelectedBufferRanges([bufferRange], options)
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# selections and creates new selections for them.
# bufferRange - A {Range} in the buffer.
# options - An options {Object} for {.setSelectedBufferRanges}.
# options - An options {Object} for {::setSelectedBufferRanges}.
setSelectedBufferRanges: (bufferRanges, options={}) ->
throw new Error("Passed an empty array to setSelectedBufferRanges") unless bufferRanges.length
@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Moves every local cursor to a given screen position.
# position - An {Array} of two numbers: the screen row, and the screen column.
# options - An {Object} with properties based on {Cursor.setScreenPosition}.
# options - An {Object} with properties based on {Cursor::setScreenPosition}.
setCursorScreenPosition: (position, options) ->
@moveCursors (cursor) -> cursor.setScreenPosition(position, options)
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Moves every cursor to a given buffer position.
# position - An {Array} of two numbers: the buffer row, and the buffer column.
# options - An object with properties based on {Cursor.setBufferPosition}.
# options - An object with properties based on {Cursor::setBufferPosition}.
setCursorBufferPosition: (position, options) ->
@moveCursors (cursor) -> cursor.setBufferPosition(position, options)
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ class Editor extends Model
# Public: Returns the word under the most recently added local {Cursor}.
# options - An object with properties based on
# {Cursor.getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition}.
# {Cursor::getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition}.
getWordUnderCursor: (options) ->

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class Git
# path - A {String} repository-relative path.
# Returns a {Number} representing the status. This value can be passed to
# {.isStatusModified} or {.isStatusNew} to get more information.
# {::isStatusModified} or {::isStatusNew} to get more information.
getPathStatus: (path) ->
currentPathStatus = @statuses[path] ? 0
pathStatus = @getRepo().getStatus(@relativize(path)) ? 0
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class Git
# path - The {String} path to check.
# Returns a {Number} representing the status. This value can be passed to
# {.isStatusModified} or {.isStatusNew} to get more information.
# {::isStatusModified} or {::isStatusNew} to get more information.
getDirectoryStatus: (directoryPath) ->
{sep} = require 'path'
directoryPath = "#{directoryPath}#{sep}"

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ fuzzyFilter = require('fuzzaldrin').filter
# Subclasses must implement the following methods:
# * {.viewForItem}
# * {.confirmed}
# * {::viewForItem}
# * {::confirmed}
# ## Requiring in packages
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# Public: Set the array of items to display in the list.
# This should be model items not actual views. {.viewForItem} will be
# This should be model items not actual views. {::viewForItem} will be
# called to render the item when it is being appended to the list view.
# items - The {Array} of model items to display in the list (default: []).
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# Public: Populate the list view with the model items previously set by
# calling {.setItems}.
# calling {::setItems}.
# Subclasses may override this method but should always call `super`.
populateList: ->
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# Subclasses may override this method to customize the message.
# itemCount - The {Number} of items in the array specified to {.setItems}
# itemCount - The {Number} of items in the array specified to {::setItems}
# filteredItemCount - The {Number} of items that pass the fuzzy filter test.
# Returns a {String} message (default: 'No matches found').
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# This is called when the item is about to appended to the list view.
# item - The model item being rendered. This will always be one of the items
# previously passed to {.setItems}.
# previously passed to {::setItems}.
# Returns a String of HTML, DOM element, jQuery object, or View.
viewForItem: (item) ->
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# This method must be overridden by subclasses.
# item - The selected model item. This will always be one of the items
# previously passed to {.setItems}.
# previously passed to {::setItems}.
# Returns a DOM element, jQuery object, or {View}.
confirmed: (item) ->
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# This method may be overridden by classes to allow fuzzy filtering based
# on a specific property of the item objects.
# For example if the objects you pass to {.setItems} are of the type
# For example if the objects you pass to {::setItems} are of the type
# `{"id": 3, "name": "Atom"}` then you would return `"name"` from this method
# to fuzzy filter by that property when text is entered into this view's
# editor.
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# Public: Store the currently focused element. This element will be given
# back focus when {.cancel} is called.
# back focus when {::cancel} is called.
storeFocusedElement: ->
@previouslyFocusedElement = $(':focus')
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class SelectListView extends View
# Public: Cancel and close this select list view.
# This restores focus to the previously focused element if
# {.storeFocusedElement} was called prior to this view being attached.
# {::storeFocusedElement} was called prior to this view being attached.
cancel: ->
@cancelling = true

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Modifies the screen range for the selection.
# screenRange - The new {Range} to use.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {::setBufferRange}.
setScreenRange: (screenRange, options) ->
@setBufferRange(@editor.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange), options)
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class Selection
# options - A {Object} with the keys:
# :autoIndent - If `true`, the indentation is performed appropriately.
# Otherwise, {Editor.getTabText} is used.
# Otherwise, {Editor::getTabText} is used.
indent: ({ autoIndent }={})->
{ row, column } = @cursor.getBufferPosition()
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ class Selection
# the given selection.
# otherSelection - A {Selection} to merge with.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {.setBufferRange}.
# options - A hash of options matching those found in {::setBufferRange}.
merge: (otherSelection, options) ->
myGoalBufferRange = @getGoalBufferRange()
otherGoalBufferRange = otherSelection.getGoalBufferRange()
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class Selection
# Public: Compare this selection's buffer range to another selection's buffer
# range.
# See {Range.compare} for more details.
# See {Range::compare} for more details.
# otherSelection - A {Selection} to compare against.
compare: (otherSelection) ->

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Task
# It receives the same arguments that were passed to the task.
# If subclassed, this is intended to be overridden. However if {.start}
# If subclassed, this is intended to be overridden. However if {::start}
# receives a completion callback, this is overridden.
callback: null